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Jewish extremists vanadalize Christian village in Israel


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
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Jewish extremists vandalize Christian village in Israel | Maan News Agency

Jewish extremists vandalize Christian village in Israel
Published yesterday (updated) 04/04/2014 00:35

People leave the Deir Rafat Catholic convent whose walls were
sprayed with a graffiti near the Israeli city of Beit Shemesh,
west of Jerusalem on April 1, 2014.(AFP/Menahem Kahana)

TEL AVIV, Israel (Ma'an) -- Suspected Jewish extremists on Thursday slashed the tires of over 40 cars and sprayed racist graffiti in a predominantly Christian town in northern Israel, Israeli media reported.

The perpetrators sprayed "Only goyim should be evacuated from our land" on a wall in the village of Jish, a majority Maronite village of some 3,000 residents.

The attackers also slashed the tires of 40 cars.

Israeli police have opened an investigation into the incident, and labeled the incident a suspected "price tag" attack.

On Tuesday, Jewish extremists sprayed anti-Christian graffiti on the walls of a convent west of Jerusalem and damaged vehicles parked nearby.

Slogans including "Mary is a cow," "price tag" and "America (is) Nazi Germany" were sprayed in Hebrew on the walls of the Roman Catholic sanctuary.

Last July, two suspects were arrested in connection with the 2012 torching of the door of a Trappist monastery in Latrun, about six miles from the scene of the convent attack.

State of Israel extremists or Jew extremists?

In this case Jewish extremists, these settlers have a free pass on everything they do honestly. Especially in the occupied West Bank, Israel obviously encourages this supremacist ideology over there.
Jewish extremists vandalize Christian village in Israel | Maan News Agency

Slogans including "Mary is a cow," "price tag" and "America (is) Nazi Germany" were sprayed in Hebrew on the walls of the Roman Catholic sanctuary.
Goes to show the sick mentality of these people. Despite all of the wars and blood America fought and spilled for these ungrateful degenerates, that's the thank you they give back to the American people.

Now what pisses me off is that this wasn't labeled a "hate crime". If such a thing had been committed against the Jews in any Western country this would have been considered a "anti-semetic" hate crime and there would have been nationwide media uproar/nonstop propaganda.
Goes to show the sick mentality of these people. Despite all of the wars and blood America fought and spilled for these ungrateful degenerates, that's the thank you they give back to the American people.

Now what pisses me off is that this wasn't labeled a "hate crime". If such a thing had been committed against the Jews in any Western country this would have been considered a "anti-semetic" hate crime and there would have been nationwide media uproar/nonstop propaganda.

That surprised me too, I guess since America also recognizes the West Bank as occupied territory therefore it must be equated to Nazi Germany. This also proves that Israelis are against all Palestinians/Arabs, being Muslim is not a factor, it's being non Jewish that makes you a certified criminal in their eyes.

This arrogance is largely due in part to the grants the state of Israel is given, they don't see the international world taking any steps to restore the rights of the Palestinian people and their industries keep growing, they keep receiving massive military aid so who can blame them for being that arrogant?
Remember you are dealing with chosen people....lolzzzz
This reminds me of this video I once saw.

What the hell is going on? :lol:

LOL. The first Jew that is smiling at the beginning (with the beard) looks like a look-alike of Al-Awlaki outside of the lighter skin color.The one that you can see at the very beginning of the video (first 2-3 seconds). It's scary. Is it his relative? :crazy:

Just noticed the similarity right now.

Would not bet against him being an undercover CIA agent trying to defame the name of Islam.

There was/is also an leading Jewish member of Al-Qaeda. That Adam Gadahn dude.

Adam Yahiye Gadahn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Suspected price tag in Christian village near Safed

Forty vehicles were vandalized and hateful messages were sprayed on nearby wall in only village in Israel that is predominantly Maronite-Catholic.
Maor Buchnik
Published: 04.03.14, 09:08 / Israel News

The tires 40 vehicles were slashed and a nearby wall was spray painted with a message reading "only goyim should be evacuated from our land" in the village of Jish in the Upper Galilee, in the vicinity of Safed.

Police has launched an investigation into the incident, and the immediate suspicion is that the event is another "price tag" attack.

Related stories:
'Nazi America' sprayed on monastery near Beit Shemesh
Some 3,000 people reside in Jish, and it is the only village in Israel with a predominantly Maronite-Catholic population. A third of the village's residents are Muslim.


"Only goyim should be evacuated from our land" (Photo: Ido Beker)

Northern District Police Chief Major General Zohar Dvir spoke with Jish mayor and said that "this is a criminal and despicable phenomenon.

Head of Safed Police Chief Superintendent Yoram Azulay said: "We received a report about hateful graffiti and several vehicles that were damages and their tires slashes. We are dealing with outlaws, and will do everything to bring them to justice. This is an exceptional and serious event."

On Tuesday, during the visit of US Secretary of State John Kerry to the region to attempt to reignite negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, hateful graffiti appeared on the walls of the Deir Rafat Monastery in the vicinity of Beit Shemesh. The walls were spray painted with messages such as "America is Nazi Germany", "price tag", "monkey Jesus" and "cow Maria". In addition, tires of three cars and a truck were slashed. Jerusalem District Police launched an investigation into the event.

In this case Jewish extremists, these settlers have a free pass on everything they do honestly. Especially in the occupied West Bank, Israel obviously encourages this supremacist ideology over there.
Safed isn't in the West Bank, it's in Israel itself.

The hand-written sign in the background to the extreme left reads, "No Fighting" in Hebrew. If you magnifty the sign to the right it says the same thing in Hebrew and, I guess, in Arabic. Hazzy, can you confirm this?

The hand-written sign in the background to the extreme left reads, "No Fighting" in Hebrew. If you magnifty the sign to the right it says the same thing in Hebrew and, I guess, in Arabic. Hazzy, can you confirm this?

I can't see any Arabic, it's a settler 'price tag' vandalizing attack, had Arabs been behind this they would've arrested immediately and put behind bars and charged the same day. Since they're Jewish however, nobody in Israel cares a single bit. And the other messages read what is stated in the article, Israeli sources admit the same things. So what is your point here? Are you trying to justify vandalizing a christian village or making less worse than it really is?

If you're against these actions then simply condemn them and show us you're against these actions. There's nothing to argue over.
I can't see any -
You "can't see"....

I don't like the graffiti, yet an act like this doesn't condemn Israel as a whole nor Jews in general, which is the condemnation you're looking for.

- had Arabs been behind this they would've arrested immediately and put behind bars and charged the same day.
Your speculation that the graffiti artists had to have been Jewish because if they were Arabs they would have been arrested immediately seems pretty shaky to me. You seem to have an exaggerated idea of Israeli efficiency. Furthermore, this isn't "occupied" territory, it's patrolled by local police, and it's likely all the people in the village are Israeli citizens, either Christian or Muslim.

In the second attack mentioned, the one on the monastery, the slogans "America is Nazi Germany" and "monkey Jesus" are phrases I don't think would even appear to a Jew's mind. While "price tag" appears to be a nuisance, there have been attacks falsely attributed to it before: link1, link2.
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