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Japan keen to lift ban on collective self-defense, Abe tells NATO


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Japan keen to lift ban on collective self-defense, Abe tells NATO
Kyodo News International May 7, 2014

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expressed his resolve Tuesday to push for a change to the government's current interpretation of the Constitution and lift a self-imposed ban on collective self-defense.

Abe indicated during a speech to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's decision-making body that there are limits to the activities of Japan's Self-Defense Forces under the current interpretation of the country's pacifist Constitution.

Based on the current interpretation, Japan cannot exercise the right to collective self-defense, or defend an ally under armed attack, given the constraints of Article 9 that forbids the use of force to settle international disputes.

Under this context, the SDF cannot protect U.S. Aegis ships in open seas near Japanese waters when the ships are under attack, Abe said. He also said that SDF troops working together with NATO members in U.N. peacekeeping operations cannot defend NATO troops when they are under attack by guerillas.

Abe, who is in Brussels as part of a six-nation European tour, said a security panel which he initiated is discussing whether Japan can exercise this right.

Based on the panel's report, his government will decide on a policy which would map out Japan's contribution to global peace-keeping operations and the necessary legal arrangements, he said.

Turning his eyes to China, Abe called Beijing's growing military assertiveness a concern of the international community and noted that China lacks transparency in its defense spending.

He was also critical of Beijing's frequent moves to change the status quo by force, pointing to Chinese patrol vessels' frequent intrusions into Japanese territorial waters near the Senkaku Islands, which it claims and calls Diaoyu, and China's unilateral declaration of an air defense identification zone over parts of the East China Sea in November.

With the Japanese-administered Senkakus a source of continued tensions between Tokyo and Beijing, Abe reiterated the need for bilateral communication channels to avoid any contingency.

The premier, who also addressed NATO in 2007 during his first term in office, said he wants to see Japan and NATO, which share common values such as democracy and rule of law, working together.

On Ukraine, Abe said the most important thing is to ease tensions in the eastern region and he promised that Japan will support Ukraine's presidential election later this month.


Copyright 2014 Kyodo News International.

Japan keen to lift ban on collective self-defense, Abe tells NATO

Yeah, baby !!! Cut the Japanese loose and watch the Chinese shit their jammies !!!

67 years of having them under our military thumb and to have it screwed up by China of all things.

Next up...rising sun flag.
67 years of having them under our military thumb and to have it screwed up by China of all things.

Next up...rising sun flag.
The Japanese will not be a problem for US this time around. Before WW II, Imperial Japan modernized with no restraints other than paying for their own ways. They built up their navies powerful enough to defeat the Russians and challenged the US. Their land army successfully invaded mainland China and defeated a relatively backward people. Today's political and military environment are not as yesterday. A militarily powerful Japan will be more a check on an aggressive China than any threat to US.

I say let'em loose.
Japanese never forget what Chinese behave, and they never forgive !!!
Chairman Le Duan said that "Chinese people is not brave" during WW2, there're provinces in China with population 50 mil. but there's not a solely guerrilla.
That's why Japanese force about 300,000 - 400,000 controlled entire of China mainland ...

The Long March is a shame too. All died except a few ...
I for one am very glad the Japs are taking a militaristic role. Because unless we are properly threatened, we will not get rid of our 4 self-imposed military policies (no-first-use nuclear policy, minimum nuclear deterrence, no foreign alliances and no foreign military bases) and military spending will continue to be paltry 2% of GDP.

I hope as Japan militarises, we abolish those 4 self-imposed policies and raise military spending closer to 8-10% of GDP. By the current economic size 8-10% of GDP will bring our military budget close $730-$920 billion.

Until Japan becomes militaristic, our military will be very slow to develop. The CPC always needs a big crisis to get them into action. Japan being our historic enemy will be a perfect catalyst for China becoming more hardline and more hawks will get positions within the CPC. Hopefully we also stop agreeing to UN sanctions on countries like Iran and North Korea and sell them and others all the weapons they need.

Our military build up and foreign policy has lacked spine. Japan going rogue is the only way I see the CPC changing its very soft and timid attitude.
I for one am very glad the Japs are taking a militaristic role. Because unless we are properly threatened, we will not get rid of our 4 self-imposed military policies (no-first-use nuclear policy, minimum nuclear deterrence, no foreign alliances and no foreign military bases) and military spending will continue to be paltry 2% of GDP.

I hope as Japan militarises, we abolish those 4 self-imposed policies and raise military spending closer to 8-10% of GDP. By the current economic size 8-10% of GDP will bring our military budget close $730-$920 billion.

Until Japan becomes militaristic, our military will be very slow to develop. The CPC always needs a big crisis to get them into action. Japan being our historic enemy will be a perfect catalyst for China becoming more hardline and more hawks will get positions within the CPC. Hopefully we also stop agreeing to UN sanctions on countries like Iran and North Korea and sell them and others all the weapons they need.

Our military build up and foreign policy has lacked spine. Japan going rogue is the only way I see the CPC changing its very soft and timid attitude.

Welcome back @Huawei I hope I didn't misspell your name.
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