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J&K: Infiltrators occupy Indian village along the LoC, say sources

Make sure there is no chance of escape, close in on them and take the punks out and feed their dead bodies to worms after.
Still do not know why we are not using armed drones in Kashmir and across the LOC so we can hit these rats while they sleep
the best solution to solve the Kashmir problem is for India to grant Kashmiris self determination. If they want independence, than they should allow to. US grant the same rights to Puerto Rico. So far, they had not declared independence.
the best solution to solve the Kashmir problem is for India to grant Kashmiris self determination. If they want independence, than they should allow to. US grant the same rights to Puerto Rico. So far, they had not declared independence.

Its a complex world my friend where countries are willing to fight for small rocky islands miles away from home where even the birds dont nest.you should know better being from Taiwan.
the best solution to solve the Kashmir problem is for India to grant Kashmiris self determination. If they want independence, than they should allow to. US grant the same rights to Puerto Rico. So far, they had not declared independence.

Problem lies with the agreement and the sheer dishonesty from Pakistani regime. As per UN resolution. Pakistan had to withdraw it's troops. India need to send it's army a followed by a referendum. It seems Pakistan was never in favor of peace , is not favor or peace and chose path of blood bath when they could choose peace, progress and welfare of it's people.
the best solution to solve the Kashmir problem is for India to grant Kashmiris self determination. If they want independence, than they should allow to. US grant the same rights to Puerto Rico. So far, they had not declared independence.
Not that easy:

What happens to Ladhak and Jammu where there is a minority of Muslims?
What about Pakistan occupied Kashmir that includes Gilgit and Baltistan?
What about the 5,180 square kilometres of Kashmir that has been gifted to China illegally by Pakistan in 1963?
What about the Security Council Resolution that clearly spells out that Pakistani forces MUST VACATE ALL areas of Kashmir BEFORE a plebiscite is held? (Which needless to say, Pakistan will never agree to!)

Complex stuff, what? Therefore plebiscite is dead as a dodo. We need to now think of out-of-the-box solutions. But the extremists nurtured in Pakistan will never allow that to happen. They need the dispute to continue till the cows come home or else they stand to lose crores of rupees in donations from the sheeple, for the so called Kashmir cause!!
Actually it makes sense. 30 non-state-actors would not infiltrate without the assistance of state actors. The attack on the police station was probably a diversionary tactic for a grand infiltration. They goofed up big time, since the infiltrating party was engaged quite a while back. Anyway, grand catch for our forces, to eliminate such a large number together. The JD you bought seems fitting for the occasion.

We will know soon enough..lets watch the news if we get any reports of causalities from the other side ... like karan said in earlier conflict...the ISPR might not report all of it at once ...
Army foils infiltration bid along LoC, 30 ultras trapped

Army has foiled a major infiltration bid along the Line of Control (LoC) in Keran sector of Kashmir and a group of 30 ultras is believed to be trapped in the security forces cordon in the area.

Troops engaged in the operation, which began on September 24, have reported sighting of 10 to 12 bodies of militants but confirmation about the deaths can be made only after the operation ends, an army official said on Thursday.

"The anti-insurgency operation was started on September 24 and contacts were established with the infiltrating militants at multiple points," the official said.

He said based on the pattern of gunfire exchanged with the militants, their number is believed to be more than 30.

"The mopping up operation is in progress and we expect to clear up the area in next two to three hours," he said.

The official dismissed reports that helicopters were used to target the militants during the operation.

"Choppers were only used to airlift the troops from various locations for the operation and not used in the firefight," he added.

Army foils infiltration bid along LoC, 30 ultras trapped : North, News - India Today

:yahoo: Good Job..

probably poor farmers again, pathetic indian army bravery "kill poor farmers"
I know the trap was set by army to get the millitants pants down.i was asking how many millitants are killed till now.

well if there pants were down wish i was there i could have made them pich the soap and :omghaha:
well if there pants were down wish i was there i could have made them pich the soap and :omghaha:


probably poor farmers again, pathetic indian army bravery "kill poor farmers"

I adore and want to praise bravery of Pakistani framers. They are doing what PA could not do in last 67 years. :laughcry:

Feeling sorry about PA ..they need to hide behind poor farmers? Ye kaise Mardangi hai?

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