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Jewish News: Iran and Pakistan together are a massive problem

And we all know Hindus and pretty much everyone else can't get along either.
The Hindus have mascaraed Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, and even indigenous animist.

Pakistan has 20% Shia population who are extremely patriotic, just like our Sikh, and Christian population.

No, not like sikh and christians we shias are the biggest patriots pakistan have.

:pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan:
and it was U.S weaponry and their money with saudis which put USSR on back track otherwise you couldnt even go to toilet without U.S help.

Really we can't go to toilet without U.S help?

Why is U.S crying in Afghanistan?
Why are Indians crying in Afghanistan?

How many soldiers gave lives against war on terror? Do you hear Pakistani or U.S soldiers dying almost everyday?

So wait. India's weaponry was no doubt better and x10 more in quantity than us in 65 war right? Why did you end up with a defeat?

U.S.S.R invasion. How did 1 PAF F-16 tackle 4 Migs? Did that Americans have their own pilot?

Terrorist attack in Mecca. Saudis called upon Pakistani soldiers to do a military operation... Umm... Saudis actually physically fought against Soviets this time ... lol...

These are U.S weapons Mujaheedens relied on against soviets right?



Currently right now, Pakistan has some of these American and Saudi weapons that that are relied on right?:
F-7 pgs, Mirage III/V, JF-17, J-10, Al-Khalid Tank, F-22P, Shaheen, Ghauri, Babur, Ghaznavi, Abdali, Anza Mk2, Nuclear Bombs
I have been advocating Pakistan should have stronger links with Iran for sometime now. I have noticed some Pakistani's have been reticent because of Saudis etc and some Iranians have been reticent because they think India is only a Pakistani problem.

Wake up guys our enemies know us. We should know who are our natural allies.

Zionism and Hindutva are the enemies of Muslims everywhere



Wake up Muslims before it is too late

Islamic terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wake up humanity before it is too late.:tongue::tongue::tongue::tongue:
Well it is all relative, definitely smarter than Muslims....

That's what your father's thought in Germany before Hitler took action. How long are you gonna con Americans through AIPAC?? What happens when they like Hitler to wake up you are using their blood to defend your inhumane actions around the world?

Not very smart I would say
You do realize that i just responding to his remark "Stupid Jews".
Israel founder told their people to what ever they had to do finish Pakistan and Jinnah told foreign powers that our ever child will fight Israel and so we have rather really old rivalry and as Israel and India are getting closer I don't see much delay in final show down with Israel and India and also in Hadees related to Ghazwa e Hind HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW already told that Muslims after taking Hind will march towards the Palestine which in today world is mostly Israel so it is really old issue not the new one and Israel has also twice tried to attack our Nuclear Plants with the help of America so nothing new in this news
Iran and Pakistan bonhomie is impossible as Iran is a Shia majority country whereas Pakistan is a sunni majority country and we all know that Shias and Sunnis have been at each others throats since the beginning of Islam(to be precise after their prophet passed away).

A good example is Pakistan where hundreds have in killed in Karachi alone in Shia-Sunni violence.

As usual an ignorant Indian talking out of his rear
I'm sorry, but at the end of that EPIC the author said let's go to Mars? Am I right?
Well, what is preventing these guys from going to the Mars? I hope sooner or later they would go there and leave this planet to human beings that love peace and living together, unlike those war mongers in Washington or Tel Aviv. Maybe we should all donate money to build a spaceship and space center in Mars that these guys go there!!!
I'm sorry, but at the end of that EPIC the author said let's go to Mars? Am I right?
Well, what is preventing these guys from going to the Mars? I hope sooner or later they would go there and leave this planet to human beings that love peace and living together, unlike those war mongers in Washington or Tel Aviv. Maybe we should all donate money to build a spaceship and space center in Mars that these guys go there!!!

They are not really the type that will go there voluntarily, they have to be shipped out to Pluto, Mars is too close!
I'm sorry, but at the end of that EPIC the author said let's go to Mars? Am I right?
Well, what is preventing these guys from going to the Mars? I hope sooner or later they would go there and leave this planet to human beings that love peace and living together, unlike those war mongers in Washington or Tel Aviv. Maybe we should all donate money to build a spaceship and space center in Mars that these guys go there!!!

They would take the money and then refuse to go lol
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