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Japan, Germany, France, Italy, USA, UK and Canada stand united against Russia

This must be also from the 80s?

Wait, so you want tell me they want attack us with old trash of the 80th? What else will they bring up? The mummy of Lenin?

How much of that is rusted old garbage?

Its almost at the same level of rust as what is left with Germany, i guess.
No you didn't, but if you did we would apply principle of tit for tat.

Russia is much more ethnically and religously diverse and Slavs hate each other. If we spread pan-Turkism you will only be left with Moscow and surroundings. Of course we can also help chechens to kick back Russia back to volga river but Chechens will be least of your concerns. Chechens already won war against you. If Caucasus front, Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan opens a front against you combined with help of Muslim minorities. You do the math. Russia won't make the mistakeof fueling secterianism near us.

chechens have been crushed and defeated.You live still in 90's. By the way ,there is already fight between erdogan islamists and the kemalist secular generals in Turkey. The muslim minorities can open as many fronts,but then they remember operation lentil too well.Likely they will not .Or else this time they will be sent to mines of Magadan Oblast or northern siberia with no repatriation like what happened under khrushchev .Worse they will face total obliteration ,genocide,forced conversions and deportations. Russia does not hesitate in total warfare and meets it head on .That should be clear from operation lentil where the entire turkic nations were deported to central asia . Also remember that stalin was merciful to deport them to central asia instead of magadan oblast or northern yakutia .Deportation to those would mean sure shot death .
This is a computer animation. Do you think i´m scared from such trash=?

We are a 1st world nation. :) We have different standards to you guys.

So is Iceland and Luxembourg .
chechens have been crushed and defeated.You live still in 90's. By the way ,there is already fight between erdogan islamists and the kemalist secular generals in Turkey. The muslim minorities can open as many fronts,but then they remember operation lentil too well.Likely they will not .Or else this time they will be sent to mines of Magadan Oblast or northern siberia with no repatriation like what happened under khrushchev .Worse they will face total obliteration ,genocide,forced conversions and deportations. Russia does not hesitate in total warfare and meets it head on .That should be clear from operation lentil where the entire turkic nations were deported to central asia . Also remember that stalin was merciful to deport them to central asia instead of magadan oblast or northern yakutia .Deportation to those would mean sure shot death .

Are all indians so submissive like you are? I mean serious. Why bending over? o_O

So is Iceland and Luxembourg .

Come back when you can feed your children. Sorry but i don´t take countries serious who depend on food aid...

Lol.....we wouldn't let an abandoned airfield look that shabby. How well do those knock-offs work?
Like your stealth which was based on ripoff of russian scientists equations lol.

Russian Tigr-M mobile electronic warfare vehicle roaming western Crimea today..


Russian Navy Su-33 fighter jet #85 seen carrying missiles on a training sortie at Yeysk Air Base. Fresh from overhaul....

If they always have bases , whats the issue anyway?
The issues is with the neighbors....Russia could take every inch of the Ukraine and it would not effect the US one bit. Still the same Russian positions and bases. But it makes our friends in the region uneasy....so we support them. India having few friends wouldn't understand.
Moscow Exchange ...and in other news :))

Sanctions aren't even in place and they are bending over..better stock up on potatoes comrades, shitty times are looming ahead

Although judging by this thread, the majority of the "Russian Stronk!!11!!" has already left Russia for the decaying West ..
Are all indians so submissive like you are? I mean serious. Why bending over? o_O

Come back when you can feed your children. Sorry but i don´t take countries serious who depend on food aid...


Why going offtopic??/ Are u okay???
Are all indians so submissive like you are? I mean serious. Why bending over? o_O
Come back when you can feed your children. Sorry but i don´t take countries serious who depend on food aid...
You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself to derive pleasure and brownie points from the people affected by a tsunami. :disagree:
Source of Image - India Aftermath - ABC News
Btw - what's your nationality? Italian or German?

Most importantly - how is this pic relevant to the topic? :azn:

I´m totally ok. I just don´t accept any "big words" from people who live in poor countries. You talk here like you come from a great power, yet you can´t feed your own people. There is a conflict between your imaginary ideal and reality then.

The EU pays each year billions of € to feed your people. Russia does not feed your children. Don´t bite the hand that feeds you.
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