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Japan 'To Announce Disputed Island Purchase'

If China tries to take the islands back by military means the US will defend them by military, economic, and soft power means.

Americans were invincible before they met chinese in korea.
are you sure they are willing to meet chinese the next war?
US has already said that its treaty with Japan covers the Senkakus which means if China takes military step, US will react militarily. Is not China able to read between lines?

China is now feeling how Japan felt before 7th December, 1941. China's maritime trade will be blocked by USA the same way USA blocked Japan's maritime trade forcing China to take drastic measures like militarily occupy areas or sea lanes which could provide China its required resources. US is already telling the world that China is occupying Tibet the same way it once told that Japan had been occupying French Indochina whereas Japan had actually liberated French Indochina from French occupation. Then US will ask China's neighbors to attack China the same way US asked Chiang Kai shek to attack Japanese troops which were stationed in China legally through a treaty. Then US start propaganda as if China is imperialistic expansionist the same way US portrayed Japan the years prior to the World War II. China will try its best to make compromises possible for it and avoid conflicts just like how Japan tried before its counter attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. But nobody listen to China as nobody listened to Japan and China's efforts to avoid war will depicted as China efforts to attack other countries. Now, US will make a plan of wholesale nuking of China just like what US did in case of Japan and will compel China to attack US positions first. US will need to legitimize its invasion and occupation of China as it needed in its invasion and occupation of Japan. China being cornered and frustrated will become undecided and nervous. That will be the moment US will send an ultimatum just as it sent the Hull Note or ultimatum to Japan to accept some conditions which the Japanese could not for the sake of national security. A nervous China will have no other way than to attack and tear apart the noose tightened around its neck. And this is when US will have declared formal war against China. US will invade and kill the Chinese the same way it killed the Japanese while invading Japan. Just like how Douglas MacArthur decided to drop as many as 49 megaton atomic bombs in China during the Korean war, US Pacific commander will draw such plan and this time it will be executed. US will then hold a military tribunal and will execute all the Chinese leaders as it executed all the Japanese leaders after the Tokyo Trial. China will be split into many countries and they will start seeing the Chinese the same way Chinese today see the Japanese. US troops will be stationed in a small country called China the same way it is today stationed in Japan.

I am impressed by your spinning skills. You only forgot something what China posses: Atomic weapons!
Are there any Japanese here in the forum? I would like to hear their comments.
Americans were invincible before they met Chinese in korea.
are you sure they are willing to meet Chinese the next war?

塌石 吖傘 狐"夾乎魏"
US urges "cooler heads" between Japan, China

WASHINGTON: The United States called on Tuesday for calm between Japan and China after Beijing sent ships to disputed islands in the East China Sea in response to Tokyo's purchase of them.

"We think, in the current environment, we want cooler heads to prevail, frankly," said Kurt Campbell, the assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs.

Campbell, echoing remarks this weekend by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the end of a tour of Asia, said that calm was critical because the region serves as a "cockpit of the global economy."

"The stakes could not be bigger," Campbell said at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a think tank.

"We believe that peaceful dialogue and the maintenance of peace and security is of utmost importance always but particularly now in this set of circumstances," Campbell said.

In line with repeated US statements, Campbell said that Washington did not take positions on the various and increasingly bitter territorial disputes around Asia.


China said that it was dispatching two marine surveillance ships to "assert its sovereignty" over the islands in the East China Sea known in Chinese as the Diaoyu and in Japan as the Senkaku islands.

The move came after Japan said it would nationalize the islands through a purchase from private Japanese landowners. The islands lie near potentially lucrative mineral resources and are strategically close to the Taiwan Strait.

Asia has been riveted by a series of disputes including tensions in the South China Sea and a flareup between US allies Japan and South Korea over islets in the Sea of Japan, which Koreans call the East Sea.

Clinton, speaking Sunday at an Asia-Pacific summit in Vladivostok, Russia, said that she urged Japan and South Korea to "lower the temperature and work together."

More broadly in Asia, Clinton warned that it was "not in the interest of the United States or the rest of the world to raise doubts and uncertainties about the stability and peace in the region."

US urges "cooler heads" between Japan, China - Channel NewsAsia

The tone of the US is changing somewhat where she took the side of Japan not too long ago.
Japan is not like Vietnam that could make China keep on bullying for it. Where was 2 CMS heading to Senkaku right now??? Bluffing ?? Yeah .. got that right !!!
日本媒体报导,日本政府最近任命的新任驻北京大使西宫伸一(Shinichi Nishimiya)今天(13日)在东京昏倒、不醒人事。



Bless the poor soul. Hope he recovers well :lol:

On a more serious note. I don't think anything drastic will happen.
America is already in talks with the Japanese defense minister regarding Japan's strained relations with China and South Korea. Issues surrounding Dokdo and Diaoyu islands will die down after a while.
Japan is not like Vietnam that could make China keep on bullying for it. Where was 2 CMS heading to Senkaku right now??? Bluffing ?? Yeah .. got that right !!!

yeah, at least sometime you can be awake to realize vietnam is not like japan. so you should not compare vietnam to japan or china and should not think vietnam is on par with either japan or china.
where was the 2 CMS? fairly speaking, why dont you ask dare japan send only two of their ships to wait there? right now. i think these ships should be on the way to south china sea where vietnam is worrying, LoL
Taiwan protests Japan's purchase of Diaoyu Islands

Authorities in Taiwan and people from a cross section of society have expressed strong protest at Japan’s decision to purchase part of the Diaoyu Islands.

Timothy Yang, Taiwan's Foreign Affairs Chief has summoned Japan’s representative to Taiwan, Sumio Tarui to lodge the protest. After their meeting, Yang said in a news conference that Taiwan strongly opposes Japan’s unilateral action to "nationalize" the Diaoyu islands. He said authorities in Taiwan are demanding that the Japanese government withdraw the decision immediately. Taiwan has also asked its representative to Japan to leave the country.

Yang also stressed that Taiwan will not recognize the legitimacy of the purchase, saying Japan will be fully responsible for any serious consequences caused by its unilateral action. He added that the Diaoyu Islands have belonged to China since the Ming Dynasty and was stolen by Japan during the First Sino-Japanese War which ended in 1895.

Taiwan protests Japan´s purchase of Diaoyu Islands CCTV News - CNTV English
Chinese in Greater China stand as ONE rallying protests against Japan

China+Protests+Japan+Buy+Diaoyu+Island+tIYVS6sbSs8  l.jpg

China+Protests+Japan+Buy+Diaoyu+Island+CHu4j0R4HkQ  l.jpg




Anti-Japan protests in Mainland, Hongkong and Taiwan (1:58)


Sept 12 - Hundreds of protesters in China and Taiwan rally against Japan's plans to buy disputed islands in East China Sea. Sophia Soo reports for Reuters

Scuffles broke out between Hong Kong police and anti-Japan protesters as they charge into the building that houses the Japanese Consulate. The demonstrators were rallying against Japan's plans to buy the disputed islands. Tsang Kin-shing, who had sailed to the islands called Diaoyu in Chinese and Senkaku in Japanese, said their anger is now directed at the entire nation of Japan.

PROTESTER AND FORMER LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL MEMBER, TSANG KIN-SHING, SAYING: "Now it's not just about Japan's right-wing groups or Japanese militarism. Now it's about the public co-operating with the Japanese military. Now the whole nation of Japan is making use of the Diaoyu Islands incident to bolster their politicians' military morale. So I believe Chinese people around the globe are angry. Now we have to defeat not only Japanese militarism, but the entire nation of Japan." Protests also broke out in Beijing and Taipei. Chinese held up national flags and sang the national anthem in front of the Japanese embassy.

People of Taiwan also held a demonstration urging the Japanese government to reverse its decision.

PROTEST ORGANISER WU RONG-YUAN SAYING: "With the greatest seriousness, we demand Japan stop at the edge of this precipice, and above all demand that Japan's House of Peers make the final check and not let the budget for this plan to so-called "purchase" the islands pass. Only by doing this can they temporarily ease this worsening crisis around the Diaoyu islands" The long-running territorial dispute flared last month after Japan detained a group of Chinese activists who had landed on the islands. The isles are located near rich fishing grounds and potentially huge oil and gas reserves.
Americans were invincible before they met chinese in korea.
are you sure they are willing to meet chinese the next war?

In korean war the chinese had the geographical advantage....being to so close to the battleground..it was easy for them to resupply,and send in forces............

USA OTOH equalled this advantage of the chinese.thereby the splitting of korea.......If a war is going to take place for this islands...its going to be naval war mainly...and Chinese navy as of right now is no match even for the Jap navy ......the chinese numerical superiority means nothing in this scenario

I am impressed by your spinning skills. You only forgot something what China posses: Atomic weapons!
Are there any Japanese here in the forum? I would like to hear their comments.

china has no first use policy .With their present economic growth and political clout .....they wont jeopardize any of it for this islands

Atom bombs are useless in this case....
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