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Japanese ate Indian PoWs, used them as live targets in WWII

These pictures are sickening yet the levity of the posts here is just bad taste. These pictures convey just the needle tip of the tip of a massive iceberg. Millions died in the most cruel manner, whether Indian, Chinese or Phillipinos.

Dont joke around here please.
they put their life for nation ...winner or looser..
War is and was never easy..
think of human agony and suffering .. this is one of them
It seems India was wrong to choose Japan over China, I hope we can salvage a relationship.

Since when did India choose Japan?

There was an Indian doctor who became legendary in China during ww2 - Dr Kotnis was his name. Indians and Chinese fought against the same nasty enemy.

Japanese brutality will not be forgotten.
More proof that Japan as a nation eat vegetarian...
Except for human flesh. Just google the cannibal Japnese writter Issei Sagawa, who was even not accused of any crimes after killed and ate a Dutch woman and he wrote a book to show off his cannibal experience afterwards.
Don't Pakistanis and Bangladeshis realize that in this context the term Indian also refers to them.
And worst defeat to Japs were given by Indians .Read my signature .
these guys deserve atom bombs up ther ***. i have been to japan on work visa i have to say these guys are totally different now,my friend said he once got lost in japan and he asked a Japanese lady for direction and that lady took him and dropped him off the location via her car...violence make people nonviolent.
these guys deserve atom bombs up ther ***. i have been to japan on work visa i have to say these guys are totally different now,my friend said he once got lost in japan and he asked a Japanese lady for direction and that lady took him and dropped him off the location via her car...violence make people nonviolent.
You know what, if you visit Japan during WWII, you will probably got the same experience. Japs did not change at all, they are just that full of contradictions. I recommend you a book called "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword”, written by an American Japaneses Specialist Ruth Benedict during WWII, which vividly described the twisted characters of Japanese. They are the combination of the most gorgeous and the ugliest.
The British Indian Army, Jewel of the British Crown and the Arms of the British Empire! What a great fighting force it was, these stories really rile up the spirit and go on to show how bravery was a common characteristic within our troops. They faced adversity with honour and stood by their brothers in arms when they needed camaraderie most.
I'm sorry but you've all missed the point.Why now? Who wants to remind Indians of past crimes at this point in time? Nothing happens without a reason.
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