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Jamaat distances from BNP

I propose creating our own Guantanamo to punish BAL hypocrites , because Jamat became their ally when it suit their needs ( in 1996 ) !

Also I want to bring back those BAL expats ( who don't want American freedom and human rights in Bangladesh) and put them in to our own Guantanamo to punish brutally!

They are no better than jamatis ; even sometimes worse , as jamatis are at least not munafiq like these foreign BAL rats!
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I propose creating our own Guantanamo to punish BAL hypocrites , because Jamat became their ally when it suit their needs ( in 1996 ) !

Also I want to bring back those BAL expats ( who don't want American freedom and human rights in Bangladesh) and put them in to our own Guantanamo to punish brutally!

They are no better than jamatis ; even sometimes worse , as jamatis are at least not munafiq like these foreign BAL rats!

At least we agree we need a Guantanamo!

Glad I didn’t have to tug your leash too hard 😂😂😂🤣

So, let’s stop pretending that BNP shills suddenly believe in “human rights” and “democracy”.
Don't you feel embarrassed now? Your opinion has dated terribly - nikah halalah!

Everything you gossiped before has landed back on your face now BNP Jamaat are in partnership once again.

Do you and your shill friends feel like fools?

Can you please stop spreading lies and rumours pretending to be neutral now

@BananaRepublicUK , sahih halal religion business of BAL, and sahih muktizuddher chetonadhari jamatis!

Bangladesh development party!

Don't you feel embarrassed now? Your opinion has dated terribly - nikah halalah!
@EasyNow ,( I will answer one by one , but the question is , do you really want to know, want to discuss or just want to abuse by showing your BAL color?

Okay it's up to you , that doesn't concern me! Now read my reply if you are interested! Or just move on! )

No I'm not embarrassed, because I'm not a seer! Also I don't consider Pinaky as my icon!

So it's still feasible that there is a secret pact between BAL and jamat ! I'm just observing the situation! Anything is possible in Bangladeshi politics! We shouldn't forget what happened after 1991 election! Hasina went to Golam Azam for support!

Golam Azam supported BNP instead!

Also I didn't forget 1996 simultaneous movement by BAL and jamat!

Nothing is final in politics ! No one is permanent ally or enemy in politics ; be it internal , regional or international politics!

So what's the reason of embarrassment?

Everything you gossiped before has landed back on your face now BNP Jamaat are in partnership once again.
I hope you have my answer already! However If simultaneous movement is partnership , then BAL was also partner of jamatis , isn't it?

So why something can be considered a crime when BNP do it , and why it's not crime when BAL follow the same path?

Can you please stop spreading lies and rumours pretending to be neutral now
Who said I'm neutral? Only Allah , Satan and dead body are neutral!

But does that necessarily mean that I've to support either BAL or BNP? No that doesn't! But partisan hypocrite minds are always unable to look beyond BAL and BNP ,and they can't think otherwise!

Doesn't matter how many degrees they get from American or British university , it won't really help changing their nature! Because In the end ,current always flows back to its source !

I already said I want democracy revive again! I mentioned several times that I'm with Hasina untill 2023/24 election! I always wished that she will arrange a free and fair election and take a safe exit!

Or simply she will compete again under a neutral govt and will win , and will show the world that she is really the best prime minister we ever produced!

But did she choose the way? I've yet to see it!

So other than behaving like adversary by showing true color , why don't you patiently read and remember my opinion that I've been writing from the beginning?

Wasn't it me who posted threads after thread when Khaleda Zia was bowed down politically?

( That time BNP clowns used to tag me as BAL brat , BAL crony , remember?)

Where were you guys that time? Now why came to call me liar , because it doesn't suit you? Isn't shameless behavior? The exact same behavior once BNP guys like @Al-zakir showed to me every now and then?

Still do you ( clowns from BAL and BNP) think that I should support either of your party? If you guys think so , I would say ,you are just spitting towards the sky!

It's called the party loyalist, not people like me who equally despise both party!

Finally all I want is safe and honorable exit of Hasina! She also said to DW in 2019 that it's her last term.

So why doesn't she remember it? If she now try to say that her party people love her so much that they don't let her go ?

Then may I ask if she is just a BAL PM or PM of Bangladesh?

If she is PM of Bangladesh why she is afraid participating an election under a caretaker or unity govt?

Finally I'm a supporter of such Bangladesh that's free from family dynasty! Make sense?

So yes I'm not neutral ,and will never be! But that necessarily doesn't mean that I support either of these family dynasty in Bangladesh!
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Well now is it time to Niqah Halala with Awami league?

But I think Awami league is so in love with Jamat , that they aren't going to divorce Jamat after one night! Rather will keep them forever!

Because it will help BAL winning a fair election because of jamatis well distributed vote bank ( only 5% but it's well distributed in every constituency ) !

Yes like other marriage , in Niqah Halala it's a requirement to get Talaq from husband to return to the previous husband!

However are we going to see, "Muktizuddher chetona dhari jamatis" in forseable future?

Or an , "Awami jama'at e islami league"?

Nothing is impossible!

:rofl: :rofl:
No I think Jamat will not make alliance with anyone. Just like their counter parts in Pakistan, they might also have realized that it is better to go their own way and lose rather than win some seats siding with the corrupt and get that brand too.

Jamat in Pakistan is losing seats but is gaining people respect.
No I think Jamat will not make alliance with anyone. Just like their counter parts in Pakistan, they might also have realized that it is better to go their own way and lose rather than win some seats siding with the corrupt and get that brand too.

Jamat in Pakistan is losing seats but is gaining people respect.
Well Pakistan and Bangladesh isn't same. Nowadays in Bangladesh jamatis doesn't have any free will I think.

So BAL can manipulate them to secretly work for them.

If you observe the history of jamati Islami , you will see it's not clean.

They are quite disturbing from the beginning ( surprisingly BAL possesses the same quality) !

Like in 1947 jamatis was against the creation of Pakistan ,then in 1971 they were against the creation of Bangladesh!

Later they supported and made alliance with BNP founded my General Ziaur Rahman who actually declared independence of Bangladesh ( on behalf of bangabandhu sheikh Mujib) , and now if jamat will support BAL and work for them , I won't be surprised!

I see that the Hindutva leader in Bangladesh Govinda Chandra pramanic nowadays have good relationship with jamati Islam!

Since few months Govinda Chandra is defaming BAL, and praising jamatis!

People will think it as a distance between India and BAL , but it can be pure eye wash by BAL Govt.

In the end nothing can be said clearly , other than just prediction!
Well Pakistan and Bangladesh isn't same. Nowadays in Bangladesh jamatis doesn't have any free will I think.

So BAL can manipulate them to secretly work for them.

If you observe the history of jamati Islami , you will see it's not clean.

They are quite disturbing from the beginning ( surprisingly BAL possesses the same quality) !

Like in 1947 jamatis was against the creation of Pakistan ,then in 1971 they were against the creation of Bangladesh!

Later they supported and made alliance with BNP founded my General Ziaur Rahman who actually declared independence of Bangladesh ( on behalf of bangabandhu sheikh Mujib) , and now if jamat will support BAL and work for them , I won't be surprised!

I see that the Hindutva leader in Bangladesh Govinda Chandra pramanic nowadays have good relationship with jamati Islam!

Since few months Govinda Chandra is defaming BAL, and praising jamatis!

People will think it as a distance between India and BAL , but it can be pure eye wash by BAL Govt.

In the end nothing can be said clearly , other than just prediction!
Okay. As I wrote, this is what I think. Your knowledge of BD JI is of course more than mine.
Just one correction, Jamat was founded in 1937 but was not a political party till 1948. So blaming them for being against Pakistan creation is not right. Jamiat Ulema was against Pakistan creation. There point of view was partition will not be beneficial for Muslims left in India while majority muslim areas had no problems of discrimination by other religious group etc. We may disagree with it but its a point.
Thanks a lot Gano Odhikar Porishod for official statement about BAL and Jamat relationship!

From 9.45 second Rashed Khan said that BAL need Jamat for their political existence! And that's why BAL isn't banning Jamatis!

This video is specially for pseudo BAL intellectual

Other BAL lackeys can watch it as well!
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Thanks a lot Gano Odhikar Porishod for official statement about BAL and Jamat! From 9.45 second Rashed Khan said that BAL need Jamat for their political existence! And that's why BAL isn't banning Jamatis!

This video is specially for pseudo BAL intellectual

BNP is much more jihadi than Jamat.

I say ban BNP.

It’s the BNP that funded the grenade attacks on Mazaars!
BNP is much more jihadi than Jamat.
Great great! Thanks for justifying Gano Odhikar Porishod's and my own claim about BAL Jamat Niqah Halala!

Love you for the justifying comment! 😂

BAL will be caught out one day like this. They are trying to hit over boundary in every ball!

Super idiots! 😂
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However, other parties are welcome to ban it.
No! Because other party politics aren't based on Jamat Islami and Muktizuddher cheotna!

Other than chetona business , they can survive! So they won't bother doing so for different reason!

But BAL hypocrite Satans won't ban them because they are very useful tool for them to renew their chetona business! 🤣 😂
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No other party politics aren't based on Jamat Islami and Muktizuddher cheotna!

Other than chetona business , they can survive! So they won't bother doing so for different reason!

But BAL hypocrite Satans won't ban them because they are very useful tool for them to renew their chetona business! 🤣 😂

I am just using your logic against you.

Put your money where your mouth is….

BAL cannot ban Jamat because the Saudis will not allow it!

BAL is in power because they keep everyone happy - including the Saudis!
BAL cannot ban Jamat because the Saudis will not allow it!

Not really! BAL won't ban jamatis, because they can't do chetona business if Jamat is banned!

And without cheotna business BAL can't survive!

Rashed Khan exactly said so in the video! Hence it became official statement of Gano Odhikar Porishod!

Because The party is free from personality cult! Not only convenor , but other superior leaders' statement are equally important!

If you don't know what's his ( Rashed Khan ) position in his party ,you can ask your BAL elders! Help yourself! 😂
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Not really! BAL won't ban jamatis, because they can't do chetona business if Jamat is banned!

And without cheotna business BAL can't survive!

Rashed Khan exactly said so in the video! Hence it became official statement of Gano Odhikar Porishod!

Because The party is free from on personality cult! Not only convenor , but other superior leaders' statement are equally important!

If you don't know what's his ( Rashed Khan ) position in his party ,you can ask your BAL elders! Help yourself! 😂


That’s your opinion and you are entitled to it!

It serves your paranoid narrative!
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