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"Jahesh-700", Iran's first turbofan engine

How much % extra thrust can one expect in this case?

Hard to estimate, with a significantly modified engine that takes large amounts of energy from the shaft maybe 50%?
Depends on how far Lockhead went for the RQ-170. If it is a ordinary civil engine maybe 10-20%.

But most important is the fuel efficiency increase.
if the DM use jahesh in karrad drone, it's combat range will increase to 700 km because of the better fuel consumption of the jahesh. while we should remember that jahesh produces more thrust too. it means while the combat range will increase, with 1.54 times more thrust, potentially karrar can take 380 kg of more fuel or armaments onboard. this will increase the payload capacity by 2.52 ratio. this means the karrar mission efficiency will increase to 3.53 times better position compared to the time it was powered by 4.4 kn microturbo tri 60/toloue-4 engine.
it can be used for drones only . even light trainers like k-8 have 3500 to 4700 LBF engines

well , we finally managed to produce Owj jet engine ( j-81 ) in industrial level ( although in low number due the budget and requirement issue ) ...

Owj jet engine has 16-18 kn dry thrust ...

next step is using Jahash-700 tech for making new version of Owj Jet engine by using or making a turbofan version of Owj Jet engine with 20-25 kn dry thrust , with 2 of these engine we can produce something more useful than Kowsar trainer ...

always the first steps are hardest ....
well , we finally managed to produce Owj jet engine ( j-81 ) in industrial level ...
Owj jet engine has trust between 16-18 kn dry thrust ...
next step is using Jahash-700 tech for making new version of Owj Jet engine by using Jahesh-700 technology or making a turbofan version of Owj Jet engine with 20-25 kn dry thrust , with 2 of these engine we can produce something more useful than Kowsar trainer ...

always the first steps are hardest ....
best of luck for next project
Best of luck to our Iranian brothers for projects ahead.

I wish that Pakistan also promotes itself in terms of technology and innovations soon. I'm highly optimistic for Pakistan's Project AZM for stealth tech.
Best of luck to our Iranian brothers for projects ahead.

I wish that Pakistan also promotes itself in terms of technology and innovations soon. I'm highly optimistic for Pakistan's Project AZM for stealth tech.
Iran will be best partner in this regard except China ofcourse , Iran is already ( for the passed 10 years ) has started its stealth body / material and expected to share its results after the tests are complete , its been working on its turbofan engine for a decade now and it has built airborne (AESA) radars and long rang air to air missile and electronics .
I would like to see this engine doing after burning. how is iran getting access to titanium? you need titanium or similar metals that are light, extremely strong and resistant to very high levels of heat during combustion. can't make effective compressors and turbines without titanium.
Jahesh-700 (Leap-700) is Iran's first turbofan engine, which incorporates cutting edge single-crystal blades technology. defense minister described it similar to engine of drones used in advanced countries including the RQ-170 which was captured by Iran in 2011.

This engine has 700kg thrust and can be installed on planes with up to 4000 kg weight. it increases the flight ceiling of Iranian drones to 60000ft.

Jahesh is modular, has advanced control system, has very long TBO (time between overhaul) and very low fuel consumption which gives the long flight endurance to our drones.

رونمایی از موتور بومی توربوفن سبک «جهش»/ افتتاح خط تولید موتور توربوجت ملی «اوج»+ تصاویر

Now that, if true, is a big leap forward for Iran. I cannot fathom why Pakistan and Iran don't have any former military to military collaboration on any projects? Or am I missing something here?

Also, could Iran build on this tech to power fighter-jets? I mean from an engineering perspective, is it possible for Iran to do so? Because if it is, the implications would be tremendous.
Now that, if true, is a big leap forward for Iran. I cannot fathom why Pakistan and Iran don't have any former military to military collaboration on any projects? Or am I missing something here?

Also, could Iran build on this tech to power fighter-jets? I mean from an engineering perspective, is it possible for Iran to do so? Because if it is, the implications would be tremendous.
Pakistan and iran USED to have very close military cooperation. but frankly, after the stunt mister rafsanjani pulled regarding iran's nuclear centrifuge systems plus iran's cooperation with india, Pakistan got very disappointed, therefore we now hesitate to cooperate. prolonged iranian leadership like mister Ahmedinijad (meaning not just a couple of terms) would probably prove very effective in restarting the military to military cooperation.
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