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Jamati name calling and what to do about it

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There is an instance in BD when a political leader talked about secularism Jamaati people there throwed chappals and shoes at him.

Yes, but that political leader was speaking at a gathering of clerics.

Majority comments come from Jamaati supporters and they also try to derail India related threads.

Derailing is very common at pdf, no sides are free from this. Majority don't resort to bad-mouthing and offensive language.
Yes, but that political leader was speaking at a gathering of clerics.

Derailing is very common at pdf, no sides are free from this. Majority don't resort to bad-mouthing and offensive language.

That's because of the mods.But still there are plenty of cases where BD's troll on Indian threads with offensive languages and slurs.And not to metion the politically motivated fear mongering and conspiracy theories against India.
JI's leaders didn’t prejudge or name-called anyone from Indian or Hindu community. They were far more decent/rational than any Indian that would probably be astonished if he/she ever met one of the JI's leaders. I have been observing different party officials, activists for long and could guarantee that JI leaders even criticized Indians with sane manner for its hegemony and expansionism.

Some people here might think that I was a JI activist, well the truth was that I didn’t have the quality to be one of them. Then I dealt with RAWAMY goons 10 times more than JI walas and had very good outlook on both along with BNP, Commie walas as well. But my conscience led me to support JI/SHIBIR during the testing time. Also those RAWAMYS that questioned JI/SHIBIR'S Bangladeshitto, well in a scale 1-20, they would score 21 on that part.
These same posters advocate for killing Bangladeshis and now they love BD more than we do.

That's what amazes me. They change colors based on the topic of the tread and on top of that anyone arguing against suckularism and talks about hint of Islam becomes target of name calling with hammer leading the chorus. :lol:
I call Indians chanakyans as I respect Indian slyness and crookedness. Those BDs cheering for those crookedness R definitely dalals , no?:)

Shyness and crookedness are nowhere related to Chanakya's philosophy, read up on him. Don't borrow expressions you do not understand.. :hitwall:
That's what amazes me. They change colors based on the topic of the tread and on top of that anyone arguing against suckularism and talks about hint of Islam becomes target of name calling with hammer leading the chorus. :lol:
It doesn't amaze me as persuasion of interest to them is more important than having outside's friends.
As far as I know many BD members wanted the Jamat to be banned. Pagan or not why do you care?
In an unbiased environment, more people would want RAWAMY Dalal League's ban than JI'S one.
How about calling Indians chanakyans & indian BD cheerleaders chanakyan dalals. :D

I think personally we don't have anything against common Indians, but these cheerleaders sometimes make me angry, not because what they do, but because of their cluelessness, and obstinacy for refusing to see the truth. "Deaf, dumb and blind- won't they ever return".

Still I think we should avoid personal attacks and offensive language, because personal attacks just cut off the communication. "Respond, don't react!"
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