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Jewish extremists vanadalize Christian village in Israel

Like trying to deduce the plot of a movie from just a few frames in the middle: all you have to go on are your prejudices. If the prejudices are formed from falsehoods, you're going to come to incorrect conclusions.
You "can't see"....

Where did I bring up Jews? I'm pointing out the flaw in Israel's policy and also a good portion of the Israeli people who share similar views that non jewish people cannot settle in the land. Also, if you have a source suggesting no such graffiti was sprayed please present it, we're open minded people. This isn't the first time it's happened though and it's acknowledged by Israel. The reason I say had they been Arabs there would've been a different results is because that is a hundred percent true. I've been following this conflict for years now on a daily basis and there are countless examples where Jewish people are given a free pass and soldiers even sympathize with them while Arabs are apprehended almost instantly and a big fuss is made out any actions of an Arab since that's how they want to portray Arabs as hateful people to justify their ongoing occupation of Muslim and Christian Palestinians.
Where did I bring up Jews? I'm pointing out the flaw in Israel's policy and also a good portion of the Israeli people who share similar views -
"Good portion" is not the phrase I'd use.

that non jewish people cannot settle in the land.
You're perfectly aware that there is no such mass violence against non-majority sects in Israel as takes place in Arab and Muslim countries.

Also, if you have a source suggesting no such graffiti was sprayed please present it, we're open minded people.
That's not even in doubt. You're not only trying to exaggerate this incident, but you've stooped to pitching red herrings.
State of Israel extremists or Jew extremists?
Do you ever hear "Egyptian extremist" or "Iraqi extremists"? No, you hear Islamic Extremist. Why the double standards? I guess it's okay to blame Islam on every wrong thing a Muslim does, even though the religion had no part.
"Good portion" is not the phrase I'd use.

You're perfectly aware that there is no such mass violence against non-majority sects in Israel as takes place in Arab and Muslim countries.

That's not even in doubt. You're not only trying to exaggerate this incident, but you've stooped to pitching red herrings.

There is no need of violence when you can wage political, social and economic war against the Palestinians and Arabs. It's because they're very patient with Israel, violence used to break out especially back in the older days in the West Bank many Palestinians were killed including Christians in their churches. That's why a Palestinian Christian founded one of the Palestinian Liberation Organizations.
...violence used to break out especially back in the older days in the West Bank many Palestinians were killed including Christians in their churches.
You've just agreed with me that the Jews of Israel don't commit mass violence against non-Jews. As for the past, you'll have to provide specifics; otherwise, it's just tales told at the behest of terror recruiters.

If one takes two steps back, what one sees seems incredible and terrible. Arabs are killing Arabs, Muslims are killing Muslims, in a swath from Mali to Mesopotamia to Malyasia; they are suffering by the millions due to sectarian and tribal differences. But rather than see this horror for what it is, guys like Hazzy and @LordTyrannus and @al-Hasani are busy clutching at the straws of Jew-hatred, citing blotches of paint sprayed by an individual and rejected by the community as "evidence" that Jews are the ones who should be blamed above all others for the evils in this world!

The Talmud says (in its commentary to Parshas Bo) that such are the ways of the wicked; their faith in G-d is so fragile they refuse to see...
Nazi soldier expelling civilians
Here is a correct title:

An Israeli riot police officer speaks with a local resident during clashes in Umm el-Fahm, Israel.

Picture: REUTERS
You've just agreed with me that the Jews of Israel don't commit mass violence against non-Jews. As for the past, you'll have to provide specifics; otherwise, it's just tales told at the behest of terror recruiters.

If one takes two steps back, what one sees seems incredible and terrible. Arabs are killing Arabs, Muslims are killing Muslims, in a swath from Mali to Mesopotamia to Malyasia; they are suffering by the millions due to sectarian and tribal differences. But rather than see this horror for what it is, guys like Hazzy and @LordTyrannus and @al-Hasani are busy clutching at the straws of Jew-hatred, citing blotches of paint sprayed by an individual and rejected by the community as "evidence" that Jews are the ones who should be blamed above all others for the evils in this world!

The Talmud says (in its commentary to Parshas Bo) that such are the ways of the wicked; their faith in G-d is so fragile they refuse to see...

Israel's violence is state sponsored violence, stop defecting unto other issues. Just let people decide what they make out of this, this isn't a Muslim issue. This is the Israeli palestinain conflict. Don't bring in other tribal conflicts from Africa into this.
Israel's violence is state sponsored violence, stop defecting unto other issues.
I suppose that when Israelis bomb a Arab rocket-launching site that counts as "violence". Such violence is in self-defence. The violence anti-Israeli Arabs commit against Jews isn't about self-defense but about conquest and hatred.

Just let people decide what they make out of this, this isn't a Muslim issue. This is the Israeli palestinain conflict.
When it's convenient for you, don't you make it a "Muslim issue"? If not, why are you here?

Don't bring in other tribal conflicts from Africa into this.
Until 1960 or so the term "Palestinian" was generally reserved for Jews, not Arabs. Arabs fighting Jews in Palestine were seen by themselves as well as foreigners as part of the same culture, the same nationality, fighting non-Arabs in Sudan, Kurdistan, etc. Many, perhaps most, Arabs want to dominate everywhere they live and kill, subjugate, or expel non-Arab persons - even non-Arab animals - from their lands. And this form of thinking, of domination, has spread to Pakistan. I'm a Zionist but I'm not deluded into thinking that the Israel-Palestine conflict is the key to worldwide peace between Arab and non-Arab, Muslim and non-Muslim, rather than just one theater of a larger conflict.
I suppose that when Israelis bomb a Arab rocket-launching site that counts as "violence". Such violence is in self-defence. The violence anti-Israeli Arabs commit against Jews isn't about self-defense but about conquest and hatred.

Israel committed violence long before the first homemade projectiles were created which were used in self-defence against an illegal Israeli military presence in Gaza. We're speaking decades into the past, and that does not indicate self-defence. I'm sure the civilian demonstrators killed during uprisings
were also in defense...or the American sailors killed by Israel. Or the numerous western activist such as the one run over by an Israeli bulldozer...

When it's convenient for you, don't you make it a "Muslim issue"? If not, why are you here?

Actually this is your tactic, to turn it into a Muslim issue since it's convenient for you. This attitude could get you banned on this message board since it's far from the truth.

Until 1960 or so the term "Palestinian" was generally reserved for Jews, not Arabs. Arabs fighting Jews in Palestine were seen by themselves as well as foreigners as part of the same culture, the same nationality, fighting non-Arabs in Sudan, Kurdistan, etc. Many, perhaps most, Arabs want to dominate everywhere they live and kill, subjugate, or expel non-Arab persons - even non-Arab animals - from their lands. And this form of thinking, of domination, has spread to Pakistan. I'm a Zionist but I'm not deluded into thinking that the Israel-Palestine conflict is the key to worldwide peace between Arab and non-Arab, Muslim and non-Muslim, rather than just one theater of a larger conflict.

What the heck do decade long conflicts have anything to do with this thread? You can keep your opinions to yourself, which is a illegitimate demonizing and conjoining of many different ethnicities and nationalities in the world into one monotheistic being which commits violence everywhere. This is about a land dispute, get real and quit speaking gibberish because you think it will suit you. It doesn't, that's why Israel has a horrible reputation around the world, only right wing Jewish extremists and Christian extremists live in your imaginary world. Nobody said it's the key to worldwide peace, you put words in my mouth out of your ***
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