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Jawan commits suicide at forward post in Noushera

Oh what is a forced suicide ?

a jawan denied leaves, thrown into an occupied land with a license to kill still not allowed to see his family, meager salary and constant abuse by seniors. If he goes to commit suicide its a willing, own sweet wish to die by him. RIGHT?

Yea, well. Why were you asking for an enquiry, if you have already determined all the causes of his suicide? All those are your assumptions, unless you were a personal friend of the deceased, and he confided all this to you before killing himself. Denied leave, couldn't see his family, blah blah.

As for the "occupied land" part, only Pakistanis think so. As you very well know, Indians regard it as an integral part of India. Indian armymen, even more so. So that bit about "occupied land" has no relevance to the issue, since what matters is what goes through his mind, not yours.
Yea, well. Why were you asking for an enquiry, if you have already determined all the causes of his suicide? All those are your assumptions, unless you were a personal friend of the deceased, and he confided all this to you before killing himself. Denied leave, couldn't see his family, blah blah.

As for the "occupied land" part, only Pakistanis think so. As you very well know, Indians regard it as an integral part of India. Indian armymen, even more so. So that bit about "occupied land" has no relevance to the issue, since what matters is what goes through his mind, not yours.

what went his head in the occupied land already bore him ashes of his own body.

As far as the causes you need to study a bit more to know that how much ignorant you are about your own issues
what went his head in the occupied land already bore him ashes of his own body.
As far as the causes you need to study a bit more to know that how much ignorant you are about your own issues

You are doing a pretty bad job of concealing your glee at the event.

As far as the causes are concerned, there will be an enquiry, which may or may not reveal the causes. What goes through the mind of somebody is not that easy to make out. It is pathetic that you start screeching about leave denial and inability to see family and so on, when you do not know anything about the person who just tragically ended his own life. Even that is an opportunity for you to take cheap shots about "occupied land" BS, while spouting fake sympathy for the plight of Indian jawans. Well carry on, your agenda is crystal clear. Don't let me stop you.

At least, our people only kill themselves - they don't blow up an entire bus or marketplace with them, like your people are famous for. (Yea, I can take cheap shots as well.)
Stress does that to you. RIP. Forward post duties are stressful anyway. Art of Living or some meditation camps may do some good. AoL did many camps before...the results were excellent.
You are doing a pretty bad job of concealing your glee at the event.

As far as the causes are concerned, there will be an enquiry, which may or may not reveal the causes. What goes through the mind of somebody is not that easy to make out. It is pathetic that you start screeching about leave denial and inability to see family and so on, when you do not know anything about the person who just tragically ended his own life. Even that is an opportunity for you to take cheap shots about "occupied land" BS, while spouting fake sympathy for the plight of Indian jawans. Well carry on, your agenda is crystal clear. Don't let me stop you.

At least, our people only kill themselves - they don't blow up an entire bus or marketplace with them, like your people are famous for. (Yea, I can take cheap shots as well.)

I dont have any glee over deaths because i am not a Bharati.

You can have yours .

many such enquireies have been conducted.

Go through those instead of burrying your head in sand.

As far as fake sympath is concerned i see alot of such fake one in bharatis RIP formality for your own people
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