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Japan is Building the Biggest Warships in Asia, Two 20,000-Ton Super Destroyers .

Japan can do things because they have an excellent practical education in the Academic disciplines.
China cannot become world #1 without paying back Japan and NATO. These are prerequisites for world transitioning to China-led order away from US-led order.

BTW, US already atoned for NATO embassy bombing. The destruction of the Twin Towers 9/11 false flag event was the apology from the US to China (hey look we blew up own own billion dollar buildings)! BUT the world doesn't know that. So there still needs public display of revenge exacting for embassy bombing...
China does not need to retaliate against any country or organization.

The hatred between Japan and China took place 80 years ago, and the current Japanese have nothing to do with the original hatred. We only need the Japanese to fully understand and admit their original mistakes and crimes, and to truly and honestly apologize.

We have been in alliance with NATO for most of the time. NATO's enemies are the Soviet Union and Russia, not China. We have no reason to retaliate against NATO countries.

Our real enemies are those countries that block a multipolar world, those countries that promote anti China ideas, and those countries that block the progress of human civilization by inciting war and hatred.

For a country like China, we should be more responsible for the future of mankind than for past hatred.

BTW: The 911 incident has nothing to do with China. Such remarks as "911 is China's revenge" are insulting the Chinese people. Conspiracy against civilians is a shameful act that seriously violates traditional Chinese morality.
China does not need to retaliate against any country or organization.

The hatred between Japan and China took place 80 years ago, and the current Japanese have nothing to do with the original hatred. We only need the Japanese to fully understand and admit their original mistakes and crimes, and to truly and honestly apologize.

We have been in alliance with NATO for most of the time. NATO's enemies are the Soviet Union and Russia, not China. We have no reason to retaliate against NATO countries.

Our real enemies are those countries that block a multipolar world, those countries that promote anti China ideas, and those countries that block the progress of human civilization by inciting war and hatred.

For a country like China, we should be more responsible for the future of mankind than for past hatred.

BTW: The 911 incident has nothing to do with China. Such remarks as "911 is China's revenge" are insulting the Chinese people. Conspiracy against civilians is a shameful act that seriously violates traditional Chinese morality.
China is popular amongst Islamists. This is what my friends from Saudi Arabia told me.
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China is popular amongst Islamists. This is what my friends from Saudi Arabia told me.
Largely becos china never invade any muslim country or interfer in muslim affairs in other countries, and china has friendly relations with nearly all muslim countries.
Largely becos china never invade any muslim country or interfer in muslim affairs in other countries, and china has friendly relations with nearly all muslim countries.
Also because Islamists, they see China as a neutral and impartial party.

Largely becos china never invade any muslim country or interfer in muslim affairs in other countries, and china has friendly relations with nearly all muslim countries.
Since the Afghan Taliban won the war, it passed down for generations in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and China for generations.

People will not forget this so easily.
two ships doesn't mean anything. don't think the current administration there will last too long. perhaps the next one will be more china friendly.
It will not matter even if Japan go build 50 more of their biggest warships, or even a hundred if Japan hope to intimidate China.

Kind of moot as it is clear Japan spirally non stop into bankruptcy and Murica not able and unwilling and unable to rescue Japan despite the $$$$ Japan pouring to aid Murica

Analysis: 'It's a car with broken brakes': investors see unrelenting yen descent
Japan's threats of currency intervention might slow but not stop the yen from hurtling towards three-decade lows before the year end, market analysts and fund managers say.

The yen has already lost more than 20% of its value this year to reach a 24-year trough at 144.99 per dollar last week , including a more than 7% tumble over the past month alone.

China already gearing up to fight Murica vast naval forces combination with NATO (let us not talk about miserable Aussie forces)

Anyone of China Type 55 Renhai destroyer will take on all of Japan 50 biggest warship if built in asia simultaneously and destroyed them without even getting scratched.

China got about 3000++ of AShCMs even if DFs not counted.


List of ships of the People's Liberation Army Navy - Wikipedia


Even the small type 22 missile boats of 220tons can load and fire 8 AShMs . And there are at least 100 of them, taking type 056 corvette into somewhat consideration.

The 1500 ton corvettes can carry more than 8 AShCMs.

Missile Patrol Fleet

Commander Yang Yi, the youngest (and first female) Chief Designer in naval history, designed a fleet of eighty Type 022 missile patrol boats. Four hundred feet long, with a range of three-hundred miles, they carry eight C-802 anti-ship missiles tipped with with 500lb. warheads that travel fifteen feet above the surface at 650 mph to targets a hundred miles away (one disabled an Israeli warship off Lebanon’s coast in 2006). Four of her little boats, says Commander Yang, can cover the entire Taiwan Strait while sheltering behind China’s coastal islands.

Or do you think only type 55 and type 52 can fire those AShCMs and not other Chinese Naval and air and land assets?

And not just the warhead, there will be 2–3 tons of missiles coming behind the warhead at Mach 3 tearing into the bulkheads and ordnance and aviation fuel and the poor men and women in the carrier. Those 2–3 tons of missile body will be tearing in the bulkheads faster and more deadly then APFSDS. Andf carrying its own unburned fuel to add to the fun.
Even steel will burn when hit with hell fire and tons of steel and debris coming in at Mach 3. The aviation fuel, and paint on walls, the bombs and ordnance will all cook off and add to the huge huge fire inside the carrier. Regardless if carrier under Condition Zebra or Donkey or Jackass.
The brave sailors in those carriers will not care or worry and be happy that their carrier not sinking. And only burning and burning from one end to the other end.



Chinese have about 3,000 of these kind of AShCMs.

In the form of Mach 3–4 YJ-12s carrying 400–500kg semi shaped charge warheads, fired outside the AEGIS cover. The YJ-12 can also do evasive maneuvers to avoid anti-missile threats.

YJ-12 - Wikipedia

There is also the YJ-18 with reach exceeding Aegis cover. YJ-18 will start off at sub Mach 1. Until about 20 km from target , it will sprint at Mach 3–4 to deliver good news to the carrier .

China's YJ-18 Supersonic Anti-Ship Cruise Missile: America's Nightmare?

This Chinese description relates that the missile’s great strength is its “亚超结合的独特动力” [subsonic and supersonic combined unique propulsion]. Another term applied to this design is “双速制反舰导弹” [dual speed control ASCM]. As explained in the article, it is projected that YJ-18 would have an initial subsonic phase estimated at .8 Mach similar to the Klub of about 180km, but 20km from the target would unleash the supersonic sprint vehicle at speed of Mach 2.5 to 3. The “dual speed” function allows the system to realize certain advantages of subsonic cruise missiles, such as their “relatively long range, light weight and universality …” but also takes the chief advantage of supersonic ASCMs as well, namely the ability to “大幅压缩敌方的反应时间” [radically compress the enemy’s reaction time].

The Chinese article relates another advantage of the “dual speed” approach. Just as the missile comes into contact with the ship’s defenses, it “sheds the medium stage …,” thus simultaneously and dramatically altering both its speed and also its radar reflection, “which would impact the fire control calculation.” The likelihood that YJ-18 improves upon the Klub missile’s “digitization, automation, as well as providing more intelligent flight control and navigation technology” is attributed in the Chinese article to a recent Jane’s report.


Finally got a name.


This baby is call the YJ-21 , 鹰击-21 or Eagle Strike 21


🥁🥁 🥁😍😍😍

YJ21 in this video is not first testing in 055, The missile was fired during a normal training exercise.
It shows that YJ21 has already been massive equipped on the 055 destroyer.

🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 WANG SUI WANG WANG SUI 萬歲 萬 萬歲 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳

Japanese are terrified of any war with China that USA will drag them into.

Nanjing Massacre and Unit 731 be finally resolved by Chinese

And not just Diaoyudao, Okinawa and Ryuku islands will be free from Japan

Japanese will know not only will they lose the war.

All their air bases and naval bases will be figments of memories within 30 minutes

Should pushing turn to real shoving , there will be no air bases in Japan or Guan or Okinawa for anything to take off from .
Perhaps from Wake Island and Pearl harbout.

But nothing west of the 2nd Island Chain withing 10 minutes of war starting

Missile Strikes on U.S. Bases in Asia: Is This China's Real Threat to America?

In the first 10++ minutes, all the bases in Japan , Okinawa and Guam will be cratered and hit by the DongFangs with conventional warheads ensuring their planes cannot take off.

Missile Strikes on U.S. Bases in Asia: Is This China's Real Threat to America?

Shugart and Gonzalez also point out that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has carried out drills simulating preemptive attacks against America’s regional military assets. In one such instance, the PLA Rocket Forces “appears to have been practicing on several ship targets of a similar size to U.S. Arleigh Burke –class destroyers moored in a mock port that is a near-mirror image of the actual inner harbor at the U.S. naval base in Yokosuka.” This is illuminating, the authors note, because the only way the Chinese military could catch three U.S. ships in port is if they conducted a complete surprise attack.
After reviewing Chinese capabilities and doctrines, the authors try to simulate such an attack to judge its effectiveness. Interestingly, while they believe China would strike U.S. bases in Japan and even some Japanese forces, they assume Beijing would avoid attacks on Korea “in order to prevent a distracting second front on the Korean Peninsula while pursuing its primary military goals elsewhere.” In their simulation, they also assume that Beijing would not initially target America’s base at Guam since it is U.S. territory and China would want to prevent an escalation that could result in America bombing mainland China.
Shugart and Gonzales run two different models of a simulated preemptive attack, keeping in mind what they know about U.S. and allied missile defense systems in the region. In both models, “enough ballistic missiles seemed likely to leak through to cause highly significant damage to U.S. bases and forces in the region.” Some of the results of the attacks include:
• “Almost every major fixed headquarters and logistical facility struck, with key headquarters struck within the first few minutes of the conflict.”
• “Almost every U.S. ship in port in Japan struck pierside by ballistic missiles.”
• “In most cases, cratering by ballistic missiles of every runway and runway-length taxiway at all major U.S. air bases in Japan.”
• “As a result of runway cratering, headquarters destruction, and air defense degradation, more than 200 trapped U.S. aircraft destroyed on the ground in the first hours of the conflict.”
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Then Chinese cruise missiles will fly in their thousands to take out what not taken out military assets in that first 10++ minutes.

Chinese AShMs will burn and incinerate Japanese and USA Naval assets.

During that time, Japanese command centers will blown up killing all those inside.

See the photos of test sites in Western China of dummy airfields and plane shelters of air and naval bases in Japan being hit so accurately by DFs.

First Strike: China's Missile Threat to U.S. Bases in Asia

By your own Western military experts. Even if they underestimated the numbers of DFs and Cruise Missiles of China in their reports.

The same way they thought China has only 260 nukes.

The same way Dugout Doug thought no Chinese at all in Korea until Chinese appeared in the hundreds of thousands right within USA and UN troops!

First Strike: China's Missile Threat to U.S. Bases in Asia

And then all US air bases and naval bases in Japan and Guam and Diego Garcia and Singapore be rendered inoperational within 10 minutes.

And all assets in the air bases and naval bases hit and destroyed within the next 30 minutes.

All the USA JSTARS and tankers be in flames within an hour.

All carriers within the 3rd Island Chain be burning from end to end.

And after the war, Okinawa and Ryuku will be independant again and protected by China.

Japan will likely lose Hokkaido as well.
And Yasakuni Shrine will be razed to the ground as well. A public toilet build in that place and Japan Emperor be made the custodian of that toilet.
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Even greater likelihood Japanese Emperor becoming custodian of a public toilet


Japan announces J-20 production, demanding that China cannot be unified

Recently, Japan's latest defense white paper has aroused strong dissatisfaction in China and South Korea, and the Chinese Ministry of Defense has responded to counterattacks several times.
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Japan announced the production of the J-20, demanding that China cannot be unified, becoming the biggest variable in Northeast Asia's security
[17/09, 23:59] Sven: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...ry-is-building-on-the-graves-of-our-ancestors

My beautiful home of Guam is being laid waste by a superpower – even the butterflies are in danger

As I write this, the US Department of Defense is ramping up the militarization of my homeland – part of its $8bn scheme to relocate roughly 5,000 marines from Okinawa to Guam. In fact, ground has already been broken along the island’s beautiful northern coastline for a massive firing range complex. The complex – consisting of five live-fire training ranges and support facilities – is being built dangerously close to the island’s primary source of drinking water, the Northern Guam Lens Aquifer. Moreover, the complex is situated over several historically and culturally significant sites, including the remnants of ancient villages several thousands of years old, where our ancestors’ remains remain.

[18/09, 00:12] S: After the war with China over Taiwan, Okinawa and Ryuku Islands and Hokkaido be freed. And so will Guam. Quite likely Hawaii be freed and back to native Hawaiians, protected over by China 💪💪💪🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳🙂🙂🙂

Thereby allowing China to exert full compensation for Nanjing Massacre and Unit 731

Raze Yasakuni Shrine to the ground and built either memorial to Comfort Women there or a public toilet with Japanese Emperor as the custodian of the toilet.



**** = t dot me


JUST IN - American troops would defend Taiwan if invaded by China, says Biden.

Joes an idiot.
US cannot project force in the pacific against a serious enemy.

I dare him to do it, and frankly I doubt very much that it would happen.

Washington is already saying he misspoke. That US policy is still “one china.” Biden is a brain dead vegetable

P V:
Taiwan is China

Brannon Turner:
It’s difficult to keep a senile puppet from running his trap 🪤Ergi:
Now its up to China to show USA what they can and what they can't do

D M:
I wonder how many takes Biden had for this conversation. He never talks this coherently live

Lev Bronstein:
100%, Taiwan is China

But what if it's invaded by Russia instead? Jk.

Hypersonic carrier killer missiles have a thing or two to say

What are they going to use for the defense of taiwan when all their stuff is already peacefully resting burnt out at ukrainian roadsides.....

Ofcourse, they want to Disstablize another region after what they did to the middle east

Americans would suffer huge casualties if that happens… they can’t stomach it when hundreds of Americans are killed daily

We out number the Chinese in pronouns. Wait until they see our Zers and Theys in combat

D M:
Yeh they won’t officially send soldiers there. They can’t stand losing a single soldier. But they will happily sacrifice Taiwans and Ukraines

We have 1000s of pronouns … do try and keep up. It’s our latest export

Dark Chicago:
It’s a thing. US LGBTQIIA is toxic

Do they even understand what ONE means? Are they stupid in math or something? And Taiwan, you would have more freedom, safety and security if you negotiate with China for guarantees as an autonomous zone or exclusive zone because the US are using you - the way they used Ukraine, Afghanistan, Kosovo and others. You will be discarded once they reach their objectives. You can at least negotiate with China terms that would be favourable like reunification is subject to referendum results. If 70% agrees for reunification, then the reunification process starts. Otherwise, maintain status quo until next referendum - say in 3 to 5 years. China is not unreasonable and you are of the same people. Allowing external interference would only complicate matters.

Hoka Sumi:
Fcktard Scumbag dementia President Joe Pooden 💩💩💩

remember what mcgregor said last time?? US practically can send their troops to taiwan but with heavy cost and their would be massive casualties on US troops bcs basically they move towards Dragon's lair. China have thousand ballistic missiles aimed at their coast line serve as coastal defense, so any reinforcement arrives to taiwan will be sunk. also US need to travel thousand miles to transport their troops and supply but since China have superiority in the region, any troops and supply transfer by US will be wasted even if they protect it with their carrier fleet

Kremlin Sponsored Bot:
Lying through his teeth. Says they aren't encouraging Taiwan to be independent yet they sell them F-35s and Patriot missile systems.

And the US does not have any mutual defense treaty with Taiwan so we are not required to defend them. If he thinks the American public will go along with a war against China that lasts longer than a month he's even more insane than I think

Jim Dooley:
So now Beijing sinks, from the mainland, anything headed West from the USA if they invade. They use maneuvering hypersonics on volleys at long range.

Any launch on the mainland is perceived as nuclear and the response is launched.

Why would he ever say this? Even with the WH saying he’s FOS, China is going to act on his stupid assertion now.

laurie campbell:
He is demented and exhibiting childish divisive power fantasies.
By the "20,000 ton destroyer", I think they means "destroyer carrier" like Izumo.


Japan use the word "destroyer", because Japanese constitution prohibiting the acquisition of offensive platforms.
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