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Japan’s Abe: We Want to Help the Suffering Tibet People

Why are the Chinese bellyaching? This event was NOT sponsored by the Japanese government and therefore does not reflect official Japanese policy.

But knowing the insecurity and lack of confidence in themselves, the Chinese have a habit to start hollering at the drop of a hat.
lol! We are using the truth to slap your face!:D
The truth never changes, we welcome all the friends without bias to visit China ,to visit the real Tibet autonomous region which is
far different with the "Tibet in BBC and CNN"
We do not deny that as long as the Dalai Lama Group in India is still instigating several monks to suicide,these sad cases maybe continue,
However we are confident that the most majority of Chinese Tibetans are against those separatists, they are working hard to enjoy the beautiful life and the beautiful China.
Tibet is a huge area and showing a couple of shops and schools you cant imply that Chinese government is serious about Tibets future ; actually Tibet people are sooo fedup of Chinese occupation that they even burn themselves just for international community to notice the mishappenings in Tibet by Chinese

BBC News - Six Tibetans set themselves on fire in two days - activists

Tibetan protester who burned himself alive left letter calling for freedom - Telegraph

So What?

If the Tibetans get something out of it whether its Economic prosperity or Security it's not like they're being completely bamboozled. Beside do you even think of the Consequences if Tibet are free
Lhasa Railway Station and beautiful Tibetan girls:


The girls look sinic to me.
Tibetans will never achieve independence by talks and self immolation. A more drastic step may be needed.
Kashmir freedom fighters will never achieve self-determination by protesting aginst Indian security forces. A few more Mumbai may be needed.

See how that works?

Tibet is a huge area and showing a couple of shops and schools you cant imply that Chinese government is serious about Tibets future ; actually Tibet people are sooo fedup of Chinese occupation that they even burn themselves just for international community to notice the mishappenings in Tibet by Chinese

BBC News - Six Tibetans set themselves on fire in two days - activists

Tibetan protester who burned himself alive left letter calling for freedom - Telegraph
How many untouchables commit suicide in India each day? I guess they're so fed up with being oppressed by their higher caste overlords that they stopped trying to live.
The girls look sinic to me.
Clearly not Han from their facial features. You'll learn to tell which region people are from when you live in China long enough.
Clearly not Han from their facial features. You'll learn to tell which region people are from when you live in China long enough.

```seriously I cant tell from Han and tibetans```
Great news! When Japan allies with India, you know they have run out of options.
First of all apologize sincerely for the massacre, atrocities, gratuitous killings amnd murdering of millions of chinese women and children, apologize for the 100,000 burmese, indians etc killed in the construction of the death rails, just like Germany did for the German Nazis crimes before helping the suffering of Tibet people. Stop paying tribute to the Japanese War Criminals, its like Merkel depositing a flower on the grave of Hitler, Rommel etc. Compensate for the looting, damages and killings of Chinese and chinese infrastructure during World war II. Compensate the thousand of women raped during your invasion of China, Korea and South East Asia. Stop denying history and re-writing history by qualifying Japanese atrocities in Asia as good. Moreso its strange that you want to help the Tibetans. Actually Tibet is enjoying a healthy growth and it is the Chinese region which is recipient of the most investment from the Central Government. If Japan wants really to help, then invest in Tibet, gives bursary to Tibetans and welcome all the immigrants.
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