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Japan plans to allow exports of fighter jets, missiles and other arms to 12 countries, including India

Any chances of Japan entering P75I Project with its Taigei-class submarines?
Critical portions and Subsystems of Japanese SSK are owned or co-owned by US based firms. Japan therefore won't be able to meet any kind of localisation demands.

This is the only reason why Japan hasn't taken part in P75I from start.
I'm interested to know whether they can meet an order in time. They have the lowest productivity of any developed nation and an ageing population. I'm not sure both those things fill potential customers with confidence.
Japan lick US boots and you think building a r/s with Japan can free u from licking US boots.

You see missing the point. Instead of taking dictation from Uncle Sam, our long term planning should be to improve relationship with other countries.

We are in this economic mess because of multiple reasons including establishment and their political games.
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