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Japan to Refocus Military on China

lol, we are not stupid to be the first who launches the attack, and yet it is not the right moment.

Regardless, by doing so you will completely reshape the geopolitical and military atmosphere throughout the entire world something that is unpredictable and frightening. It is not something any country should take haphazardly.
What do i need to recheck? Except the military industries, what else do you think Russia can compete with China?

China consumes 700 million tons of steel per year and build 20 million cars per year, do you think these are just statistics?

I thought in wartime its military industries which mattered most.
Thanks for correcting me..
I assure you, if any of our main allies (yes, even you India) get attacked... we will hit them hard!

Yes we can see how hard you guys are hitting North Korea who is grabbing you by the balls.
"barking dogs seldom bites."
I thought in wartime its military industries which mattered most.
Thanks for correcting me..

You know in Pre-WWII USA didn't have the biggest military industries, yet the Pacific War has stimulated its War Machines. Because she is already economically powerful, it is a matter of time to become military superpower.

Same for today's China, if we wish, we can build 40000 nukes, 100000 tanks, 100 nuclear submarines, etc. However, this is pointless and a waste of money as we are not in the war time.
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I assure you, if any of our main allies (yes, even you India) get attacked... we will hit them hard!

Yes we can see how hard you guys are hitting North Korea who is grabbing you by the balls.
"barking dogs seldom bites."

I would like to see you go up to a barking pit bull and NOT expect him to bite you!
You know in Pre-WWII USA didn't have the biggest military industries, yet the Pacific War has stimulated its War Machines. Because she is already economically powerful, it is a matter of time to become military superpower.

Same for today's China, if we wish, we can build 40000 nukes, 100000 tanks, 100 nuclear submarines. However, this is pointless and a waste of money as it is not in the war time.

Totally agree with your points..Its the industrial might which makes a nation militarily powerful..And that was proved in WW-II..
However if such a situation develops between two powerful countries ( say Russia-China or, China-US or, US-Russia ) other countries will have to run for cover..
Hopefully that most of Japanese are not insane of believing that they can still invade China like 70 years ago.

A small island nation like Japan cannot afford go on nuclear war, just few megaton nukes is enough to sink the island into the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

Why would Japan want to invade China now ??:what:
You know in Pre-WWII USA didn't have the biggest military industries, yet the Pacific War has stimulated its War Machines. Because she is already economically powerful, it is a matter of time to become military superpower.

Same for today's China, if we wish, we can build 40000 nukes, 100000 tanks, 100 nuclear submarines, etc. However, this is pointless and a waste of money as we are not in the war time.

The same could be said about the US, however, keep in mind that all this industrial production capacity would amount to nothing if black gold(oil) is not available...especially during times of war
US does support japan, but US interests lies in squeezing money out of japan. So the support doesn't mean japan would be in the driving seat with technological superiority over China, japanese would lose alot of their FOREX thus a deep strain would over come their economy and US bag all the $$. This makes japanese vulnerable and I find japan on the wrong side losing.
China has started working on various projects to elevate its technological gaps with the west following the North American pattern and moving in startle continuum I would not easily follow the idea that China lacks in technological field. China has invested even more in R&D in Technological field then Europe which at this time is battling economic depression and strain. People must also remember that China has many projects under warp.

Take the example of electronics, China is providing it to the western world infact the whole globe even such an experience and expertise can lead to advance research studies and experiments.
japanese came into this field much earlier then China but the economic depression has caused alot of trouble in japan that barely is seen in China which leads me to believe japanese are more prone to economic disaster then China.

A decade is sufficient for China to achieve technological parity with most of the europe/japan.
The same could be said about the US, however, keep in mind that all this industrial production capacity would amount to nothing if black gold(oil) is not available...especially during times of war

At this moment, we would probably break our ethic code and loot Southeast Asia and Australia. :cheesy:

So this is why the Chinese leaders have long term strategic plan of 50-100 years. If we go toward the path of USSR, then we would probably have shared the same downfall. The short term military show off can make you look strong and dominant, but it won't last long.

As USA has still controlled the global resources, it is almost suicidal to challenge them in a military race. The demise of the mighty USSR has taught us a lot.
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The new guidelines also call for acquiring new submarines and fighter jets, the reports said

to my view , steps are more to cycle north korea...
Militarily japan is no match for china.

their is an old saying,never interrupt a fool when he is doing a mistake,I am not implying China is fool but yes they r underestimating Japan(dont know the official stand ,but from the statements on this thread,i feel so)

Japan still maintain a decent force and more importantly it is under US umbrella,if anyone think here China will come back safe even without a scratch after annihilating japan completely,then they r wrong

Even if China win that will have tremendous repercussion's both for Chinese economy and military.
China is not going to launch nukes into any country unless it is ready for MAD. That would not be a something used. Technology has proven to almost always give the edge. Look at Israel it was completely outnumbered but simply destroyed the Arabs. Plus Japan has U.S. support in both funding and arms. China would have to employ only its own industry. I see it as quite equal. China having the numerical advantage but lacking in technology in almost all areas. Also Japan is quite large and since when did size have anything to do with the outcome of modern battles ?

Technology is an interesting thing. You might want to consider how the Japanese still rely on the US for their aerospace technology and don't even have the ability to independently manufacture cruise missiles or SAM, and their type 90 tank is far overbudget with inferior statistics compared to type 99.

In terms of Israel vs. Arabs, you might want to consider this: neither israel or arabs can manufacture their own stuff so whoever bought the best technology wins, and since you're buying, you'll run out of money eventually. But manufacturing is also a technology, and things change when you can put a destroyer in the water every week as opposed to the enemy's 1 month and have missiles coming out of factories like pencils while the enemy nation has to buy.

Turkey is a net buyer, not a net exporter, so of course you'll think in terms of "best technology = best toys, i win!" but real war among industrialized countries that make their own weapons isn't some game with toys and it's never fair the way games are: from hard specs, chinese Type 052C are just as good as Arleigh Burke with similar radar ranges, similar max speeds and similar displacements with similar weapon configurations. The difference is Chinese shipyards can put Type 052C down to the water within weeks.
I would like to see you go up to a barking pit bull and NOT expect him to bite you!

Well then go ahead attack North Korea can you?
The nuclear reactor is operational and about half a dozen nukes in hands,
how about razing it. Now I would like you to go close to a mad Dog try to grab it by the balls and look what it does to you ok?

Think before you spout out.
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