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And that makes you a dam expert. :rofl:

Sort of like a more advance version of Vietnamese. Body of a midget, heart of a lion.

Nippon has the second rate of leadership and talent, that's why they are wannabe and always failed to build up their own empire.

They only learnt a fraction of China's wisdom in an amateurish way, and they got nuked twice at the end.

As for Annam, it is third rate.
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news-postseven website, East conflict will lead to Japanese vegetable prices increased by 10 times .

Reported that nearly 70 years has been living in a peaceful environment for the Japanese probably will not forget , even if the war occurred there in the East China Sea , will also have a huge impact on people’s lives , food, bear the brunt.

Japan ‘s food self-sufficiency rate to the latest statistics of 39 %, the rest to be imported from abroad, the species is heavily dependent on China , an expert on food Ogura is the line that many foods 100% dependent on China , the event of war , China banned the export of these foods, Japan temporarily difficult to find an alternative to the country , may eventually cause a high degree of reliance on market prices of vegetables increased by 10 times.

( Original title : Japanese media : Vegetable dependent on China -Japan conflict if the soaring price of vegetables )

Japanese media : such as the Sino-Japanese conflict Japanese vegetable prices will rise 10 -fold | EN NEWS 163
I'm afraid we are loosing Burma now,as far as I know,unlike Pakistan,Sri Lanka and Bangladesh,the Burmese don't like us,they think we support the junta,and they think we support the separatists in upper Burma(in fact,not that case,when Burma attacked Kokang,we don't do anything,and let them occupy Kokang,we cooperate with Wa state and other semi-independent groups in upper Burma because of the drug issue,not because we want to divide Burma,but the Burmese don't think so),and they think we loot their resources.Now,as the US cacel the sanction to Burma,and in near future,they will have democratic election,maybe they will in the US camp

Myanmar strategy is to keep a balance using the West and not to become too dependent on China. But being such a small nation, I think they have even less of a chance to escape from getting sucked into Chinese sphere of influence than Vietnam. Once China becomes interventionist, after reaching parity with the US in 15-20 years, then these small nations' internal matters should become China's business, just like US today have an interventionist presence in all the countries that are within its sphere of influence.

In diplomacy and foreign relations it helps to carry a big stick and speak softly. Myanmar Bamar/Burman ethnic group I heard is 50% or less of total population and the rest are either in a ceasefire or in an active war for autonomous status. So if the Bamar/Burman regime does not behave, it will not be too difficult to destabilize this fragile state.

From regional perspective all neighboring states would like to see peace and stability there, so there is more freedom of movement of goods which will help integrate the regional economy. Since independence in 1947, so far the majority population and govt. have failed to reach consensus with the ethnic minorities and as a result Myanmar is still in a state of internal war. This shows the incompetence and lack of wisdom for the Burman/Bamar military dominated govt. in solving their own internal problems.
It is going to be interesting when Japan asks the US for a mothballed aircraft carrier to play "catch up" quickly.


Will they grab the USS Constellation before it gets dismantled...Abe speak up you are running out of time!! It isn't a Nimitz class and it's conventionally powered so you would probably get it...

June 14th, 2014
USS Constellation headed for Texas scrapyard | Fox News

While it may not be as big as a Nimitz...as you can see it is NOT a small ship!! You can even use it a massive helicopter carrier! There's over 50 planes on the deck in this pic.
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Nippon has the second rate of leadership and talent, that's why they are wannabe and always failed to build up their own empire.

They only learnt a fraction of China's wisdom in an amateurish way, and they got nuked twice at the end.

As for Annam, it is third rate.

It sounds harsh, no offence to our Japanese friend @Nihonjin1051 , but you do have a point. A history of Japan's war in mainland:

Goguryeo–Yamato War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Baekje–Tang War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Japanese invasions of Korea (1592–98) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After Meiji Restoration:
Ganghwa Island incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
First Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Russo-Japanese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Siberian Intervention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Japanese invasion of Manchuria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Second Sino-Japanese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of wars involving Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Military history of Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Looks like Japan had a lucky streak between Meiji Restoration and WW II, I explain it in the following:
kalu_miah's new world order, a road map for the future | Page 8
"(Historical Continuity hypothesis)
Human societies or civilizations when they reach a certain size constantly adapt and reinvent themselves, due to internal reorganization and external influence. The longer a society is left intact without too much external interference, the more they can achieve a high degree of internal cohesion and as a result are able to adapt to changing circumstances more quickly and efficiently, as compared to a society that has been the victim of external aggression and forced transformation. In other words, relatively untouched societies retain some competitive edge over societies that were victims of invasion and brutal subjugation. There could be many reasons for this, but one of the most important one seems to be that societies take a certain amount of time to heal themselves of the damages from external forces to come to a steady state where the heirarchical pyramid structure of societies become well defined and whole society starts functioning as a organic whole with all parts playing their respective specialized roles. A good analogy is the body of higher animals whose body has organs for specialized functions. Although all cells start out as stem cells, eventually their functions and forms change to become part of a specialized organ, such as the central nervous system, the pancreas, the liver, the heart etc. Just as it takes time to evolve from single celled blue-green algae to complex reptiles, mammals, plants etc., societies also take time to evolve into a more efficient and complex unit, that has a competitive edge over other societies that did not have time or freedom from external influence to evolve....

According to the Historical Continuity hypothesis, since the established powers of the time were crushed under the Mongol hammer and only Western Europe and Japan was spared and remained standing, it is no surprise then that West Europeans soon were ascendant with Renaissance, Maritime supremacy and eventual colonization of the planet. Japan was isolationist through out this period. It was opened up by force by Admiral Perry around 1860's. It adapted Western technology in a few decades and became a world power. Soon it had the honour to beat Tzarist Russia, the first White nation ever to be beaten by non-whites and went on to colonize Korea, Manchuria and parts of Asia."

Because of this "Historical Continuity" factor, Japan (and Korea to a smaller extent) is a tremendous asset for whichever team they are in. As an island nation with high historic continuity, they are a highly regimented and adaptive nation that can provide training to most Asian mainland countries how to manage their country more efficiently. So under a wise leadership (read Chinese) they can bring benefit that is beyond measure. So while there is hostility now, I am hoping that China keeps the long term possibilities in mind and cooperates with Japan in economic front in many Asian regions and work towards integration of these regions. Both Japan and South Korea are military allies of the US, but China can still partner with these two nations to work on economic integration of these regions:
- EaEU (Eurasian Economic Union, former Soviet countries, except for the ones that join EU/NATO)
- ASEAN+Bangladesh+Sri Lanka
- West Asian Union (Turkey+Iran+Pakistan+Afghanistan+Shia 3rd of Iraq+Kurdish part of Iraq)

All of regions and nations in them have the potential, in the very long term, to become a part of future more expanded SCO:
Japan's ruling bloc approves larger military role | Page 13
Holy crap. Has anybody ever been to Japan? Fruit veg is already silly expensive.
Oh well, Japan can just suck on a lollypop
Holy crap. Has anybody ever been to Japan? Fruit veg is already silly expensive.
Oh well, Japan can just suck on a lollypop

To be fair, the Japanese standard of living is also considerably higher than other countries in Asia and the world. So, what may be expensive to a person from say, China, it is not necessarily as expensive to Japan where the average per capita is significantly higher.
Half the world is driving Japanese cars , not Chinese.
This is wrong. If the dam is damaged and the water starts to rush through on hole, even on top of the construction, it will start to rip more material with it. That creates more water flow which will erode the dam even more till it is simply swept away. Thats the bad part about "gravity dams". It does in no way withstand a megaton explosion.

The dam is planned wrong from the beginning, Considering the fact that it is planned to create electricity and protect the lamd from floods, you can already see, that the entire construction is a failure. A dam can only create electricity or save from floods. Both together is impossible. To be able to hold back floods, the water level must be low. To create electricity, the water level must be high. A dam that holds a lake with high water level can not hold back floods. Which was seen as the last minor flood had the dam already on its limits...The basic fact that they try to do both things in one shows that the entire dam is flawed from the beginning. And if it is flawed on such basic levels already, then i dont want to know, what hides inside.

This is my third time explaining it and hopefully the last. It is a gravity dam! As in, it is self-reinforcing and continue to function regardless of any damage occurring to other sections of the dam, thus only megaton level damage will actually damage it, let alone destroy it, aka you need thermonuclear capacity as well as the ability to penetrate one of the toughest air defense in the world to do it. Since several of you obviously didn't bother to check the item, let me link a easy to read explanation for you.
Gravity dam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't get why random internet posters always get the idea that they are somehow smarter than a nation of engineers. Gee, they spent two decades planning the thing and you expect them to forget to take things like attack and sabotage into account?
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