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Japanese rocket exploded after 6 seconds of launch




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  • Screenshot_20190111-131341.jpg
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Because its a rocket from Japan, People are being sympathetic. But I guarantee you if it was from China, Everybody would be laughing and calling it 'made in china', 'Chinese Quality', 'Chinese Junk'.

This is a perfect example of Hypocrisy and bias
Japan depends on u.s for defense and u.s will never allow them to become selfreliant on defense unlike china which is independent country and not depend on anyone for defense but supports other countries defense
Because its a rocket from Japan, People are being sympathetic. But I guarantee you if it was from China, Everybody would be laughing and calling it 'made in china', 'Chinese Quality', 'Chinese Junk'.

This is a perfect example of Hypocrisy and bias
Let just keep low profil and humble and make Made in China the best it should be!
Let just keep low profil and humble and make Made in China the best it should be!
There have to be a balance between keeping a low profile and instilling pride in the country's achievements and confidence in the country's brands.

I see some people criticize China for not heeding Deng Xiaoping advice.
There will come a time, when China cannot keep a low profile anymore.
It has to build up China's image and rally their citizens so that Chinese talents will have more reason to remain, will choose to buy Chinese brands including oversea Chinese all over the world.
Or else China's move to a consumption driven economy phase will take longer to achieve.
Instill pride to be a Chinese especially among the ethnic minorities.

There is also a cost to keeping a low profile, which had encouraged neighboring countries to steal Chinese territories, especially the South China Sea islands when China was weak and keeping a low profile.
Even a 3rd rate country like Malaysia dared to take islands from China, and we all know how Nehru's India wanted to grab more of Chinese lands thinking China dared not retaliate.

By raising the stakes and beating war drums, China frightened off the cowardly Indians during the Donglang standoff and avoided further complications.
Keeping a low profile for too long will encourage others to think the country is weak and will somewhat demoralize its citizens.
If Japanese rocket fails, people say it was a test, and there are bound to be trial and errors.

But if a Chinese test rocket fails, it is because the Chinese are inferior.
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