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Jamat out with a new trick

উগ্রতা, অসভ্যতা, বর্বরতা, পাশবিকতা কেউ জামায়াতের কাছ থেকে শিখুক।
এই পশুরাই শান্তির ধর্মের নাম করে মানুষের কাছে যায়!

বায়তুল মোকাররমে নামাজের গালিচায় আগুন দিচ্ছে জামাতিরা।

Shooting at national mosque - Awami League terror police shooting as if Bangladeshis living in occupied territories in Palestine. Just like universally recognized Palestinian struggle, resistence against Indo-Awami League terrorism and fascism is only answer for Bangladeshi Muslims

উগ্রতা, অসভ্যতা, বর্বরতা, পাশবিকতা কেউ জামায়াতের কাছ থেকে শিখুক।
এই পশুরাই শান্তির ধর্মের নাম করে মানুষের কাছে যায়!

বায়তুল মোকাররমে নামাজের গালিচায় আগুন দিচ্ছে জামাতিরা।

What a blind awamy supporter/liar U are? The truth could be found from the following link...

Basherkella is a known Jihadist and terrorist sympathizing facebook page. It spreads lies and munafiqi ideas. Time to close the page.
Basherkella is a known Jihadist and terrorist sympathizing facebook page. It spreads lies and munafiqi ideas. Time to close the page.

Why don't you give some examples of lies they spread and we'll produce the examples of lies and munafiq ideas spread by you and your likes.
Sorry,its a lie.Tear gas has nothing to do with fire.If anyone has difficulty breathing because there's tear gas and then some one lights a fire it'll only make it more difficult to breathe.The fire will suck up the oxygen and the combination of tear gas and fire will make it lethal!

well, mayb tear gas has no connection with fire... But everyone lights fire in tear gas... Its like a tradition during protests in Bangladesh.....even i used to know that fire reduces the effect of tear gas. Tabij doesnt save people from bad thing, still few people use those, dont they?? why on earth Mullahs would set fire on carpets inside mosque?? any explanation??

Basherkella is a known Jihadist and terrorist sympathizing facebook page. It spreads lies and munafiqi ideas. Time to close the page.

and Shahbag pages also spread lie ( for example fake quote of Mahmudur Rahman). whats your point??
Obviously , RAW has its agent in Facebook as well Bro !!. Mark Zukerberg's real name is Mahesh Zarekar and he is a RAW agent plus closet Hindu . Here's a Picture as proof . Since you guys consider Saffron headgear stong co relation , here's even a stronger proof . His whole Attire ..


Hope these 5% Bangladeshis won't accuse any fruitseller selling Oranges and Kinnu as SAFFRONIST or RAW agent. :sarcastic:
Sorry,its a lie.Tear gas has nothing to do with fire.If anyone has difficulty breathing because there's tear gas and then some one lights a fire it'll only make it more difficult to breathe.The fire will suck up the oxygen and the combination of tear gas and fire will make it lethal!
Before throwing expert's opinion, please earn SME first on a related one. Here is a link on how bitterness of HS gas, CO and heat from fire get intensified/reduced/diluted in various environments, good luck..

It's better than this! That was a scandal. Those concerning it got punished.

You RAT Chorokee come on thank me!

World's largest **** gathering! Wo Wooooooo!

I am not a mod, but as a Bangladeshi my personal suggestion and advice is to not make fun of and attack religious practice of another religious group using obscene pictures.

@WebMaster we seriously need a mod in this section. Any time frame on when we might get a final decision from the PDF management? Are we going to get a mod from among Bangladeshi members? Again we thank you for the kindness and hospitality to allow us usage of your website and forum.
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Before throwing expert's opinion, please earn SME first on a related one. Here is a link on how bitterness of HS gas, CO and heat from fire get intensified/reduced/diluted in various environments, good luck..


HS or CO are never used in riot control(HS smells bad but is ineffective,CO is lethal and will kill you or will get oxidized to form CO2 and become inert).The effective component of tear gas is CS gas.Show me how it is oxidized from the heat produced during burning rugs.
Seriously this is intolerable now. This jamat shibir has crossed the limit. They are making fun of islam. With a blasphemi of our Quran and Muhammad(S) they are playing on fire. Today or tomorrow they will be exposed and they will have no place anywhere.
They are just doing their business with islam and accusing others as nastic badeen. What a shame.

একটি গোপন তথ্য পাওয়া গেছে আজ বা কাল সকাল বেলায় দুইটি জায়গায় কোরান শরীফে আগুন দেওয়া হবে এবং আন্তজাতিক মিডিয়া প্রচার করবে ( আল জাজিরা ) সে মোতাবেক চুক্তি হয়ছে আর চুক্তির কাজটা করেছে লন্ডন প্রবাসী এক সাবেক শিবির নেতা। গত রাতে গোপন মিটিং করে জামাত শিবির নেতারা একটি পএিকা অফিসে এবং সে সময় নাকি জামাত শিবিরের নেতারা কোরান শরীফে আগুন দিতে না করে ছিলো আর কারন হিসাবে বলা যদি কোন ভাবে প্রকাশ হয়ে যায় এটা জামাত শিবিরের কাজ তাহলে তাদের রাজনীতিক কবর হয়ে যাবে কিন্ত সে সময় কিছু সাংবাদিক ছিলো তারাই চাপ প্রয়োগ করে না হলে তারা আর কভার দিবে না বলে এবং কি ভাবে করবে এবং কোথায় করবে সব বলে দিয়েছে সাংবাদিকরাই তারা সবাই রাজাকারের ফাঁসি চাই লেখা কাপড় মাথায় বেধে জামাতের অফিসে হামলা করবে এবং সেখানেই পুড়ানো হবে ভাড়া করে কিছু লোক আনবে এই কাজের জন্য দুইটি জেলায় করার চিন্ত করছে জামালপুর আর কুষ্টিয়া তারা চেষ্টা করবে আজকের মধ্যে করার জন্য যাতে কাল হরতালে মানুষকে বুঝাতে পারে শাহবাগ বা আওয়ামী লীগ হলো ইসলামের শক্র।
এই জামাত শিবির ইসলাম মানে না,ইসলাম কে সামনে রেখে এরা তাদের অপকর্ম চালায় এরা ধর্ম কে নিয় ব্যবসা করে ।
A flawed international tribunal

Tuesday 05 February 2013 by Michael Cross

A flawed international tribunal | The Law Gazette

Considering its economic, kinship and historic ties with the UK, Bangladesh is absurdly under-reported in the British media. So you probably won’t have picked up the latest news from the country’s attempt to draw a judicial line under events that took place during its bloody birth, four decades ago.

Earlier today, the International Crimes Tribunal in Dhaka found a politician, Abdul Quader Molla of the Jamaat-e-Islami party, guilty of mass murder, crimes against humanity and other charges. He was sentenced to life imprisonment. The conviction follows that of Abul Kalam Azad, who last month was found guilty in absentia of eight charges of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death. (As Azad is currently in Pakistan, the sentence is most unlikely to be carried out.)

Anyone with memories of 1971, or who has been lucky enough to visit the Liberation War Museum in Dhaka, will cheer efforts to bringing to justice those responsible for the deaths of up to three million people.

Sadly, the so-called international tribunal, which is trying 12 individuals, is tainted. Opponents describe it as a political witch-hunt against Jamaat-e-Islami. In December, the tribunal chairman, Mohammed Nizamul Huq, resigned when a dossier of emails and telephone conversations came to light suggesting collusion between the government, prosecution counsel and judges.

British barristers assisting the defence team, such as Toby Cadman of Nine Bedford Row International, say the government of Bangladesh has proven it has neither the will nor the ability to run these trials independently or impartially.

Is this any business of ours? Beyond the obvious point that any miscarriage of justice involving the death penalty should be a matter of concern, the Dhaka tribunal raises two issues. One is the abuse of the term ‘international’, which should be reserved for war crimes proceedings under genuinely international jurisdiction. The other is the potential for political over-spill: Jamaat-e-Islami is a political force in some parts of the UK, and while I have little sympathy with its members I wouldn’t like them to be handed a victim card to play.

Shortly before taking up his post as chief prosecutor at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, US justice Robert Jackson said it would be better to shoot Nazi leaders out of hand than pervert the process of law by setting up a sham court.

‘You must put no man on trial under the forms of judicial proceeding, if you are not willing to see him freed if not proven guilty.’ The Nuremberg trial went on to acquit (against the wishes of the Soviet judges) three of the defendants.

Friends of Bangladesh can only hope that the Dhaka ‘international’ tribunal lives up to Jackson’s ideal.
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