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"Jahesh-700", Iran's first turbofan engine

Can you not be disingenuous for once? Even once would by now seems like a miracle if it occurs that you don't make and is disingenuous reply.
Why do you think there are air launched cruise and anti aircraft missiles that have examples that have ranges that even ground systems have?
I want 3 ton drone now? I have changed absolutely nothing and you conflate my suggestion of what is possible me only wanting that one.
Su-24 has 3 hard points that can carry each 1.5 ton bomb and nothing heavier than that, again they are far apart from each other.
It doesn't have space because you are narrow minded and inflexible by not considering any kind of unorthodox solutions.
Except Soviet Yak-28B fighter jet interceptor was capable carrying and dropping a 3000 kilogram bomb FAB-3000.
Iran doesn't have bomber unlike Russian Federation, United States of America and People's Republic of China.
Japan with 2.6 ton ground launched rocket has inserted 3 kilogram nano satellite into low earth orbit.

Height that pylon's that F-14 has on the belly hard points is due to wings/tails of the AIM-54 Phoenix.
Specialized pylon that mounts on all four belly hard points can be made considerably shorter than regular.
3+ ton bomb could have grid fins for stabilization that unfold once it is air dropped from the F-14 interceptor.
3+ ton UAV can take cues from guided glide bombs that have folding wings and tails until they are air dropped.
Diameter of subsonic payload mounted on single specialized pylon at most could be as large as 60 to 65 centimeters.
Pegasus XL air launched rocket at nearly 24 tons could inject into low earth orbit a satellite nearly 450 kilogram heavy.
Iran could develop 3 to 3.5 ton heavy air launched rocket with length of 8 meters and diameter of 60 to 65 centimeters.
Performance of inserting a satellite into low earth orbit at best could be 50 kilograms and at worst 25 kilograms like Omid.

Lets take Tomahawk cruise missile as an example.

It weighs 1300 kilograms with 450 kilogram warhead and full fuel load weighing 450 kilograms.
Physical dimensions are for diameter is 52 centimeters and length is 5 meters and 56 centimeters
Empty weight of Tomahawk is merely 400 kilograms without warhead and jet fuel in missile's body.
I need to correct myself, FJ33 / Jahesh-700 is not efficient enough to reach range of 7500 kilometers.
At most with 2700 kilograms load of jet fuel it could reach range of 5500 kilometers to 6000 kilometers.
There is strong indication that Indonesia's current cruise missile project will use Iranian turbojet engine.

There is report on Indonesia-Iran trade that Indonesia has bought Iran turbojet engine.
There is strong indication that Indonesia's current cruise missile project will use Iranian turbojet engine.

There is report on Indonesia-Iran trade that Indonesia has bought Iran turbojet engine.

Indonesia and Iran Head towards Final Stage of Resolving PTA Negotiations

Wednesday, October 5, 2022 | 6:10 A.M.
| Writer:
Tri Antoro
, Editor : Untung S


Jakarta, InfoPublik - Indonesia and Iran have completed the 6th round of negotiations on the Indonesia-Iran Preferential Trade Agreement (II-PTA). The negotiations were held in a hybrid manner on September 29 – October 1O, 2022 in Kuta, Bali.

The Indonesian delegation was led by Director General of International Trade Negotiations Djatmiko Bris Witjaksono and accompanied by Director of Bilateral Negotiations Johni Martha. Meanwhile, the Iranian Delegation is led by the Head of International Agreements, Vice-Presidency for Legal Affairs (LVP), Vice President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mehdi Piri.

"Iran is a potential nontraditional trading partner for Indonesia and needs to be worked on optimally. For this reason, the continuation of the PTA negotiations with Iran is expected to open up opportunities for Indonesia to increase exports to a wider market," said Djatmiko through a press release on Tuesday (4/10/2022).

Djatmiko explained that the II-PTA negotiations had previously lasted five rounds and four intersession meetings. These negotiations were also delayed several times due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the two parties agreed to continue negotiations and discussed all pending issues in an effort to achieve this year's settlement target.

"The negotiations went smoothly and the two parties showed flexibility to each other so that most of the issues were successfully agreed upon. I am sure that, with intensive communication and good collaboration, some other pending issues will be resolved soon," Djatmiko explained.

Djatmiko added that the discussion of the PTA manuscript includes two main aspects, namely trade in goods and provisions for the origin of goods. "Regarding the aspect of trade in goods, the two parties agreed to include trade cooperation. This is a form of trade facilitation in order to encourage an increase in bilateral trade," he added.

In addition to the text of the agreement, continued Djatmiko, the two parties also discussed the issue of market access regarding the scope of products that will be given preferential tariffs. The two have exchanged a list of products that are of interest to each party in order to be given a preferential rate.

"Indonesia and Iran share the same spirit to quickly complete the PTA negotiations. The completion of the negotiations is expected to be announced during the visit of the President of Iran to Indonesia which is planned for the end of October 2022," concluded Djatmiko.

The Indonesian delegation was strengthened by representatives from a number of relevant ministries and institutions, both offline and online. For example, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the Ministry of Health, the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency, and the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Tehran. At a glance, Indonesia-Iran trade in January - July 2022, the total trade between Indonesia and Iran reached USD163.2 million, an increase of 62.33 percent compared to the same period the previous year.

Meanwhile, the total trade between the two countries in 2021 reached USD208.8 million, a decrease of 3.33 percent compared to 2020. In 2021, Indonesia's exports to Iran were USD187.2 million or down 5.60 percent, and Indonesia's imports from Iran were USD21.6 million or an increase of 22.10 percent. Indonesia recorded a surplus of USD165.5 million against Iran.

Indonesia's main export commodities to Iran are nuts, palm oil, motorcycles, wood fiber, and industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids. Meanwhile, Indonesia's main import commodities from Iran are turbo jets and other gas turbines, dates, iron or steel rods, instruments, apparatuses and models designed for demonstration purposes, as well as alkaloids.

Photo: Ministry of Trade Public Relations

Can you not be disingenuous for once? Even once would by now seems like a miracle if it occurs that you don't make and is disingenuous reply.
Why do you think there are air launched cruise and anti aircraft missiles that have examples that have ranges that even ground systems have?
I want 3 ton drone now? I have changed absolutely nothing and you conflate my suggestion of what is possible me only wanting that one.
Su-24 has 3 hard points that can carry each 1.5 ton bomb and nothing heavier than that, again they are far apart from each other.
It doesn't have space because you are narrow minded and inflexible by not considering any kind of unorthodox solutions.
Except Soviet Yak-28B fighter jet interceptor was capable carrying and dropping a 3000 kilogram bomb FAB-3000.
Iran doesn't have bomber unlike Russian Federation, United States of America and People's Republic of China.
Japan with 2.6 ton ground launched rocket has inserted 3 kilogram nano satellite into low earth orbit.

Height that pylon's that F-14 has on the belly hard points is due to wings/tails of the AIM-54 Phoenix.
Specialized pylon that mounts on all four belly hard points can be made considerably shorter than regular.
3+ ton bomb could have grid fins for stabilization that unfold once it is air dropped from the F-14 interceptor.
3+ ton UAV can take cues from guided glide bombs that have folding wings and tails until they are air dropped.
Diameter of subsonic payload mounted on single specialized pylon at most could be as large as 60 to 65 centimeters.
Pegasus XL air launched rocket at nearly 24 tons could inject into low earth orbit a satellite nearly 450 kilogram heavy.
Iran could develop 3 to 3.5 ton heavy air launched rocket with length of 8 meters and diameter of 60 to 65 centimeters.
Performance of inserting a satellite into low earth orbit at best could be 50 kilograms and at worst 25 kilograms like Omid.

Lets take Tomahawk cruise missile as an example.

It weighs 1300 kilograms with 450 kilogram warhead and full fuel load weighing 450 kilograms.
Physical dimensions are for diameter is 52 centimeters and length is 5 meters and 56 centimeters
Empty weight of Tomahawk is merely 400 kilograms without warhead and jet fuel in missile's body.
I need to correct myself, FJ33 / Jahesh-700 is not efficient enough to reach range of 7500 kilometers.
At most with 2700 kilograms load of jet fuel it could reach range of 5500 kilometers to 6000 kilometers.
and a simple math would have told you that your mythical missile with 60cm diameter and 8m of length could only carry 1670kg of fuel if there was nothing else in the missile and it was only a tanker filled with fuel. a 2700kg of jet fuel means at least a 13m long container for the fuel alone , without engine , warhead , guidance and many other mechanism
and you even don't bother to consider as you made the missile more than twice heavy it uses more fuel than tomahawk .

designing a missile or drone is not what you think it need mathematic and it seems you are not well versed in that , so please let our F-14s alone and find another hobby .
by the way by name-calling and insulting you just showed the weakness in your argument

and for your 3 ton drone project ,Shahed-149 is 3 ton when flying , good , go and strap it to f-14
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Not my problem that you find accurate description of your disingenuous behavior as name-calling and insulting because you have no manners to any degree.
You won't admit that what you did is disingenuous and let alone apologize for it, that probably never crossed your mind as you are not well mannered.
You repeatedly ignored what I wrote and then lied about what I want because you are the one that has weakness in arguments here, not me.
I have already pointed out multiple times what you did in here yet you pretend that I did not and then you go on with fictional narratives.
Your calculations on volume is based on cylinder and flawed by inaccurate calculation as too disingenuous cherry picking diameter.
Why do you ignore that I have stated that UAV should take clues from glide bombs, they are not exclusively cylinder shaped.
Cruise missiles themselves are not cylinder shaped such as one with air frame that have reduced radar cross section.
800 kilograms of jet fuel at 15 celsius takes up 1 cubic meter and if UAV was just all fuel then that is 2400 kilograms.
UAV would not need pylon with coolant for seeker that AIM-54 had for forward mounted on belly that they had.
Another that with AIM-7's length front further back to further forward is over 10 meters, perhaps 11 or 12.
65 centimeter height by 65 centimeter width by 120 centimeter length would have 5 cubic meters.
If that was just pure fuel then that would have been 4000 kilograms of just simply fuel.
Wings, tail and jet engine could take up more or less around 0.75 cubic meters.
Mentioning Shahed 149 when it would be far slower than jet powered UAV.
Your calculations on volume is based on cylinder and flawed by inaccurate calculation as too disingenuous cherry picking diameter.
the number you provided , don't like them give me another number and no they are accurate .
maybe several centimeter more or less
Why do you ignore that I have stated that UAV should take clues from glide bombs, they are not exclusively cylinder shaped.
not cylindrical , mean back and forward are smaller as the result the UAV will be longer the cylindrical form is the smallest dorm if you want it to be 60-65cm wide , if you want it to be wider so it be smaller , then it will too close to ground and for safety reasons not feasible.

Cruise missiles themselves are not cylinder shaped such as one with air frame that have reduced radar cross section.
you want it that form , it will be 65*65 or 60*65 whatever you like , well it become in contact with engine as i said the space there is limited
800 kilograms of jet fuel at 15 celsius takes up 1 cubic meter and if UAV was just all fuel then that is 2400 kilograms.
inaccurate calculation its not 0.8 its around 0.77 but let say your 0.8 that will be a 9.5m long fuel thank to have 2700kg of fuel and that only fuel tank , you must add to its length for warhead and engine and guidance and ....
UAV would not need pylon with coolant for seeker that AIM-54 had for forward mounted on belly that they had.
the pylon will remain 25-30cm whatever you do and please , please please decide its a uav or cruise missile ?
Another that with AIM-7's length front further back to further forward is over 10 meters, perhaps 11 or 12.
i wonder how i must make you understand the strength of the skeleton of aircraft is not the same at all places , you move the pylon front or back and the tolerance will not be 1100kg , it will be 750kg

65 centimeter height by 65 centimeter width by 120 centimeter length would have 5 cubic meters.
sadly your mathematics is as weak as your logic . that is not 5 cubic meter , its 0.507 cubic meter.
please give me the sizes and i do the calculation for you.
If that was just pure fuel then that would have been 4000 kilograms of just simply fuel.
no that would only be 405kg of fuel
Wings, tail and jet engine could take up more or less around 0.75 cubic meters.
wrong Jahesh-700 is 98cm long and 46cm wide , and that is the core without any casing add 10cm at least for casing , also add space in front for the canals that act as air intakes
the wing don't fold by themselves , there is a mechanism inside the missile or uav to fold them and it take space , there space for warhead , there is space for sensors , there is space for guidance systems and .... well you miscalculated in the numbers you provided in previous part and must multiply those numbers by 10

Mentioning Shahed 149 when it would be far slower than jet powered UAV.
mentioning a 3000kg uav that you were talking about , wanted to give you an estimation . by the way in old days turboprop was considered a jet engine , didn't knew recently the definition have changed

Not my problem that you find accurate description of your disingenuous behavior as name-calling and insulting because you have no manners to any degree.
You won't admit that what you did is disingenuous and let alone apologize for it, that probably never crossed your mind as you are not well mannered.
You repeatedly ignored what I wrote and then lied about what I want because you are the one that has weakness in arguments here, not me.
I have already pointed out multiple times what you did in here yet you pretend that I did not and then you go on with fictional narratives.
and about this part guess now its established all that you attributed to me is actually apply to you
You say so yet you again made a disingenuous reply thus proving my attribution as factually correct and establishes as fact because you as expected have incriminated yourself.
You made it evident when you lied that I have not stated goal of the UAV as too by only doing calculations for 60 centimeter diameter cylinder and ignoring 65 centimeter.
Even more evident disingenuous behavior by resorting to binary fallacy that it must be ALCM or UAV thus ignore fact that multiple kind of ordnance can be mounted.
You go even further as evident by lying about calculation as hard evidence that you intentionally ignore that I made a typo about length of the hypothetical UAV.

If you had actual arguments then you would not have resorted to such, otherwise you would have asked if number I typed is correct or did I mistype it.
Though what happened has happened and you have repeatedly demonstrated that you have no manners, you are utterly irredeemably disingenuous.
Extremely evident by your unnecessary explanation that relies on assertion I don't know thus you in effect are lying about me without restraint.

Do not assume what I know or don't know because otherwise if you double down then you end up lying, But you don't care about that.
As evident by your pattern of behavior in which you ignore inconvenient parts of my replies because you have no argument.
Your replies are a charade of someone that is more fitting of a saboteur than someone truly patriotic for their own country.

You want to believe that its not possible or viable to reduce height of pylon, as if its unorthodox when there are multiple types of pylons that F-14 has of variable heights.
Did you not complain about AIM-23B / Fakour-90 not being able to be mounted on the belly of F-14? You would never suggest a taller pylon to enable mounting those?
Also I kept with suggestion to have pylon as to be orthodox, yet why not have missile have mounting mechanism of crypto-pylon as part of its air frame body at all?
In a way that makes it conformal and distance between hard points that are right next to each other has at least 60 centimeter gap between each other.
As for mechanism and compactness, AGM-158C LRASM could be taken as an example in design of a cruise missile reminiscent of glide bomb.

Involving calculations, 8 meter long cylinder with diameter of 60 centimeters would have volume of 2.26 cubic meters.
Rectangle shaped body at 8 meter length with 60 centimeter height and width would have volume of 2.88 cubic meters.


207 pixel length for AIM-54 and from tip of front mounted AIM-54 to rear of rear mounted AIM-54 it is 450 pixel length thus gap between two is 36 pixel length.
From value measured with available image that AIM-54 was measured, we can conclude that is 68 centimeters at most, considering perspective, at very least its 50 centimeters.
Its 524 pixel length from rear end of AIM-54 at rear to area where roughly nose landing gear is, that would be 986 centimeters, thus at very least 950 centimeter length is viable.
Diameter of AIM-54 is 20 pixels in width and gap between main body of AIM-54 mounted side by side is also 20 pixels in width thus is 38 centimeter gap between each other.
Width of missile taking into account from one end of wing to another end of wing on another missile is at 80 pixels, thus at most 152 centimeter width under the belly of F-14.
From area where front landing gear is to almost where end of jet engine is at rear, that would be 700 pixel length thus length is at very least over 12.5 meters.

12.5 meter long cylinder at 65 centimeter diameter would have 4.15 cubic meter volume, making that tip aerodynamically viable and then its down to 4 cubit meter volume.
Rectangular body would have 5.28 cubic meter volume, making that aerodynamically viable and that would be down to 5 cubic meter volume.
Anyway I said nothing at all about moving pylons forward or backwards, again I mentioned specialized pylon as an option.
Of course it could end up being heavier than four independent pylons rather than one that uses four hard points.
You say so yet you again made a disingenuous reply thus proving my attribution as factually correct and establishes as fact because you as expected have incriminated yourself.
You made it evident when you lied that I have not stated goal of the UAV as too by only doing calculations for 60 centimeter diameter cylinder and ignoring 65 centimeter.
Even more evident disingenuous behavior by resorting to binary fallacy that it must be ALCM or UAV thus ignore fact that multiple kind of ordnance can be mounted.
You go even further as evident by lying about calculation as hard evidence that you intentionally ignore that I made a typo about length of the hypothetical UAV.

If you had actual arguments then you would not have resorted to such, otherwise you would have asked if number I typed is correct or did I mistype it.
Though what happened has happened and you have repeatedly demonstrated that you have no manners, you are utterly irredeemably disingenuous.
Extremely evident by your unnecessary explanation that relies on assertion I don't know thus you in effect are lying about me without restraint.

Do not assume what I know or don't know because otherwise if you double down then you end up lying, But you don't care about that.
As evident by your pattern of behavior in which you ignore inconvenient parts of my replies because you have no argument.
Your replies are a charade of someone that is more fitting of a saboteur than someone truly patriotic for their own country.

You want to believe that its not possible or viable to reduce height of pylon, as if its unorthodox when there are multiple types of pylons that F-14 has of variable heights.
Did you not complain about AIM-23B / Fakour-90 not being able to be mounted on the belly of F-14? You would never suggest a taller pylon to enable mounting those?
Also I kept with suggestion to have pylon as to be orthodox, yet why not have missile have mounting mechanism of crypto-pylon as part of its air frame body at all?
In a way that makes it conformal and distance between hard points that are right next to each other has at least 60 centimeter gap between each other.
As for mechanism and compactness, AGM-158C LRASM could be taken as an example in design of a cruise missile reminiscent of glide bomb.

Involving calculations, 8 meter long cylinder with diameter of 60 centimeters would have volume of 2.26 cubic meters.
Rectangle shaped body at 8 meter length with 60 centimeter height and width would have volume of 2.88 cubic meters.

View attachment 890642

207 pixel length for AIM-54 and from tip of front mounted AIM-54 to rear of rear mounted AIM-54 it is 450 pixel length thus gap between two is 36 pixel length.
From value measured with available image that AIM-54 was measured, we can conclude that is 68 centimeters at most, considering perspective, at very least its 50 centimeters.
Its 524 pixel length from rear end of AIM-54 at rear to area where roughly nose landing gear is, that would be 986 centimeters, thus at very least 950 centimeter length is viable.
Diameter of AIM-54 is 20 pixels in width and gap between main body of AIM-54 mounted side by side is also 20 pixels in width thus is 38 centimeter gap between each other.
Width of missile taking into account from one end of wing to another end of wing on another missile is at 80 pixels, thus at most 152 centimeter width under the belly of F-14.
From area where front landing gear is to almost where end of jet engine is at rear, that would be 700 pixel length thus length is at very least over 12.5 meters.

12.5 meter long cylinder at 65 centimeter diameter would have 4.15 cubic meter volume, making that tip aerodynamically viable and then its down to 4 cubit meter volume.
Rectangular body would have 5.28 cubic meter volume, making that aerodynamically viable and that would be down to 5 cubic meter volume.
Anyway I said nothing at all about moving pylons forward or backwards, again I mentioned specialized pylon as an option.
Of course it could end up being heavier than four independent pylons rather than one that uses four hard points.
each post the among of nonsense increase , congratulation m you decided to put the misssile on moving part and the part that at take off come closer to the ground you put that 65cm missile at the tail of aircraft and add t that the fact hat the folding wing there take probably 10-20 cm at least and the fact that pylon is 25-30cm . congratulation at the take off the tail of the missile hit the ground.

also it may be hard for you to accept but between the engine of F-14 at tail is actually moving parts you can't put any thing there
so you see , your solution become more ridicoulus after each post.
Did you not complain about AIM-23B / Fakour-90 not being able to be mounted on the belly of F-14? You would never suggest a taller pylon to enable mounting those?
fakour 90 use AIM-54 body it can be installed in all 6 pylon . Sejjil project which uses MIM-23 can only be installed on the pylons under the wing glove
now who is the liar here . , when i say Fakour-90 can't be installed under the belly. but what can you expect from a person who want install misssile on moving part.

the 65cm solution of you is simply not feasible .
65cm for missile , 25cm at least for pylon and 10+20cm for retracted wings the missile just will be 10cm above ground even if i want to humor you the fuel tanker will be 7m long , engine 1m , the duct for air input at least half meter , the warhead 1m sensors half meter . congratulation the monstrosity is 10m long , and probably weight more than 4 ton and 65cm won't be possible to be installed under the belly as it will become in contact with engines unless , you remove all 4 pylons there and replace them with one of your special ones in center line and even that have the other problems i mentioned , you had to tear down aircraft , strengthen the skeleton and placed that pylon mount . you must lengthen aircraft landing gear for .at least half meter.
As for mechanism and compactness, AGM-158C LRASM could be taken as an example in design of a cruise missile reminiscent of glide bomb.
that cruise missile is less than 1100kg , don't need this shenanigan just put it under Su-24 or f-4

and as i said , fly the damn drone from ground.
Another disingenuous post from you and more lies from you as expected from you.

You lie: Fakour-90 is not clone of AIM-54 Phoenix as it is air launched MIM-23 Hawk based missile that is further development of Sedjil (AIM-23) hence designation as AIM-23B.
You are disingenuous: I have not suggested anywhere for Iran to design and produce missile akin to AGM-158C LRASM, will you assert that I did otherwise thus lie again?
You lie and are disingenuous: Nowhere I proposed for any hard point to be removed nor to be added, what I said is specialized pylon using all four hard points.

Distance between pylon / hard point mounting mechanism side by side is around 76 centimeters and total width accounting for tails of AIM-54 missiles is over 150 centimeters.
Either rectangular body with width of 80 or more centimeters or cylindrical body with diameter of 80 or more centimeters mounted on specialized purpose built pylon.
You said that at most on regular pylon that F-14 has that diameter limit would be 52 centimeters, while height of pylon itself is 25 to 30 centimeters.
You know space between pylons is usable thus diameter of cylindrical body could be over 80 centimeters with mounting point on side of it.
Coincidentally it would thus be possible for F-14 to drop 3 ton bomb FAB-3000 equivalent from its belly like Yak-28 interceptor could.

Another disingenuous post from you and more lies from you as expected from you.

You lie: Fakour-90 is not clone of AIM-54 Phoenix as it is air launched MIM-23 Hawk based missile that is further development of Sedjil (AIM-23) hence designation as AIM-23B.
You are disingenuous: I have not suggested anywhere for Iran to design and produce missile akin to AGM-158C LRASM, will you assert that I did otherwise thus lie again?
You lie and are disingenuous: Nowhere I proposed for any hard point to be removed nor to be added, what I said is specialized pylon using all four hard points.

Distance between pylon / hard point mounting mechanism side by side is around 76 centimeters and total width accounting for tails of AIM-54 missiles is over 150 centimeters.
Either rectangular body with width of 80 or more centimeters or cylindrical body with diameter of 80 or more centimeters mounted on specialized purpose built pylon.
You said that at most on regular pylon that F-14 has that diameter limit would be 52 centimeters, while height of pylon itself is 25 to 30 centimeters.
You know space between pylons is usable thus diameter of cylindrical body could be over 80 centimeters with mounting point on side of it.
Coincidentally it would thus be possible for F-14 to drop 3 ton bomb FAB-3000 equivalent from its belly like Yak-28 interceptor could.
You lie: Fakour-90 is not clone of AIM-54 Phoenix as it is air launched MIM-23 Hawk based missile that is further development of Sedjil (AIM-23) hence designation as AIM-23B.
you lie that claim I said such thing , i said it uses the body AIM-54 and it use that body
the sedjil used body of aim-23

Fakour -90



hope these photos are educating enough for you to see the difference
also while we are at it let show you how big a pylon for these size of weaponry is

hope you don't talk any more on that ridicules modified pylons of you
You are disingenuous: I have not suggested anywhere for Iran to design and produce missile akin to AGM-158C LRASM, will you assert that I did otherwise thus lie again?
what you said
"As for mechanism and compactness, AGM-158C LRASM could be taken as an example in design of a cruise missile reminiscent of glide bomb." so who is not honest ?
You lie and are disingenuous: Nowhere I proposed for any hard point to be removed nor to be added, what I said is specialized pylon using all four hard points.
again another lie by you
what you suggested made it necessary other wise you cant use those 4 hardpoint for carrying that 10m long 65cm wide box you propose
You know space between pylons is usable thus diameter of cylindrical body could be over 80 centimeters with mounting point on side of it.
genius the limit is not with the adjacent missile , its with the adjacent engine and with the ground
Coincidentally it would thus be possible for F-14 to drop 3 ton bomb FAB-3000 equivalent from its belly like Yak-28 interceptor could.
different airplanes different design , different structure
the Fab-3000 could be used by Yak-28b , its true that yak-28 in later variant was introduced as interceptor (namely Yak-28P) but yak-28 actually first introduced as tactical bomber , so you are comparing apple with orange ,f-14 was an interceptor that later upgraded with basic bombing capabilities

so again proved you only can do childish insult , without making a valid argument and knowledge of basic aircraft design. go install that 10-13m long missile on moving part of f-14 airframes . and you also forgot something part of the lift in f-14 come from the space between engine , by adding that big missile there you loose that lift
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I did not lie since reply proves my point that Fakour-90 is using body or has derived body from MIM-23 Hawk as evident by images that you used in your reply.
AIM-54 does not have cable raceway that protrudes from body of the missile unlike MIM-23 as Fakour-90 is further development of AIM-23 aka Seidjil.
AIM-23B is Fakour-90 with body of MIM-23 and control surfaces of MIM-23 replaced with one used by AIM-54 hence its designation is AIM-23B.


Yes that is what I said and you only proved that you are dishonest as nowhere I stated that Iran should make AGM-158C LRASM as evident by your quote of me.
If you were so confident in your arguments then you would not have resorted to blatant lying about what I stated and disingenuous interpretations.
I mentioned that cruise missiles due to solutions it has that made it more compact with mechanism that it had which enabled that.

What I suggested does not make it necessary what you assert and just because you disagree that you believe it needs changes doesn't mean I am lying.
On other hand you lied because you basically asserted that I suggested that hard points would need to be changed, removed and added.
You peddled your own opinion as me stating it when it was your opinion that you projected as being something of mine when it isn't.


You are genius in here by effectively ignoring potential solutions that deal with limitations that you so proudly hammered in here several times in a row.
If missile was mounted same way as AIM-54 then there would be limitation of 52 centimeters that you assert that highest diameter can be used.
You ignore space in between pylons and different way of missile being attached to a pylons or have entirely different pylon design.


Do not talk about someone being childish when your behavior is disingenuous as you repeatedly resort to blatant lying about what I have stated.
Lift generated by the belly in between engines is more crucial during supersonic flight regime when wings are retracted to minimum width.
Length of cruise missiles or UAV can be over 950 centimeters thus not even 5 percent shortfall from 1000 centimeters / 10 meters.


2700 kilograms of fuel would take up 4 cubic meters of volume, there would be 1.7 cubic meters of volume for engine, electronics, mechanism and so on.
if air frame body was rectangular, perhaps once fuel tanks are nearly empty and there is large enough wing area then its possible it could glide.
Possibly landing could be done without landing gear, soft landing on belly or slowly descend with parachute like Tu-141 and Tu-143.
well , I'm beaten by you guys stamina . I'm only glad of one thing , nobody work on these laughing ideas that are stated here
nobody build that ridiculous drone or cruise missiles and nobody install it on F-14 .
when you built it and installed it on f-14 call me
well , I'm beaten by you guys stamina . I'm only glad of one thing , nobody work on these laughing ideas that are stated here
nobody build that ridiculous drone or cruise missiles and nobody install it on F-14 .
when you built it and installed it on f-14 call me
There is nothing ridiculous about expanding versatility of F-14 that could allow it do to something no other military jet aircraft in Iranian service could do such as Su-24.
There is nothing ridiculous about expanding versatility of F-14 that could allow it do to something no other military jet aircraft in Iranian service could do such as Su-24.
when it was built call me
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