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Japan's economy shrank for the first time in nine quarters

I am not sure if he is atawolf,at least atawolf had better mentality than him and insist to troll china for several years.Whatever his motivation is his mentality seems unstable, let's see if he can continue the work which atawolf used to do
He will make Turkey great again single handedly and he wants us to watch how he will make that happen next week.
Lol Turkish talking about the lack of innovation in Japan. They seem to believe that they are Europeans and therefore part of the West.
Didn't know a Turkey and a Monkey are bosom buddies. We do live in a strange world afterall :lol:
The Japanese did the same thing in the 80s and early 90s (buy German companies or get a lot of influence to get their hands on patents and trade secrets). But you know what, it didn't hurt Germany much, and it didn't help Japan in the long run, look how their economy fizzled out despite stealing (or legally acquiring) all that IP.

The Chinese are extremely similar to how the Japanese were when they "ruled the world", and the Chinese will fizzle out eventually just like Japan did.

Because the much deeper problem is East Asian culture itself, which due to its rote learning school system fails to create "the next Steve Jobs" time and again. All they can do is buy / steal / take over Western IP and build existing stuff cheaper, but this also means they will never be at the forefront of innovation.

Theres a huge difference between China now and Japan 1980.

Japan already reached high income status, with roughly 40% of America's population, in order for it to surpass US in economic output, their GDP per capita needs to be 2.5x higher. Right now, their GPD per capita is roughly 65% of USA, which makes sense considering how they just lack the resource and land of America.

China is different because they are only a lower-mid income nation. They can easily reach high-middle income nation with per capita GDP of 15k and surpass USA economically.

Heck, I won't be surprise if China can reach 25k ish, which is roughly 65% per capital GDP of Japan.
Theres a huge difference between China now and Japan 1980.

Japan already reached high income status, with roughly 40% of America's population, in order for it to surpass US in economic output, their GDP per capita needs to be 2.5x higher. Right now, their GPD per capita is roughly 65% of USA, which makes sense considering how they just lack the resource and land of America.

China is different because they are only a lower-mid income nation. They can easily reach high-middle income nation with per capita GDP of 15k and surpass USA economically.

Heck, I won't be surprise if China can reach 25k ish, which is roughly 65% per capital GDP of Japan.

From a sociological perspective, things happen interestingly: rising living standard is a promise entailed in democracy, but as western and Japanese populations get older they spend less; since capitalism is built on consumerism, companies sell less would contribute less taxes and governments would find it more and more difficult to fulfill the social contract of providing safety and old-age care, police force and pensions will bankrupt governments. Perhaps what lies in the future is jobs being taken over by robots and governments providing financial help for the bottom of the society (social housing, food stamps, nationalised banks), in other words, democratic societies would obtain certain communist aspects. Maybe everything when gone to the extreme would come back towards the middle of a spectrum? Socialist countries embracing capitalism as in China and the US becoming socialist in saving banks and acquiring housing mortgages are examples of this curious trend.
Lmao, japan is supposed to be india's card against China. :rofl:
My friend, I told you before, last year, about 17% of China's GDP came from exports. That's way less than many other countries such as Germany, and probably including Vietnam.

And 13% of the total exports goes to the US market. The rest goes to the rest of the world.

Now, do the math and see how important US market is for China.

Probably, again, much less than it is for Vietnam.

You will say TPP.

Well, if you have TPP, China has BRI.

See which one is more comprehensive and which one has taken more strides.
I told u already,to make BRI work, CN must be able to protect BRI member from uprising and Tomahawk, but CN cant even protect TW from US's control due to the stupidity and inexperience of PLA, so BRI is just CN fantasy, nothing more.

US can easily threaten BRI members to withdraw by Tomahawk like in Syria.

Why u always believe that US never dare to destroy your BRI when your useless & corrupted PLA cant protect BRI members ??

What’s more worrying is that people in China don’t seem to even know that there is a problem, and how can they? They live in a one party state where information is regulated and the party is paranoid about its legitimacy if there’s no growth. The people are very oblivious that there is an impending debt crisis. I bet that China will default on debt/start selling state assets/regulate capital flows even tighter or raise tax rates, cause there’s so much hidden debt by municipal governments and the shadow banking sector. Moody’s was just the beginning, 2008 was caused by a faulty financial product, CDO, made up of shitty debt, China is an entire country built on debt! Time is ticking China, tick tick..
Did u read "Ah Q story" yet ?? After reading, u will find the answer

The story traces the "adventures" of Ah Q, a man from the rural peasant class with little education and no definite occupation. Ah Q is famous for "spiritual victories", Lu Xun's euphemism for self-talk and self-deception even when faced with extreme defeat or humiliation. Ah Q is a bully to the less fortunate but fearful of those who are above him in rank, strength, or power. He persuades himself mentally that he is spiritually "superior" to his oppressors even as he succumbs to their tyranny and suppression. Lu Xun exposes Ah Q's extreme faults as symptomatic of the Chinese national character of his time. The ending of the piece – when Ah Q is carted off to execution for a minor crime – is equally poignant and satirical.
China was the top economy during most part of human history, she only lost the crown to the west barely 200 years ago, but history proved it again and again that China can always successfully claw back to the top after some setbacks. What China is doing now is just an event that happened several times during China's thousands of years long history, reclaiming the crown.
Ah Q is famous for "spiritual victories", Lu Xun's euphemism for self-talk and self-deception even when faced with extreme defeat or humiliation.

Seems like describing you now huh? All the talk about TPP and China begging Vietnam...
Its not easy to defeat US, just see how pathetic PLA did during 1958 TW crisis that make PLA scared to death and dare not fight with US till now


At least VN won, US out and never dare to come back while they still laugh at PLA and keep bullying CN till now due to the stupidity of its PLA and CN leader :cool:

Learn abt human right, Dud. Companies in TPP can sue any TPP Govt.

" VN leader is the servant of VN people " : Ho Chi Minh. Our leader is not stupid king who sit on throne forever like your XI but servant of Vn ppl, dud :cool:
the bigger monkey told small small monkeys that they "won" the war against the Agent Orange, and the small monkeys parada the "fact" everywhere to boost their inferior complexity```it is more like a clownish play rather than an "opinion"```

meanwhile, Russia (the weapon provider), China (the tactics provider) and U.S (the monkey slaughter) are smirking and chattering aside. :lol:
the bigger monkey told small small monkeys that they "won" the war against the Agent Orange, and the small monkeys parada the "fact" everywhere to boost their inferior complexity```it is more like a clownish play rather than an "opinion"```

meanwhile, Russia (the weapon provider), China (the tactics provider) and U.S (the monkey slaughter) are smirking and chattering aside. :lol:
US also is pig slaughter in TW and just like a butcher, she slaughtered PLA wt zero troop loss

Everyone still laugh at the stupidity of PLA in particular and Cnese in general in TW conflict. low IQ Cnese die on both side till now to entertain the whole world and US boss :laugh:
What’s more worrying is that people in China don’t seem to even know that there is a problem, and how can they? They live in a one party state where information is regulated and the party is paranoid about its legitimacy if there’s no growth. The people are very oblivious that there is an impending debt crisis. I bet that China will default on debt/start selling state assets/regulate capital flows even tighter or raise tax rates, cause there’s so much hidden debt by municipal governments and the shadow banking sector. Moody’s was just the beginning, 2008 was caused by a faulty financial product, CDO, made up of shitty debt, China is an entire country built on debt! Time is ticking China, tick tick..
you arent telling anything new about China dooms day stuff```we are, "the people are living in an info regulated one party country", really getting bored now, can you give us something new, so we can go off the "fire wall" to read it? :lol:`````

my`my`my, we are living in 21st century, and yet self-claimed China "experts" are still a job description for ignorant retards``:D
Seems like describing you now huh? All the talk about TPP and China begging Vietnam...
We gave u the correct year of CN chaos, 2023. If CN dont have chaos in 2023, then I will stop posting anything related to CNeconomy.

one condition for 2023 CN chaos. TPP must come into force in 2019.
US also is pig slaughter in TW and just like a butcher, she slaughtered PLA wt zero troop loss

Everyone still laugh at the stupidity of PLA in particular and Cnese in general in TW conflict. low IQ Cnese die on both side till now to entertain the whole world and US boss :laugh:
you can tell us anything that your bigger monkeys had, has been telling you, thats fine```meanwhile, your former daddy China and your current daddy U.S is busy at sorting out new world order````and dont worry, as our pet monkey, we will leave you a good position in your jungle``:lol:

We gave u the correct year of CN chaos, 2023. If CN dont have chaos in 2023, then I will stop posting anything related to CNeconomy.
and you had made the similar claim about TPP right? ```well, maybe it is the reason why no one trusts the viets?
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