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"Jahesh-700", Iran's first turbofan engine

What is the thrust of Toloue-14?

And yes if the intention is to turn Stealth Shahed-171 into an attack UCAV then two engines should be put on it to give it enough non-afterburning push for high-speed evasions. Enlargement is a bonus for such a design that should not be a challenge at all because apparently they have mastered Shaheds size variations.
i believe if you want to make it a real bomber you must make it big enough that allow it to be equipped with 4 x Jahesh-700 and have enough capacity for bombs and also fuel in the process
if i recall correctly from old posters around 70% of Jahesh-700 you most consider that Shahed-171 already have a speed around 400-500km more toward 400km
i believe if you want to make it a real bomber you must make it big enough that allow it to be equipped with 4 x Jahesh-700 and have enough capacity for bombs and also fuel in the process

That is a manned platform you are talking about. I was talking about a stealth unmanned intruder that can silently add the enemy airspace and deal with enemy on ground, rush back at high subsonic speed.

if i recall correctly from old posters around 70% of Jahesh-700 you most consider that Shahed-171 already have a speed around 400-500km more toward 400km

Then a Jashesh-700 level upgrade will mean a speed of around 700-800 KM/H.
That is a manned platform you are talking about. I was talking about a stealth unmanned intruder that can silently add the enemy airspace and deal with enemy on ground, rush back at high subsonic speed.

Then a Jashesh-700 level upgrade will mean a speed of around 700-800 KM/H.
yes , with two jahesh 700 its possible to reach that speed considering the additional weight to the drone

about it being manned or unmanned well i prefer aflying wing with 4 jahesh0-700 to be unmanned one . for a manned one we really need a more powerful version . don't forget that Jahesh-700 can't even provisde hald the thrust that J-85 can provide
yes, Can become a proper stealth intruder and attacker.

2 x Jahesh-700 will mean the aircraft can now deploy heavier PGMs, may fly supersonic too.
Jahesh is has medium bypass ratio that makes it unsuitable for supersonic velocity and it can't be done with it, nor does airframe could handle it.
Different story if it was airframe designed for supersonic flight and Owj was the jet engine used that could work well in supersonic flight regime.
Jahesh is has medium bypass ratio that makes it unsuitable for supersonic velocity and it can't be done with it, nor does airframe could handle it.
Different story if it was airframe designed for supersonic flight and Owj was the jet engine used that could work well in supersonic flight regime.
Owj is turbojet and eats fuel like nobody's business, unfortunately.

Better use Tomcat's as launching platform for a supersonic drone.
6 meter long engine and only provide 48kn without afterburner and 92 with afterburner, on other hand RD-33 is only 4m long and provide around 50kn without afterburner and 81kn with afterburner
6 meter long engine and only provide 48kn without afterburner and 92 with afterburner, on other hand RD-33 is only 4m long and provide around 50kn without afterburner and 81kn with afterburner
What is your best guess in regards to what engines they will have for 75 seat passenger plane...
What is your best guess in regards to what engines they will have for 75 seat passenger plane...
well we can't get any from Ukraine for sure so nothing designed (more like copied by) motor-sich
maybe just maybe Klimov TV7-117 or TV-117s which is used in Ilyushin Il-114 or Ilyushin IL-112 it can provide up to 2800hp
6 meter long engine and only provide 48kn without afterburner and 92 with afterburner, on other hand RD-33 is only 4m long and provide around 50kn without afterburner and 81kn with afterburner
Tomcat has four pylons on its belly.

2 ton UAV could be carried by it.
Tomcat has four pylons on its belly.

2 ton UAV could be carried by it.
. tomcat is not designed for that and no it can 't be carried there , the space limitation make some problem.
by the way , what it had to do with engine , we were talking about engine for medium and light fighter , its very hard to consider f-14 as medium to light fighter
. tomcat is not designed for that and no it can 't be carried there , the space limitation make some problem.
by the way , what it had to do with engine , we were talking about engine for medium and light fighter , its very hard to consider f-14 as medium to light fighter
Because maybe such drone/UAV could be equipped with Jahesh-700.

Anyway it could mount it and looking again at Tomcat, where external fuel tanks can be mounted and how much casing along with it fuel weigh.
In theory that could come close to 4 tons and width of up to 4.5 meters at most with wingspan greater if variable-sweep wing is used.
as i s
Because maybe such drone/UAV could be equipped with Jahesh-700.
aid there will be space limitation we had problem installing MIM-23 there and its way smaller than those drones.
we could only put 2 MIM-23 under wing non under belly , i doubt we will be able to put one of these droneson tomcat.

and what drone you talk about the engine core of Jahesh-700 is big so its only supposed to be used in Shahed-171, we have smaller engine for other drones
as i s

aid there will be space limitation we had problem installing MIM-23 there and its way smaller than those drones.
we could only put 2 MIM-23 under wing non under belly , i doubt we will be able to put one of these droneson tomcat.

and what drone you talk about the engine core of Jahesh-700 is big so its only supposed to be used in Shahed-171, we have smaller engine for other drones
Your reply doesn't make any sense.
There are 4 hardpoints for missiles and 2 for fuel tanks.
All it would require is custom pylons of variable heights.
Jahesh-700 turbofan is very efficient at generating thrust.
There is enough space to fit a UAV with that jet engine.
Your reply doesn't make any sense.
There are 4 hardpoints for missiles and 2 for fuel tanks.
All it would require is custom pylons of variable heights.
Jahesh-700 turbofan is very efficient at generating thrust.
There is enough space to fit a UAV with that jet engine.
we just only could put 2x MIM-23 under the wing there was no space for it under the body.
you want to increase the height of pylon . good, do that hope you are have a solution for air vortex between your drone and the body of airplane , it will be strong enough to rip the drone , pylon and even part of the airplane structure

and please tell me which UAV you want to attach to F-14
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