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Jack Jacob: The general who saved India from more war.

There is no doubt - it is a fact that Nanak-ji fashioned a faith system which was inclusive, very large-hearted and posed no danger to any other dogma, unless they stretched out to discover such danger. There is no doubt that the poetry of some of the Sufi poets is mesmerizing. In Ludhiana, I had a lovely collection of tapes, which I freaked out on for that year and a half. Bulleh Shah in particular; he haunts me.

But a religion whose mool mantra starts with the Onkar is making some statements right away. To see in this the influence of Islam exclusively is to be astonishingly out of touch with reality.

We need to get our little one away from the bear necessities. It could do him permanent damage. I mean mental damage, of course. What DID you think?

Something one has seen for a long time.

Astonishingly out of touch with reality.

Sometimes one has to wonder if he/she himself/herself believes in it?

If I was wajib-ul-qatil - and music is haraam, how do you explain a Shia posting a devotional hymn to Hazrat Ali

A question for the people to answer who have been calling you wajib ul qatl and a Jewish conspiracy for more than a thousand years!

I can quote them if needed. I think it will be superfluous.

For me and for you. ;)
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Something one has seen for a long time.

Astonishingly out of touch with reality.

Sometimes one has to wonder if he/she himself/herself believes in it?

Bring it on indian's - insults are the last refuge of the incompetent.

Something one has seen for a long time.

Astonishingly out of touch with reality.

Sometimes one has to wonder if he/she himself/herself believes in it?

A question for the people to answer who have been calling you wajib ul qatl and a Jewish conspiracy for more than a thousand years!

I can quote them if needed. I think it will be superfluous.

For me and for you. ;)

Yes, and the people who consider dalits sub-human have been around for a couple of thousand years also.
Well the minute you guys trying to riducle our beliefs....."kaali maa worship, lingam worship, worshipping gods with monkey heads, elephant heads, blue gods, gods with big dracula teeth is a one way ticket to hell"..by Hossain or whatever...all bets are off....dont ever try to demand respect..you got to earn it son...and I dont literally mean you as SON..!

Where I have I said those things, complain about the person who said them, what does it have to do with me.

Well being selective are we!....you complained about a stealth attack on your Prt...but had nothing to say about someone who was riducling our beliefs....thats so typical...read all my previous posts..you will know what I mean..I have always respected Islam and have also not agreed with Indians riducling the same..
Well being selective are we!....you complained about a stealth attack on your Prt...but had nothing to say about someone who was riducling our beliefs....thats so typical...read all my previous posts..you will know what I mean..I have always respected Islam and have also not agreed with Indians riducling the same..

I have been trying to reply to nearly a dozen indians at a time - on my own I might add, so did not notice that post, I would like to make clear - that I condemn attacking anyone's religious beliefs. I cannot be any clearer than that, can I?
Rafi, a question from a slightly dazed kaffir sliding towards hellfire: do you know what fiqh is? Do you know what is, for instance, Hanafi? What fiqh does the Barelvi follow? And which does the Shia follow? When you say you are Shia, do you not follow Jaafari fiqh (unless you are Ismaili)?
I have been trying to reply to nearly a dozen indians at a time - on my own I might add, so did not notice that post, I would like to make clear - that I condemn attacking anyone's religious beliefs. I cannot be any clearer than that, can I?

In that case I apologize for my previous comment...I have deleted it.
Rafi, a question from a slightly dazed kaffir sliding towards hellfire: do you know what fiqh is? Do you know what is, for instance, Hanafi? What fiqh does the Barelvi follow? And which does the Shia follow? When you say you are Shia, do you not follow Jaafari fiqh (unless you are Ismaili)?

Patronizing tone again, to be expected from you - I am a twelver -if you know what that means. Are you thinking of joining the force. ;)

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Bring it on indian's - insults are the last refuge of the incompetent.

You gotta pay me for using this

Yes, and the people who consider dalits sub-human have been around for a couple of thousand years also.

It took you 15 pages to reach Dalits.. C'mon matey.. you losing your touch.. Probably because Aryan is Missing in action.. How far away are the toilets now ??/
Yes, Rafi, guess what Jinnah was. I do know the difference between Twelver and Fiver, due to various circumstances. Just as you know the difference between Saiva, Vaishnava and Shakta, and know which I belonged to at birth, if not now.

And now I can say, truthfully, I know a Jaafari who is a Barelvi at the same time.
Yes, Rafi, guess what Jinnah was. I do know the difference between Twelver and Fiver, due to various circumstances. Just as you know the difference between Saiva, Vaishnava and Shakta, and know which I belonged to at birth, if not now.

And now I can say, truthfully, I know a Jaafari who is a Barelvi at the same time.

Never claimed to be a Barelvi old man, I said the majority of Pakistanis are Barelvi. There is a difference.
You gotta pay me for using this

It took you 15 pages to reach Dalits.. C'mon matey.. you losing your touch.. Probably because Aryan is Missing in action.. How far away are the toilets now ??/

LoL - never knew it was your "trade mark".
Who's on the toilet, <confused>. :unsure:
Bring it on indian's - insults are the last refuge of the incompetent.

No insult intended.

Unless you take facts for an insult.

Yes, and the people who consider dalits sub-human have been around for a couple of thousand years also.

Wasn't the "final and perfect" faith expected to be different? ;)
Kya lil Indian, lil Indian laga rakha hai.

Tu kya Dara Singh ka .... hai?

Funny thing is he is quoting Winston Churchill,

Perhaps he should check the kind words Churchill used for Muslims.

I guess some still look upon the Gora Sahibs here ;)
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