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Japan's Abe says TPP would have strategic significance if China joined

Transferring some sovereignty,isnt it a threat to Russia??

TPP or WTO or FTA, it is economy aggreement. It is not related sovereinity of each country as I mean. The same rule will applied for all member.

To be honest, China join in to TPP is best solution for world economy. The cold war is dead.

I see the potential of someday Vietnam armed with AEGIS destroyers. Welcome to the family, bro. Vietnam truly is a partner of Japan, of USA , of the Greater Pacific Area Co Prosperity Sphere, aka TPP.

Let's soon have a security pact....after all we have to include a security dimension in this great economic community.

Thank you for good intention. I hope USA will lift fully ambargo on lethal weapon against Vietnam in near future.
TPP or WTO or FTA, it is economy aggreement. It is not related sovereinity of each country as I mean. The same rule will applied for all member.

To be honest, China join in to TPP is best solution for world economy. The cold war is dead.

Thank you for good intention. I hope USA will lift fully ambargo on lethal weapon against Vietnam in near future.

TPP or WT。O or FTA, it is economy aggreement. It is not related sovereinity of each country as I mean. The same rule will applied for all member.

To be honest, China join in to TPP is best solution for world economy. The cold war is dead.

Thank you for good intention. I hope USA will lift fully ambargo on lethal weapon against Vietnam in near future.
It isnt beneficial to us.
TPP is a new Treaty of Shimonoseki.
Our State-owned enterprises will die and workers' salaries will decrease(Private enterprises give very less salary to workers when compared to State-owned enterprise)In some China's city,the salaries of private enterprises even is only a half to State-owned enterprises.
And welfare will disappear(And not to mention much annual bonus),our workers will be exploited heavily.
Many Private enterprises even refuse to give overtime pay.
And many private enterprises force their employee to work 6 days.

Join TPP?
The whole China will become a Capitalism HELL.
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Now that the US has announced it’s end to QE, he says that it hasn’t really ended, as coincidentally, Japan announced a bigger than ever, multi-trillion dollar money-printing scheme. He says that is orchestrated by the US, which figuratively hold Japan hostage.

“The US exported QE, we didn’t stop it, and commandeered their 1.2 trillion pension fund. The us is running out of countries to plunder, in order to sustain the dollar.”

In other words, the US has stolen the Japanese pension fund. :eek:

Jim Willie: We're in the END GAME: The DOLLAR WILL RISE Just Before it COLLAPSES! [transcript] | Economics and Politics
China won't and shouldn't join it in at least one decade.It will seriously damage the long future of a devoloping country.Even koreans are worrying about the consequeces,no need to mention china.Those devoloping countries which joined this TPP sh!t are either just some idiots or they know they are meant to remain as a devoloping country forever.They exchange the long future of their country for some cheap sweets.China is not one of them for sure.
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It wont be too late to re-educate them.
oh no it is too late as I said, bamboo girl. same applies to most chinese male posters here :(
take one example: on one thread the poster TaiShang seriously claims China having more nuclear weapons will make the world safer, keeping smaller nations in check. amazing.
@TaiShang is a wise Chinese.
he is probably a CCP paid poster. I wonder how much he gets? if it is a good paid job, TaiShang is wise. Indeed.

China won't and shouldn't join it in at least one decade.It will seriously damage the long future of a devoloping country.Even koreans are worrying about the consqueces,no need to mention china.Those devoloping countries which joined this TPP sh!t are either just some idiots or they know they are meant to be remain as a devoloping country forever.They exchange the long future of their country for some cheap sweets.China is not one of them for sure.
you failed to understand the motives behind TPP. it is not primarily about economy. it is geopolitcs, a chess game, or how Barack Obama once said it: we want to dictate the rules of game. whatever it should be. the economic gain for America is almost insignificant. well, in terms of economic benefits it is for Vietnam more, yes, a major step forward, but the long term goal is another. yes, the next logical step is seeking a closer tie with the West, a security alliance with America/Japan.

or how I can say: China would think twice if she wants to attack a TPP nation. even, if VN remains neutral, not entering a security alliance.

but you are right: the design of TPP is not for China. make no delusion.
Why the "allies" do not invite India nor even mention its name for the pack?

he is probably a CCP paid poster. I wonder how much he gets? if it is a good paid job, TaiShang is wise. Indeed.

you failed to understand the motives behind TPP. it is not primarily about economy. it is geopolitcs, a chess game, or how Barack Obama once said it: we want to dictate the rules of game. the economic gain for America is almost insignificant. well, in terms of economic benefits it is for Vietnam a major step, but the long term goal is another. yes, the next logical step is seeking a security alliance with America.
LoL,who cares about countries like vietnam and philppines.Only USA,canada,australia and Japan have some true hard power,and they are allies before this TPP thing.
LoL,who cares about countries like vietnam and philppines.Only USA,canada,australia and Japan have some true hard power,and they are allies before this TPP thing.
maybe not you, but China supreme leader Xi Jinping.

as for hard power, remember, Vietnam has the most powerful army in SE Asia, the only one capable to militarily challenge the PLA. we have seen victories over numerous chinese dynasties, the Han, Yuan, Song, Ming, Qing, Deng, defeating powerful military powers like the Mongols, France and America, crushing Champa, Khmer and Siam Kingdoms, challenging UK and Japan armies on the battlefields, making the people of Laos, Burma and Malaysia wetting the pants.

should I tell more?
maybe not you, but China supreme leader Xi Jinping.

remember, Vietnam has the most powerful army in SE Asia, the only one capable to militarily challenge the PLA. we have seen victories over numerous chinese dynasties, defeating powerful military powers like the Mongols, France and America, crushing Champa, Khmer and Siam Kingdoms, challenging UK and Japan armies on the battlefields, making the people of Laos, Burma and Malaysia wetting the pants.

wow the vietcongs are the most belligerent in Asia after the Japanese

maybe not you, but China supreme leader Xi Jinping.

remember, Vietnam has the most powerful army in SE Asia, the only one capable to militarily challenge the PLA. we have seen victories over numerous chinese dynasties, the Han, Yuan, Song, Ming, Qing, Deng, defeating powerful military powers like the Mongols, France and America, crushing Champa, Khmer and Siam Kingdoms, challenging UK and Japan armies on the battlefields, making the people of Laos, Burma and Malaysia wetting the pants.

should I tell more?
Lol,stop your meaningless braging and that have nothing to do with TPP.An free trade zone doesn't make geopolitic allies after all,just like ASEAN.The purpose of TPP is absolutely to shift the import of USA from china to some other devoloping countries and make sure those countries remian as cheap slaves.
maybe not you, but China supreme leader Xi Jinping.

as for hard power, remember, Vietnam has the most powerful army in SE Asia, the only one capable to militarily challenge the PLA. we have seen victories over numerous chinese dynasties, the Han, Yuan, Song, Ming, Qing, Deng, defeating powerful military powers like the Mongols, France and America, crushing Champa, Khmer and Siam Kingdoms, challenging UK and Japan armies on the battlefields, making the people of Laos, Burma and Malaysia wetting the pants.

should I tell more?
Do you want Round 2 against the PLA? Let's test your confidence once again.
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