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Japan firm's map shows Tibet as part of India

@no_name who saved china from japan?.... Oh wait.... Is it uncle sam?.... By the way why don't chinese here like to talk about japan china war?.... i heard it was cake walk for japan until uncle sam saved china.... i have many videos of that war.... Damn.... Japanese are indeed a true fighter.... Fearless.... They still have that blood.... All they need is nukes to counter nuke attack on them.... i heard they ready to be nuke power now.... And so does vietnaam....
@no_name who saved china from japan?.... Oh wait.... Is it uncle sam?.... By the way why don't chinese here like to talk about japan china war?.... i heard it was cake walk for japan until uncle sam saved china.... i have many videos of that war.... Damn.... Japanese are indeed a true fighter.... Fearless.... They still have that blood.... All they need is nukes to counter nuke attack on them.... i heard they ready to be nuke power now.... And so does vietnaam....

There is no denying that the US contributed to the anti axis effort.

You need to read more. Go check industrilization and technological gap between the two countries during WWII. Go check the fact that actual war broke out after the northern industrial zone of Machuria was already under Japanese control. Go check the amount of Japanese soldiers fighting in China compared to activities in the pacific. Go compare airforce, army and navy status of the two countries when war broke out. And then go ask the UN if it was a cake walk in Korea.
Why they also put Yunnan province as part of India?

Maybe next time the entire China is part of India, lol.
Taipei: A map drawn by a Japanese firm shows Tibet as part of India. The cartograph also shows China's southwestern Yunnan province as belonging to India, according to the web news portal wantchinatimes.com on Monday.

The map was made by Daiwa Securities Group as part of its business proposal to the People Insurance Company of China (PICC).PICC officials who found the error have asked Daiwa to modify the map and make a formal apology.

They also reported the matter to the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the China Insurance Regulatory Commission, which are currently discussing the next course of action, Daiwa said the error was 'negligent' but some security experts pointed out it cannot be excused just as 'unprofessionalism'.

Japan firm's map shows Tibet as part of India | Indo-China ties | Tibet | The New Indian Express

Mistakes are bound to happen. Nothing too get paranoid about from both sides, India acknowledges the Japanese’s mistake and so does china. Both countries know where they lay their claim and how and when to defend it, we don’t need useless flaming threads advertising hatred and starting an INDIA V CHINA bashing saga.

Sumbody is having a wet dream over a mistake of Japs..................... haha.

Pakistanis having wet dreams about P O K as part of Pakistan is also a very familiar site let’s not overreact shall we.
Can anyone post the map?.... Would love to download it.... i love japs. Cheers.
Ironically , the term Japs is considered both racist and offensive :lol: So much for the love :rofl:

Pakistanis having wet dreams about P O K as part of Pakistan is also a very familiar site let’s not overreact shall we.

Is the obsession with Pakistan psychological ? :what: You guys just cant leave an opportunity to troll threads by bringing Pakistan :lol:

@no_name who saved china from japan?.... Oh wait.... Is it uncle sam?.... By the way why don't chinese here like to talk about japan china war?.... i heard it was cake walk for japan until uncle sam saved china.... i have many videos of that war.... Damn.... Japanese are indeed a true fighter.... Fearless.... They still have that blood.... All they need is nukes to counter nuke attack on them.... i heard they ready to be nuke power now.... And so does vietnaam....
First love is always intense kiddo ! :D

You will soon get over it ... Who taught you history by the way ? :lol:

Second Sino-Japanese War
Surrender of all Japanese forces in mainland China (excluding Manchuria), Formosa and French Indochina north of 16° north to the Republic of China.
China recovers all territories lost to Japan since the Treaty of Shimonoseki.
China becomes a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.

How did Uncle Sam save China though ? Care to enlighten us all ? :P
Ironically , the term Japs is considered both racist and offensive :lol: So much for the love :rofl:

Is the obsession with Pakistan psychological ? :what: You guys just cant leave an opportunity to troll threads by bringing Pakistan :lol:

First love is always intense kiddo ! :D

You will soon get over it ... Who taught you history by the way ? :lol:

Second Sino-Japanese War
Surrender of all Japanese forces in mainland China (excluding Manchuria), Formosa and French Indochina north of 16° north to the Republic of China.
China recovers all territories lost to Japan since the Treaty of Shimonoseki.
China becomes a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.

How did Uncle Sam save China though ? Care to enlighten us all ? :P

RE read your last post and the bottom half of your reply, its a clear & classic example of trolling.

Hypocrisy at its best: :rofl:

1. hy•poc•ri•sy/hiˈpäkrisē/
Noun: The practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
Synonyms: cant - dissimulation - double-dealing - insincerity
^^ Impairment of Cognitive Function perhaps ?
About time you sleep kiddo :lol: or else the mods wake up and do the thing ...
Infractions for trolling anyone ? :rofl:
Going to teach me English now ? :D First see the mistakes you have made in your posts :rofl:

Resorting to Edit now ? :rofl: Are we ? :lol: Atleast you have started correcting your mistakes ... :P
^^ Impairment of Cognitive Function perhaps ?
About time you sleep kiddo :lol: or else the mods wake up and do the thing ...
Infractions for trolling anyone ? :rofl:
Going to teach me English now ? :D First see the mistakes you have made in your posts :rofl:

The frontal lobe, where you do your heavy thinking, pondering and planning your actions; is obviously not working for you too bad there is help seek advice from a GP. :lol:

Stop posting :offtopic: bull C, and stick to the topic and stop derailing the thread if you don’t have anything useful to add.
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