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Japan's Abe says TPP would have strategic significance if China joined

Effect of TTP would be mitigated on some major economies like India and China if they sign individual FTAs on par with with major TTP signatories.

For Example Japan and India already have a FTA and India is progressing on BIT (Bilateral Investment Treaty) with US. China too is very competitive with a large global presence in supply chain so effect would be minimal on China

Joining TTP is extremely complex issue due to some stringent condition on IPR, in some sectors like Pharma IPR is very contentious.

100% agree!

in Last month, India and China nearly signed FTA in RCEP!
100% agree!

in Last month, India and China nearly signed FTA in RCEP!

If India, Russia and China sign a FTA then it would be a huge huge blow to the west and Japan. This would be a major geo-political statement as Russia and China together can replace west completely for India and at a cheaper cost.

What India can provide and gain from such a pact is a big question as India except it's domestic market is largely worthless to China and Russia - while Japan and West are huge export markets for India.

As I said very complex issues. For the moment if India has to grow it needs access to Western Markets at par with other exporters hence TTP is a concern.
So sure bro? Come on join my hand, let's party together ! ;)

China and Japan...
TPP's rules not good for China, lead by Washington only for U.S interests ... that not fit for China basic national conditions, or China might become next USSR ... China isn't the Vietnam, indeed im waiting to watch how Vietnamese Communist Party can survive after they joint the TPP, in future those opened Labor Union Activities & Opposition parties will work together like what happened in Ukraine to kill the VCP, and Vietnamese economy will be controlled by other foreign developed nation.

So China never join the TPP lead by U.S ... but can hold our 'TPP' like the 'Silk Road' project to invite other nations to join with us.
Just lip-servicing drivels from Abe and cohorts
Would USA agree to China's admission?

I place my bet: China will NEVER join the bloc.
Just lip-servicing drivels from Abe and cohorts
Would USA agree to China's admission?


Japan is invited to join the AIIB, though.

If Japan would not, out of geopolitical considerations, why would China?

Besides, who needs TPP really when China's trade is already going well and the key OBOR project is well underway?


US imports from China surged, fueling the largest expansion of its trade deficit in 5 months.

China imports widen US trade deficit
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And where do you see India w.r.t. TPP? APEC membership likely stepping stone?

India will never join TPP, for else India will have to wave good bye to its Pharma Sector.

India thrives on generics, and loose patent systems. If patent systems of US were to be applied, we might as well call it quits for our pharma. Ditto for many other sectors.

If India, Russia and China sign a FTA then it would be a huge huge blow to the west and Japan. This would be a major geo-political statement as Russia and China together can replace west completely for India and at a cheaper cost.

What India can provide and gain from such a pact is a big question as India except it's domestic market is largely worthless to China and Russia - while Japan and West are huge export markets for India.

As I said very complex issues. For the moment if India has to grow it needs access to Western Markets at par with other exporters hence TTP is a concern.

Not necessarily. The only real low cost countries in the agreement are Vietnam, and Malaysia. They can't replace India's potential.

Just lip-servicing drivels from Abe and cohorts
Would USA agree to China's admission?


Oh absolutely!

But the rules are not in favor of China, and China won't join.

It will essentially kill many nascent industries in China if it were to. Not only this, I read somewhere that as a part of the agreement, all countries agreed that they will not stop free flow of information, and would not demand local data centres for information.

This is something China will never agree to due to security reasons. It will mean giving US full control over all data.
Japan is invited to join the AIIB, though.

If Japan would not out of geopolitical considerations, why would China?

Besides, who needs TPP really?

The point is China has a say in AIIB but Japan does not have a say in TPP in deciding who's to be invited for admission. So what Abe was doing is for a diplomatic show. He cant change the game

FT "TPP, 오바마와 아베의 정치적 승리"
환태평양경제동반자협정(TPP)의 타결은 버락 오바마 미국 대통령과 아베 신조 일본 총리의 막대한 전략 및 정치적 승리라는 분석이 제기됐다.
오바마 행정부는 TPP를 통해 아시아 태평양 지역에서 중국의 부상에 대응해 '아시아 중심축' 전략을 달성할 수 있게 됐다.
또 아베 총리는 자신의 경제 활성화 대책인 아베노믹스의 '세번째 화살'인 구조 개혁의 핵심 내용을 TPP에 담긴 합의안으로 추진 가능해졌다고 영국 일간 파이낸셜타임스(FT)가 5일(현지시간) 보도했다.
TPP는 글로벌 경제의 40%를 포괄하는 '메가 FTA(자유무역협정)'로 교역 장벽을 낮추는 것 뿐만 아니라 투자와 환경, 노동과 관련한 새로운 기준에 대한 합의안도 두고 있다.
오바마 대통령은 이날 TPP가 가져다줄 혜택에 대해 언급하면서 "우리의 잠재 고객의 95% 이상이 외국에 사는 상황에서 중국과 같은 나라가 세계 경제 질서를 쓰게 할 수는 없다. 우리가 그 규칙을 써야 한다"고 말했다.
FT는 TPP 타결이 오바마 대통령이 유럽 국가들과 이란의 핵개발을 막는 성과를 달성한 후 한 달 만에 이룬 업적이라고 평가했다.
아베 총리는 TPP에 대해 "일본 뿐만 아니라 아태지역의 미래를 위한 중대한 결과"라고 자평했다.
TPP가 발효되면 지난 1994년 세계무역기구(WTO)가 주도한 우루과이 라운드 협상이 타결된 이후 최대의 무역 협정이 된다.
TPP가 타결되면서 협정 대상국과 미국, 일본 등을 제외한 주요국이 받는 압박은 커질 것으로 보인다.
유럽연합(EU)은 오바마 대통령이 임기를 마치기 전에 미국과의 FTA인 범대서양무역투자동반자협정(TTIP) 협상을 끝내야 한다는 부담을 떠안게 됐다.
인도와 중국 등도 각각 진행 중인 역내 협정을 마무리하는 데 힘을 쏟아야 하는 상황이다.
결국, TPP 타결로 전 세계적으로 무역 자유화의 새로운 시대가 열릴 것이라고 FT는 평가했다.
————Two commends about TPP.
TPP는 자유경제가 아니라... 약육강식의 심화로 약소국이나 개발 도상국들에게 경제적,자본적인 종속이 심화될것이다. 이것이 시작이다. 한국은 종속화를 막아야한다. 그래서 각국과의 개별적인 나라와 FTA로 주고 받고하는것이 아주 잘하는것이다. 이것이 우리가 살길이다. 미국과 유럽과 남미 여러나라들과 협정을 맺었다....더 협정을 맺어 ,적극적으로 나가야한다.
승리인지 아닌지는 아직 모르는거고. 전략적 공동체가 출범한다고 해서 그게 꼭 긍정적인 결과만 낫는건 아니거든. 유럽연합처럼 통화까지 같이 가도 죽네사네하는 마당에. 아세안도 공동체 출범했고 TPP를 벗어난 전략적 공동체들의 자구력도 만만치 않아서 TPP로 인한 효과는 글쎄다.

You can speak Korean?
You can speak Korean?
No,I just copy and drag it here.
There r some Korean translators,they translate Korean news for other people.:happy:
I may self-learn Korean in college.(But maybe the result will like my mom's self-learning Japanese:p:)
@dy1022 what's ur point?^ ^
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