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Je Suis Scumbag: Charlie Hebdo Mocks Victims of Russian Plane Crash

Sick and disgusting, all this should not be allowed.
How else would they sell their useless newspaper then?
since you speak to me with authority, remind me which indian or transnational leftist/socialist/communist group/movement/unit you are leader of or part of.

Yeah, you need to head a politbureau to identify whether a guy who thinks a rich dictator is a true 'communist leader' is actually a leftist.
Yeah, you need to head a politbureau to identify whether a guy who thinks a rich dictator is a true 'communist leader' is actually a leftist.

okay, since this is a open forum, fair would be you creating a thread on why libyan jamahiriya wasn't actually a socialist system tending towards true communism ( which i claim it was ) and why muammar gaddafi was a actually dictator ( which i call as nonsense ).

create the thread at your convenience, with all proofs... and i will bring janata too.

but do read up on my posts first and of others regarding libya.

good morning.

toodle doo.
okay, since this is a open forum, fair would be you creating a thread on why libyan jamahiriya wasn't actually a socialist system tending towards true communism ( which i claim it was ) and why muammar gaddafi was a actually dictator ( which i call as nonsense ).

create the thread at your convenience, with all proofs... and i will bring janata too.

but do read up on my posts first and of others regarding libya.

good morning.

toodle doo.

No :hitwall:
They were asking for trouble and they got it.

No one asks to be killed. Making an ideological case for murder is senseless, at the very least.

why are you turning this into a "islam against the rest" quarrel??

Because no one else except Muslim fundamentalists have a problem with Charlie Hebdo.
Je Suis Scumbag: Charlie Hebdo Mocks Victims of Russian Plane

…because what's funnier than 220 people falling from the sky? Hardy har har.

Rudy Panko

Democracy's favorite illustrated periodical “Charlie Hebdo” is famous for drawing stupid comics that make people angry. So of course this brave band of Frenchpeople had to mock the 220 victims of the recent Russian plane crash in Egypt. According to Russia's REN TV:

“The first caricature shows flying bodies and the aircraft wreckage falling on a terrorist. The text under the caricature says: “Russian aviation intensifies its bombings,” the TV channel reported.

Ha-ha. Get it?

Je Suis Scumbag: Charlie Hebdo Mocks Victims of Russian Plane Crash

MH17.... Who's mocking who?
Now you know that the artist is just mentally retarded.
I know it must be education...no doubts
ASCII Stupid, Stupid ANSI

MH17.... Who's mocking who?
They want to tell by depicting falling debris and human on terrorists that ISIS bringing more trouble of itself by shooting down passenger aircraft, giving Russia free hand to bombard Syria and justification they can use now with full home support.
They are not mocking a closer look will tell you they want to express that ISIS brings more trouble for itself by depicting falling debris on terrorists. It’s some kind of abstract satirical sarcasm or criticism. But unfortunately most of the morons can't understand that.
but fortunately, no crazed Russian will go and shoot them for it.
but fortunately, no crazed Russian will go and shoot them for it.
and you are the official spokesperson for Russia ? They already bombing them.
and you are the official spokesperson for Russia ? They already bombing them.
I meant charlie hebdo
Satire should also have a limit, im not really pro Russia but many innocent people died in this crash why being such a douchebag?
They never mock Israel, Zionism or Jews. They fired someone who did that.
Well, they do.

I do not fail to see the message, but the means of this message being conveyed, just like in previous "scandalous" Charlie Hebdo covers is somewhat tasteless.
Once again Pakistan's best wishes are with Russia whose people suffer at hands of Israeli Terrorism against their national airplanes
What kind of approach is this?Abusing or mocking God's messenger,plane crashed victims etc.
Seriously, doesn't these nonsense have some common sense?

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