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Japan 'To Announce Disputed Island Purchase'

US has already said that its treaty with Japan covers the Senkakus which means if China takes military step, US will react militarily. Is not China able to read between lines?

China is now feeling how Japan felt before 7th December, 1941. China's maritime trade will be blocked by USA the same way USA blocked Japan's maritime trade forcing China to take drastic measures like militarily occupy areas or sea lanes which could provide China its required resources. US is already telling the world that China is occupying Tibet the same way it once told that Japan had been occupying French Indochina whereas Japan had actually liberated French Indochina from French occupation. Then US will ask China's neighbors to attack China the same way US asked Chiang Kai shek to attack Japanese troops which were stationed in China legally through a treaty. Then US start propaganda as if China is imperialistic expansionist the same way US portrayed Japan the years prior to the World War II. China will try its best to make compromises possible for it and avoid conflicts just like how Japan tried before its counter attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. But nobody listen to China as nobody listened to Japan and China's efforts to avoid war will depicted as China efforts to attack other countries. Now, US will make a plan of wholesale nuking of China just like what US did in case of Japan and will compel China to attack US positions first. US will need to legitimize its invasion and occupation of China as it needed in its invasion and occupation of Japan. China being cornered and frustrated will become undecided and nervous. That will be the moment US will send an ultimatum just as it sent the Hull Note or ultimatum to Japan to accept some conditions which the Japanese could not for the sake of national security. A nervous China will have no other way than to attack and tear apart the noose tightened around its neck. And this is when US will have declared formal war against China. US will invade and kill the Chinese the same way it killed the Japanese while invading Japan. Just like how Douglas MacArthur decided to drop as many as 49 megaton atomic bombs in China during the Korean war, US Pacific commander will draw such plan and this time it will be executed. US will then hold a military tribunal and will execute all the Chinese leaders as it executed all the Japanese leaders after the Tokyo Trial. China will be split into many countries and they will start seeing the Chinese the same way Chinese today see the Japanese. US troops will be stationed in a small country called China the same way it is today stationed in Japan.

It's funny to see an Indian is trying to impersonate himselft as Japanese and American at the same time, I has never seen an Indian wrote with such passion about the possible dream he could Imagine about what will be happened to China :lol: , it's epic bollywood

What's matter still feel the deseperation to avenge India humiliation lost in 1962 :rofl: it's Indian nature to dream other to avenge them when they can't avenge themself. :lol:
Who knows he might be some bollywood screenwriter. Don't give a f**k who he really is as long he enjoys sharing his wild imaginations on this forum we all can have some laughs.
A fury of protests and war cries from top politicians and medias in China and Taiwan.

Japan deal to purchase Tiaoyutais incurs fury from mainland China

“This is a serious infringement of China's sovereignty and has seriously hurt the feelings of 1.3 billion Chinese,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement. “The Chinese government and people express their resolute opposition and protest strongly.”

Japan deal to purchase Tiaoyutais incurs fury from mainland China - The China Post

悬崖勒马 -People's Daily

"If war breaks out between China and Japan, it will be a war that washes away the humiliation that China has suffered the past century". Comments Global Times

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-far-east/206854-peoples-daily.html#ixzz267Ydgnug

Government will not recognize any sale of Tiaoyutai Islands: premier

TAIPEI -- Premier Sean Chen said yesterday that Taiwan will not recognize any sale of the Tiaoyutai Islands in the East China Sea, as they are part of the country's territory.

The Tiaoyutais are the Republic of China's territory from a historical and legal perspective, he said in response to media questions about a reported imminent move by Tokyo to buy three islets in the Tiaoyutais.

Government will not recognize any sale of Tiaoyutai Islands: premier - The China Post
We dont need to be over-reacted, just sit and watch the even develop. who know maybe this even will bring Taiwan closer to China and unlock solution for unity.

Crise = Opportunity :azn:
Best to ignore Enemy; he's a proven troll.

Since 1971 when America gave Japan administration of the Diaoyu/Diaoyutai, Japan has made it illegal to visit the islands or to develop it. The purchase of the islands by the Noda administration does not change the overall strategic picture; in fact it reaffirms it, that they would rather eventually reach some form of settlement over the islands with China and Taiwan, with the high possibility that they will be ceded to be administered by Taiwan. This would mirror the Kuril islands dispute, where the Russians have left Habomai and Shikotan uninhabited and undeveloped in the expectation that they will be ceded back to Japan in any settlement.

Time is surely on our side, no matter how long it may take.
China should wage war against japan or at least send military to the island regardless whatever the result is. if china combine all navy, airforce and specially missile force. there is no chance for japanese to win this war regardless how mordern their warships are! using missile under beidou guiding system to destroy japanese warning system and japanese satellite first, then nuclear force, then chinese airforce and navy start doing their jobs! from now, it is time for china to aim million of missiles at japan.
Japan Buys Disputed Islands, China Sends In Patrol Boats
TOKYO, Sept 11 (Reuters) - Japan brushed off warnings by China and bought a group of islands on Tuesday that both claim, in a growing dispute that threatens ties between Asia's two biggest economies.
Chinese official media said Beijing had sent two patrol ships to waters surrounding the islands to reassert its claim and accused Japan of "playing with fire" over the long-simmering row.
Tokyo insisted that it had only peaceful intentions in making the 2.05 billion yen ($26.18 million) purchase of three uninhabited islands in the East China Sea, until now leased by the government from a Japanese family that has owned them since early 1970s.
Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba repeated Japan's standard line that the purchase served "peaceful and stable maintenance of the islands."
"We cannot damage the stable development of the Japan-China relationship because of that issue. Both nations need to act calmly and from a broad perspective," he told reporters after a cabinet meeting approved the transaction.
The Japanese Coast Guard will administer the islands, called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, which are near rich fishing grounds and potentially huge maritime gas fields.
The long-running territorial dispute flared again last month after Japan detained a group of Chinese activists who had landed on the islands.
But the row appears to be having an economic impact, with a Chinese official saying Japanese car sales in the world's biggest auto market may have been hit.
Chinese President Hu Jintao's warned at the weekend against the purchase, which he called "illegal". On Tuesday Taiwan, which also claims the territory recalled its representative to Japan in protest against the deal.
The news triggered small-scale protests in front of the tightly-guarded Japanese embassy in Beijing. Microbloggers on China's popular Twitter-like service Sina Weibo also reported small anti-Japanese protests in the eastern city of Weihai and the southwestern city of Chongqing.
Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda, in an address to senior military officers, made no direct reference to the islands dispute, but pointed to China's growing military clout as one of challenges Japan had to contend with.
"We have North Korea launching missiles under the name of satellites and conducting a nuclear programme, China expanding its military might and continuing vigorous activities in regional waters and Russia also boosting its activities in the Far East," Noda said.
The foreign ministry said it is sending its Asia department chief to Beijing on Tuesday for talks to "avoid misunderstanding and lack of explanation on the issue."
The government bought three out of five islets that it has been leasing from the Kurihara family, which itself bought the islands in 1972 from another Japanese family that had controlled them since the 1890s. The government has owned one of the remaining islets and continues to lease one from the Kurihara family.
Noda floated the plan to buy the islets in July to head off what appeared to be a much more provocative bid by Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara, a harsh critic of China, to purchase them and make the islands available for development.
But Beijing, at least in public, has repeatedly warned against the government purchase.
On Tuesday, People's Liberation Army Daily said in a commentary that Japan was playing with fire. Xinhua news agency reported two patrol vessels were heading into waters surrounding the islands.
The Japanese Coast Guard could not confirm the report.
Relations between the Asian powers, plagued by Japan's wartime occupation of parts of China and present rivalry over regional clout, have been difficult for years. But economic ties are stronger than ever and both countries are believed to want to keep the feud from spiralling out of control.
Official Statement from the Chinese PLA:

The armed forces of China are completely opposed to the Japanese government's move to "purchase" the Diaoyu Island and two of its adjacent islands, Chinese Defense Ministry Spokesman Geng Yansheng said Tuesday.

Geng issued a statement on the Japanese government's implementation of so-called "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands.

Despite strong opposition from the Chinese side, the Japanese government blatantly announced on Sept. 10 to "purchase" the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated Nan Xiaodao and Bei Xiaodao. This act is a severe infringment of Chinese territorial sovereignty, Geng said.

Geng said the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands are China's inherent territory. China has sufficient historical and jurisprudential evidence surrounding this.

Geng said the Japanese government's action and the so-called "island purchase" was totally illegal and invalid.

In the statement, Geng said since the start of the year, the Japanese government has endorsed right wing forces to clamor for the "island purchase" and even move in to "purchasing the islands" by itself. He said this severely harmed the general situation of the development in China-Japan relations.

Geng said in recent years, Japan has expanded armament under various excuses, frequently incurred tension in regional situations and repeatedly stirred up troubles on the issue of the Diaoyu islands. Such moves are worthy of high vigilance by its Asian neighbors and the international community.

"The Chinese government and armed forces stand firm and are unshakeable in its determination and will safeguard sovereignty over the nation's territories," Geng said.

"We are watching closely the evolution of the situation and reserve the right to take reciprocal measures," Geng said.

China's defense ministry voices protest to Japan over Diaoyu Islands - Globaltimes.cn
I agree the culprit is usa. usa wants this mess to happen. it was under the Potsdam Declaration that Japan should own no more than the four largest islands: Honshū, Hokkaidō, Kyūshū and Shikoku, that it was having before WW2. usa gave the "administrative rights" of Diaoyu Islands to the Japanese but not the sovereignty rights.

There is no other method to take back the islands but by military means. Siberia is a different case because it is not forming part of the first island string of containment and also the islands have rich oil and fishery resources. So the urgency is not there in Siberia and we need Russia as much as Russia needs us.

the dbitch has been talking about the same rhetorics since Wangyandao conflicts with the Pinoys. She actually wishes for an outbreak of war between Japan and China or China with the other countries in SCS!

4 major islands, and such minor islands as the US determines is the full context.

If China tries to take the islands back by military means the US will defend them by military, economic, and soft power means.

The evidence that China wants this mess to happen is more damning then anything. The US policymakers are not clairvoyant, there is no way the current situation could have been foreseen at the time in the heart of the cold war.

China made a conscious decision to send ships, its own part is many times more damning when it comes to wanting this mess to happen.

Siberia is a different case because it is not forming part of the first island string of containment and also the islands have rich oil and fishery resources. So the urgency is not there in Siberia and we need Russia as much as Russia needs us.

The implication is that once economical oil and other resources are found in Siberia and China doesnt need Russia as much, they will press their claim.

China should wage war against japan or at least send military to the island regardless whatever the result is. if china combine all navy, airforce and specially missile force. there is no chance for japanese to win this war regardless how mordern their warships are! using missile under beidou guiding system to destroy japanese warning system and japanese satellite first, then nuclear force, then chinese airforce and navy start doing their jobs! from now, it is time for china to aim million of missiles at japan.
"War is sweet to those who have no experience of it."
Japanese PM orders Self-Defense Forces fully prepared for emergency

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda ordered Japan's Self Defense Forces (JSDF) to be fully prepared for any emergency under the complex peripheral security environment at the Ministry of Defense Tuesday morning.

Noda reviewed the guards of honor of JSDF inside the Ministry of Defense, and then attended a senior commander meeting of JSDF, accompanied by the Defense Minister Satoshi Morimoto.

Noda made a speech to about 180 senior commanders of JSDF at the meeting.

In the speech, Noda said the uncertainties over Japan's peripheral security environment rose to the highest level as the military activity of surrounding countries, including Democratic People's Republic of Korea, China and Russia, became more active, thus JSDF should monitor and analyze the countries closely.

He particularly mentioned that China has been increasingly active in surrounding seas.

The Japanese government has exchanged the official contract on the purchase of Diaoyu Islands with Kurihara family whom the Japanese side called "the private owner" Tuesday morning, despite strong protest from China.

The Japanese government will pay the expense of 2.05 billion yen (26.15 million US dollars) with government reserve funds to the Kurihara family, who claims to own the Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea.

Demonstrating China's undisputable sovereignty over the islands, two ships of the China Marine Surveillance (CMS) reached the waters around the islets Tuesday morning.

The CMS has drafted an action plan for safeguarding territorial sovereignty and would take actions pending the development of the situation.

Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura announced Monday afternoon that the Japanese government hopes the purchase would not undermine the overall bilateral relations with China.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry reacted quickly on Monday, saying Japan's purchase of the islands is illegal and invalid and China firmly opposes the move.

Chinese President Hu Jintao, during his meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda on the sidelines of the APEC summit on Sunday, made clear China's position on relations with Japan and on the Diaoyu Islands issue.

Hu pointed out that China-Japan relations had recently faced a severe situation due to the Diaoyu Islands issue.

Japanese PM orders Self-Defense Forces fully prepared for emergency - Globaltimes.cn

Seoul, Tokyo set for propaganda battle

Just days after US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged South Korea and Japan to cool tensions over a territorial island dispute, both countries geared up Tuesday for a propaganda war over the issue.

Their respective foreign ministries both unveiled requests for hefty budget increases to support efforts to publicize their respective claims, at home and abroad, to islands known as Dokdo in Korean and Takeshima in Japanese.

"We've asked the National Assembly to approve 5 billion won ($4.4 million) for projects aimed at strengthening our sovereignty over Dokdo," a South Korean ministry spokesman told AFP.

The increase, if approved, would more than double the existing budget.

The spokesman refused to give a breakdown of how the money would be spent, but Yonhap news agency quoted an unidentified ministry official as saying it would primarily be used for a worldwide publicity drive.

The Japanese ministry said it was asking the central government to set aside 560 million yen ($7 million) to promote its side of the argument over the islands, along with other territorial disputes.

The conservative Japanese daily Sankei Shimbun reported Tuesday that the government would "place ads in 70 national and regional newspapers from September 11 for a week" to highlight its case for sovereignty over the Takeshima islets.

It marks the first time the government has used newspaper adverts to buttress its argument, the newspaper said.

Later Tuesday, South Korean Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan said Seoul was prepared to buy its own ad space in Japanese newspapers.

"We will secure the budget to run ads saying 'Dokdo is our territory' in Japanese media," Kim, on a visit to Oslo with President Lee Myung-bak, was quoted as saying by Yonhap.

The rocky outcroppings at the center of the dispute are located roughly halfway between the two countries in the Sea of Japan.

They are currently occupied by South Korea, but claimed by both countries.

The dispute flared with renewed passion after President Lee provoked an angry reaction from Tokyo by paying a surprise visit to the islands last month.

Tensions reached a point where Clinton felt compelled at an Asia-Pacific summit on Sunday to ask both countries to "lower the temperature" and adopt a "calm and restrained approach" in seeking a resolution.

"This region of the world is the economic engine in what is still a fragile global economy," she said Sunday.

"It's not in the interest of the Asian countries, it's certainly not in the interest of the US or the rest of the world, to raise doubts and uncertainties about the stability and peace in the region."


Again a threat and military adventurism, It is the same thing happening again and again in SCS. But each time CCP is choosing a different country. Just like their strategy to engage individually and bully each and every country around SCS.
4 major islands, and such minor islands as the US determines is the full context.

If China tries to take the islands back by military means the US will defend them by military, economic, and soft power means.

The evidence that China wants this mess to happen is more damning then anything. The US policymakers are not clairvoyant, there is no way the current situation could have been foreseen at the time in the heart of the cold war.

China made a conscious decision to send ships, its own part is many times more damning when it comes to wanting this mess to happen.

Our policy has been "搁置争议, 共同开发" - "Putting the difference aside and joint hands for co-development" We havent changed this principle ever! It is the japanese who escalates the tension by unilaterally legalizing the territorial control!

The implication is that once economical oil and other resources are found in Siberia and China doesnt need Russia as much, they will press their claim.

You dont need to find. There IS rich mineral, oil and fishery resources in Siberia! Siberia is not in our doorway unlike Diaoyu islands and SCS. At the moment we are taking a back seat in it. Once global warming intensifies to bring about the permanent changing of the frozen seaway into an all weathered navigation route, I can guarantee China will be the last to jump into the frey, way after Canada, USA, Japan, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Denmark ... Our plate is full until the dawn of next century!

"War is sweet to those who have no experience of it."

who were fighting in the Korean War, Vietnam War, Sino indian war ..?

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