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Japan’s Anti-China Coalition Is Dangerous

Guys, you need to forgive Chinese, as we have forgiven Germans. War between China and Vietnam not beneficial to China and Vietnam - it is only benefits the United States. If you make an alliance with U.S. and Japan - it will be the biggest mistake in the history of Vietnam.

what can you say about this ?

Russian news agency removes article slandering Vietnam
VietNamNet Bridge - Russian news agency RIA Novosti has removed an article by Dmitri Kosyrev with content that allegedly slandered Vietnam, after the article was criticized by readers.


The article, "The agreements between Moscow and Beijing better than any statement" by Dimitri Kosyrev was posted on the Ria Novosti website on May 19.

The article caused tempers to flare in public, especially those who have close relations with Russia since it gave a subjective analysis, distorting the history of Vietnam.

In the article, Dimitri Kosyrev had one-sided, misleading arguments about the sovereignty and history of Vietnam and the developments in the East Sea.

One of the most serious mistakes in the article is the statement that the HD-981 oil rig of China is just 27 km from the coast of China and 241km from the coast of Vietnam.

In fact, the drilling rig is anchored completely illegally in the territorial waters and exclusive economic zone of Vietnam and only 130 nautical miles from Vietnam’s coast.

Many readers were very angry about the article. The article has been removed from the website of RIA Novosti.

Tran Cham
The issue here is buddy. We are "concern" you are being used by Japan as a 1st line of defense in their attempt to drag us into war. You don't want to be the human shield, my friend. Our missiles can strike pretty deadly.
start the war, what are you waiting for?
Why do you think the USA didn't ratify UNCLOS, my friend? Give me an answer.
irrelevant fact as America is not a claimant of the SC Sea.
many countries do not sign the treaty. they have their reasons.
It's unlucky for China, their action tell the difference.
And their neighbors tend to believe in what Japan saying than China saying.

Japanese chosen the right time to raise again.
That's a fact !!!
Democratic Republic of Vietnam
Prime Minister's Office
Dear Prime Minister comrades:
We solemnly declare to the Prime Minister comrades:
The Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam recognizes and agree to the decision and statement on the Chinese Government of People's Republic of China on the Territorial Sea of September 4, 1958.
Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam to respect that decision and instructed the relevant national authorities have the responsibility to respect China's thorough 12-mile territorial waters in dealing with all kinds of relations with the People's Republic of China Ocean.
We express our sincere tribute to the Prime Minister, Comrade!
September 14, 1958 in Hanoi
Dear Rev. Premier Beijing, People's Republic of China, Comrade Zhou Enlai
Prime Minister of the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam: Pham Van Dong (signed and sealed)
Government of People's Republic of China statement on the territorial sea (September 4, 1958)
Government of People's Republic of China announced:
1,People's Republic of China's territorial sea width of 12 nautical miles. This requirement applies to all the territory of People's Republic of China, including the Chinese mainland and offshore islands and the mainland and offshore islands across the high seas of Taiwan and its surrounding islands, the Penghu Islands, the Dongsha Islands, Paracel Islands in the Sand , Nansha Islands and other islands belonging to China.

2, Chinese mainland and offshore islands of the territorial sea to connect the mainland shore and along each straight line basis points each on the coast between the outer islands as a baseline, the waters extending outward 12 nautical miles from the baselines of the territorial sea of China. In the waters within the baselines, including the Bohai Bay, Qiongzhou Strait, are China's inland sea, the islands within the baseline, including Dongyin Island, high landing and Matsu islands, white dog archipelago, Wu Yue Island, size Kinmen Island big bear Island, Erdan islands Dongding Island, are China's inland sea.

3, All foreign aircraft and military vessels, without the permission of the government of People's Republic of China, shall enter China's territorial waters and over the territorial sea. Any foreign vessel sailing in China's territorial waters must comply with the relevant laws and government People's Republic of China.

4, The same No.1 and No.2 principle applies to two provisions of Taiwan and its surrounding islands, the Penghu Islands, the Dongsha Islands, the Xisha, Nansha Islands and other islands belonging to China.

5, Taiwan and Penghu are still occupied with the U.S. military, which is a violation of the territorial integrity of the People's Republic of China's sovereignty and illegal behavior. Taiwan and Penghu are waiting to recover, government People's Republic of China have the right to take all appropriate method at the appropriate time, to recover these areas, which is China's internal affairs, not foreign interference.
We also care about huge expenditures of China into military and weapons. For peaceful purpose?

Is it not true that China threaten Japan, isn't it?

Japan never post an Asia map under their missiles ranges like your above post.

It's your neighbors right to prepare something for defending under your missiles attacks once you put their countries to risk
We have 100x more asset than you, therefore our requirement to protect our asset is more than you. Do you understand this, my friend?

We never threatten anybody. Again, I remind you that it was Japan that try to nationalize a dispute island when we both agree not to change the status quo. Why do you always make me repeating again and again this simple fact?

That is not a threat! It is a warning to you Vietnamese for not falling into a human shield trap. We, as peaceful loving people, do not want to harm anybody but if others come knocking on our door with threat of ganging up and cornering us, we have no choice but to protect and defend ourselves from the "gang".

We said many times already that we DO NOT oppose any country to build their military (except Japan because of their tendency to historical revisionism) for defensive purpose. In fact, we don't oppose anybody to form alliance as long as the alliance is not form targeting a particular "third country". We warn directly to our neighbors of the consequence of ganging up and forming military alliance targeting 3rd country.

start the war, what are you waiting for?

irrelevant fact as America is not a claimant of the SC Sea.
many countries do not sign the treaty. they have their reasons.
You continue to bait us into war, aren't you? I cannot wait for little brotha @ViXuyen to come in here to cock your head. LOL

Are you seriously naive as to not understand anything about geopolitical interest of the US, here? LOL I repeat again, until you understand why the US didn't ratify UNCLOS, then you will figure out why we never agree to clarity the 9-dash line. Our friendly strategic rivalry with the US is beyond your comprehension ability. Unfortunately, I am speaking too much of top secret here.

China bully all the countries in the world, not only Phil and Viets.
How can we bully anyone when you got the powerful USA to protect them? Logic is need for the Vietnamese in here.
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No, my friend, the biggest mistake was to trust the Chinese.
we mistakenly thought they wanted peace and prosperity. In reality they want to see us to be more dead than alive, as usual.
Do not you understand, if you switch to the side of the U.S. - you will become a colony again. Not a vassal, not a junior partner, nor, especially, the younger brother - just colony. It turns out that your fathers and grandfathers fought for freedom in vain.
We have 100x more asset than you, therefore our requirement to protect our asset is more than you. Do you understand this, my friend?

We never threatten anybody. Again, I remind you that it was Japan that try to nationalize a dispute island when we both agree not to change the status quo. Why do you always make me repeating again and again this simple fact?

That is not a threat! It is a warning to you Vietnamese for not falling into a human shield trap. We, as peaceful loving people, do not want to harm anybody but if others come knocking on our door with threat of ganging up and corning us, we have no choice but to protect and defend ourselves from the "gang".

We said many times already that we DO NOT oppose any country to build their military (except Japan because of their tendency to historical revisionism) for defensive purpose. In fact, we don't oppose anybody to form alliance as long as the alliance is not form targeting a particular "third country". We warn directly to our neighbors of the consequence of ganging up and forming military alliance targeting 3rd country.

The importance is not what you keep repeating hundred times, but what you doing ...
If you want your neighbors believe in you, let make they believe by keeping your promise,
Threatening your neighbors would lead to unexpect results.

To be frank, no one is coward to fear from your warning.
Japan is far more successful than your effort although they didnot threaten anyone.
They attract their partners.
We have 100x more asset than you, therefore our requirement to protect our asset is more than you. Do you understand this, my friend?

We never threatten anybody. Again, I remind you that it was Japan that try to nationalize a dispute island when we both agree not to change the status quo. Why do you always make me repeating again and again this simple fact?

That is not a threat! It is a warning to you Vietnamese for not falling into a human shield trap. We, as peaceful loving people, do not want to harm anybody but if others come knocking on our door with threat of ganging up and cornering us, we have no choice but to protect and defend ourselves from the "gang".

We said many times already that we DO NOT oppose any country to build their military (except Japan because of their tendency to historical revisionism) for defensive purpose. In fact, we don't oppose anybody to form alliance as long as the alliance is not form targeting a particular "third country". We warn directly to our neighbors of the consequence of ganging up and forming military alliance targeting 3rd country.

You continue to bait us into war, aren't you? I cannot wait for little brotha @ViXuyen to come in here to cock your head. LOL

Are you seriously naive as to not understand anything about geopolitical interest of the US, here? LOL I repeat again, until you understand why the US didn't ratify UNCLOS, then you will figure out why we never agree to clarity the 9-dash line. Our friendly strategic rivalry with the US is beyond your comprehension ability. Unfortunately, I am speaking too much of top secret here.

How can we bully anyone when you got the powerful USA to protect them? Logic is need for the Vietnamese in here.
Do the right thing:

- withdraw the oil rig immediately
- respect Vietnam EEZ
- scrap the 9 dash line
- return to negotiation table

everything else is bla bla bla nonsense. America and Japan have nothing to do with the points I mention above.

Do not you understand, if you switch to the side of the U.S. - you will become a colony again. Not a vassal, not a junior partner, nor, especially, the younger brother - just colony. It turns out that your fathers and grandfathers fought for freedom in vain.
you don´t get it.

we seek help from others to stop Chinese aggression. if not America, then Japan. if not Japan, then an alien nation from Mars. the nation does not matter. America is a just a footnote in our history. Just they had been in Vietnam.

Nobody cares of the past, today and future are more important. How can we protect our territory and interests?
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Do the right thing:

- withdraw the oil rig immediately
- respect Vietnam EEZ
- scrap the 9 dash line
- return to negotiation table

everything else is bla bla bla nonsense. America and Japan have nothing to do with the points I mention above.
I cant post the Picture, but in 1958, Vienam government has recognized that China's rights in Xisha and Nansha islands, and the offical documents can be find. Why Vietnam now have a total different recognition? Can people think French and USA have been defeated with the help of China, so Vietnam doesnt need China no more, moreover oil and gas are found in the SCS and 30% of Vietnam GDP come from them. So the formal recognition has become a wasting paper now?
The importance is not what you keep repeating hundred times, but what you doing ...
If you want your neighbors believe in you, let make they believe by keeping your promise,
Threatening your neighbors would lead to unexpect results.

To be frank, no one is coward to fear from your warning.
Japan is far more successful than your effort although they didnot threaten anyone.
They attract their partners.
What we are doing is of no concern to regional peace. We have call for bilateral talk with relevant players, but nobody listens.

We kept our promise of peaceful rise. Instead it was Japan and Phillipines that broke the promise. Japan nationalizing a dispute island despite both agreed to shield dispute and stick to mutual beneficial relationship back in 1970s. The Philippines broke COC agreement that no parties shall use military vessel to threaten and arrest fisherman in dispute water. Fact is always fact. You cannot hide from it, my friend.
I cant post the Picture, but in 1958, Vienam government has recognized that China's rights in Xisha and Nansha islands, and the offical documents can be find. Why Vietnam now have a total different recognition? Can people think French and USA have been defeated with the help of China, so Vietnam doesnt need China no more, moreover oil and gas are found in the SCS and 30% of Vietnam GDP come from them. So the formal recognition has become a wasting paper now?
NO, that is a lie.
the letter says North Vietnam government recognised China internal water (12nm), from the mainland shore. Nothing else.

As for your "help" during the wars, without China sabotage and double-faced tactics, Vietnam would have avoided the war against America and would be an united country in 1954. Your "help" sucks. the little support you gave Vietnam was completely destroyed by the PLA gangsters.

NO, you were our enemy in the past and are our enemy today. Nothing has changed.
Democratic Republic of Vietnam
Prime Minister's Office
Dear Prime Minister comrades:
We solemnly declare to the Prime Minister comrades:
The Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam recognizes and agree to the decision and statement on the Chinese Government of People's Republic of China on the Territorial Sea of September 4, 1958.
Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam to respect that decision and instructed the relevant national authorities have the responsibility to respect China's thorough 12-mile territorial waters in dealing with all kinds of relations with the People's Republic of China Ocean.
We express our sincere tribute to the Prime Minister, Comrade!
September 14, 1958 in Hanoi
Dear Rev. Premier Beijing, People's Republic of China, Comrade Zhou Enlai
Prime Minister of the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam: Pham Van Dong (signed and sealed)
Government of People's Republic of China statement on the territorial sea (September 4, 1958)
Government of People's Republic of China announced:
1,People's Republic of China's territorial sea width of 12 nautical miles. This requirement applies to all the territory of People's Republic of China, including the Chinese mainland and offshore islands and the mainland and offshore islands across the high seas of Taiwan and its surrounding islands, the Penghu Islands, the Dongsha Islands, Paracel Islands in the Sand , Nansha Islands and other islands belonging to China.

2, Chinese mainland and offshore islands of the territorial sea to connect the mainland shore and along each straight line basis points each on the coast between the outer islands as a baseline, the waters extending outward 12 nautical miles from the baselines of the territorial sea of China. In the waters within the baselines, including the Bohai Bay, Qiongzhou Strait, are China's inland sea, the islands within the baseline, including Dongyin Island, high landing and Matsu islands, white dog archipelago, Wu Yue Island, size Kinmen Island big bear Island, Erdan islands Dongding Island, are China's inland sea.

3, All foreign aircraft and military vessels, without the permission of the government of People's Republic of China, shall enter China's territorial waters and over the territorial sea. Any foreign vessel sailing in China's territorial waters must comply with the relevant laws and government People's Republic of China.

4, The same No.1 and No.2 principle applies to two provisions of Taiwan and its surrounding islands, the Penghu Islands, the Dongsha Islands, the Xisha, Nansha Islands and other islands belonging to China.

5, Taiwan and Penghu are still occupied with the U.S. military, which is a violation of the territorial integrity of the People's Republic of China's sovereignty and illegal behavior. Taiwan and Penghu are waiting to recover, government People's Republic of China have the right to take all appropriate method at the appropriate time, to recover these areas, which is China's internal affairs, not foreign interference.

1. Letter of PVD is about 12 miles of China not related to Island. The letter is not mentioned about Islands. The Islands after Geneva Accords 1954, both North Vietnam and China signed. China have to know that North Vietnam don't have right over Island of South Vietnam.

2. In letter PVD said that North Vietnam authority respect 12 miles of China from North Vietnam. It mean the 12 miles of Hainam Island and Guangdong and Guangxi coastline only.

North Korean can not say that Dokdo belong to Japan.

China can stop lying about the nature of this letter.
Do the right thing:

- withdraw the oil rig immediately
- respect Vietnam EEZ
- scrap the 9 dash line
- return to negotiation table

everything else is bla bla bla nonsense. America and Japan have nothing to do with the points I mention above.
The right thing for you to do is stop making big deal out of nothing. The rig will be remove when the deadline we set in Aug. But we always give our neighbor flexible option that if you remove your harassing ships, we may consider ramming up our procedure to remove it. As you already know, we already move the rig to different location in our next phase. Consider that a positive gesture of peace.

We drill just 17 miles off Paracel. No violation of Vietnam EEZ.

Why don't you scrap your claim of Paracel and Spratly? Are you trying to claim the whole things, even from your pinoy ally? LOL

The negotiation table is always open and welcome but you must first show cooperation by removing your military ships near our expensive drilling platform.
you don´t get it.

we seek help from others to stop Chinese aggression. if not America, then Japan. if not Japan, then an alien nation from Mars. the nation does not matter. America is a just a footnote in our history. Just they had been in Vietnam.

Nobody cares of the past, today and future are more important. How can we protect our territory and interests?
You protect the islands in the sea, but you will lose the independence and freedom, in fact - the whole territory. America never does good deeds. Afterall, they occupy you, and no one will help.
Territorial disputes with neighbors - that's not reason to go back to colonial status.
1. Letter of PVD is about 12 miles of China not related to Island. The letter is not mentioned about Islands. The Islands after Geneva Accords 1954, both North Vietnam and China signed. China have to know that North Vietnam don't have right over Island of South Vietnam.

2. In letter PVD said that North Vietnam authority respect 12 miles of China from North Vietnam. It mean the 12 miles of Hainam Island and Guangdong and Guangxi coastline only.

North Korean can not say that Dokdo belong to Japan.

China can stop lying about the nature of this letter.
I mean China also released Chinese statement on Sep 4, 1958. Right? So why did Pham Van Dong say"The Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam recognizes and agree to the decision and statement on the Chinese Government of People's Republic of China on the Territorial Sea of September 4, 1958" As an highly educated Minister of Foreign Affairs, he should know that must have some missunderstanding in the future! Or he was that meaning.
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