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Japan’s population slide set to accelerate

The only people that seem to fit the bill are the Filipinos. They can became another despised minority in Japan living in the fringes like the Koreans in Japan.
The moron Japanese claimed aging China? They are really thick skinned. Japan will go first before China.

You didn't understand his argument. What he is saying is that in the next 20 years, China will also start ageing, and will start attracting immigrants, and workers, and caretakers like a huge magnet. So Japan will face additional competition.

Also, this is what I have been saying all along. China should pay attention to its population. The fundamentals to a good economy is a good population.

And young population is what is very essential to keep the innovative spirit.

Just try to understand, will a 40 yr old be able to do innovation today in the internet space, or a youngster of 20 years old who has grown up with the internet, and for whom internet is part of his existence in the most intimate way.

In this way I concur with @Beidou2020

until Japan is rid of its xenophobia, they cannot attract immigrants other than economic migrants from significantly poorer countries. The US attracts immigrants from even Western Europe not just due to economics but due to its ideology. China should learn from US immigration policy and not just attract economic migrants but also ideological migrants who are willing to give up their old culture to become Chinese, just like many westerners or even Asians give up their own culture to become Americans. How many German Americans can even speak one sentence of German, after all?

Actually through out history, China has always been a big attraction for immigrants. China considered itself the civilized one, and anyone can come and become a part of the world. It just so happened, due to the technological limitations of the time, that all people were Mongoloids.

Every great civilization of its time, is a huge attraction and destination for immigrants. Immigrants are able to energize and refresh the society, with infusion of fresh blood and new ideas.
Indonesians can fill the labor gap.

Or Japan can use Syrian crisis to its advantage as well (Syrians are generally educated compared to other immigrant groups---so that's an advantage).
Japan can ask India

It would be very difficult. Many people from my college go to work in japan, but they say, that it is impossible to settle down there. Also, there is also a glass ceiling, a level, after which Japanese firms don't select outsiders to lead the company.

The people that have the most chance to assimilate in japanese society are ironically Chinese and Koreans.
It would be very difficult. Many people from my college go to work in japan, but they say, that it is impossible to settle down there.
Yup Japan is a boring place to live but a nice place to make some money, at least before the currency depreciation.

Also, there is also a glass ceiling, a level, after which Japanese firms don't select outsiders to lead the company.

Bullshit. Many japanese top companies hire foreigners as CEOs

The people that have the most chance to assimilate in japanese society are ironically Chinese and Koreans.
Another BS. Only if they marry japanese spouses. And the koreans are proved hard as rocks to assimilate.

Japan as a society possess little asssimilating power. no matter what some japanese may tell you otherwise
Bullshit. Many japanese top companies hire foreigners as CEOs

How many CEOs can you really name?
And anyways, I study in IIT Bombay, one of the premier institutes of India, and quite a few people go to work in Japan, and the general feedback from alumni has been this. I am just the messenger, of an impression that my college students get from people who have been working there.

Another BS. Only if they marry japanese spouses. And the koreans are proved hard as rocks to assimilate.

Japan as a society possess little asssimilating power. no matter what some japanese may tell you otherwise

Look at Japanese demographics. Of the 1% or so outsiders that have got citizenship, most of them are Chinese or Koreans. Of course they have to be willing to assimilate, often by marrying into a Japanese family. Usually they are forced to take a Japanese name.

But they have the most potential, because they CAN assimilate. An Indian like me, will be a clear outsider, no matter what I do.
How many CEOs can you really name?
And anyways, I study in IIT Bombay, one of the premier institutes of India, and quite a few people go to work in Japan, and the general feedback from alumni has been this. I am just the messenger, of an impression that my college students get from people who have been working there.

Look at Japanese demographics. Of the 1% or so outsiders that have got citizenship, most of them are Chinese or Koreans. Of course they have to be willing to assimilate, often by marrying into a Japanese family. Usually they are forced to take a Japanese name.

But they have the most potential, because they CAN assimilate. An Indian like me, will be a clear outsider, no matter what I do.

You can search it yourself.. but if Indians,I mean the king of office politics, :D claim there is glass ceiling in Japan, then I rest my case and have to take your word for it. Guess some parachuting foreign CEOs who land on top of the glass ceiling dont count.

Of course they have to be willing to assimilate, often by marrying into a Japanese family. Usually they are forced to take a Japanese name.

I bet majority of them are “willing” to assimilate,it‘s just some aspect of the Japanese society are perceived as hard to understand and even weird by foreigners, cant expect people to relate to something they dont even understand
How many CEOs can you really name?
And anyways, I study in IIT Bombay, one of the premier institutes of India, and quite a few people go to work in Japan, and the general feedback from alumni has been this. I am just the messenger, of an impression that my college students get from people who have been working there.

Look at Japanese demographics. Of the 1% or so outsiders that have got citizenship, most of them are Chinese or Koreans. Of course they have to be willing to assimilate, often by marrying into a Japanese family. Usually they are forced to take a Japanese name.

But they have the most potential, because they CAN assimilate. An Indian like me, will be a clear outsider, no matter what I do.

Japanese society is *extremely* conformist. You cannot survive if you are "special" in any way; the alternative is to just drop out of society and become a NEETer (which many people are doing).
Indonesians can fill the labor gap.

Or Japan can use Syrian crisis to its advantage as well (Syrians are generally educated compared to other immigrant groups---so that's an advantage).
but Islamic Syrians tend to blow themselves up or shoot others when things don't go their way.
Potential immigrant pool:

  1. Indonesia
  2. Philippines
  3. Vietnam
  4. Malaysia
  5. Thailand
  6. China
  7. Korea
  8. India , Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh
Aren't there Koreans who've lived there for a century who are still not seen as Japanese? If you can't assimilate a people so similar to you it's hard to see how you could do so from African and Middle Eastern countries or even the rest of Asia.

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