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J-11B spotted with PL-10 high agility missile

noone doubts that china has developed atleast three fully indigenous aircrafts(jf-17,j-10,j-20) while indian has none in operation
Right! Copied from blueprints stolen from the Russians and Americans! :azn:

Right! Copied from blueprints stolen from the Russians and Americans! :azn:


"I believe our missile technology is latest and advanced. like Agni V , China is worried of Agni V.

Tejas Fighter Aircraft desinged by HAL India. it is very advanced aircraft.

China mosty steal information then do reverse engineering." :lol:

military technolgy is all about stealing, identifying strengths & weaknesses of different weapons systems from all nations, absorbing the strengths from anyone and everyone and combing that with ur own tech and producing a weapon that can f**k up anyone in battle.
I take it China does all that if necessary.
China the "Hyperpower" :woot:
We're certainly no match for India the can't-produce-anything-worthwhile-power.

---------- Post added at 01:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:47 AM ----------

Right! Copied from blueprints stolen from the Russians and Americans! :azn:

Like non-mirage LCA or completely "indigenious" Su-30MKI?
indians are some of the dumbest humans on earth.
no wonder they are such a primitive society.
they are extremely clueless about how the world works.

that is the main reason they will never ever beat china at anything, gives me extreme confidence that we will always be ahead of india no matter what.
they just lack the street smarts.
extremely gullible people.
I really don't think that's true. Indians have learned enough from their Anglo masters that they know how to play zero-sum games, exploit the weak and deceive the strong.

All I see for the past 10 years is China greeting everybody with smiles and cash and getting slapped in return. Somebody isn't "street smart" and that somebody ain't india.
Chinese weapons are most cheapest low quality junk.... Many jetfighters of china crash but no one knows until pilot dies.... Than china can't hide it anymore. And if crash happens over populated area then people claims they shot F-22 or alien ship crashed.... Chinese weapons are junk but china can't do much about it as no country would give china weapons so they have to use what the created and hype it that its superior.... Everything bad about china is hidden and if anyone try to bring it up looses life.... I have seen the way chinese here dancing around when china been asked to bailout europe. Everyone demanded give weapon technology and then they would help.... This shows chinese views on europian military technology. Heck even india uses europian, american technology.... We use same technology that DEVELOPED WORLD and superpower uses....
Right! Copied from blueprints stolen from the Russians and Americans! :azn:


Wow, I didn't know that the Russian air force and US Air Force had J-10, JF-17, and J-20 in service. You intelligent people must know something we don't.


---------- Post added at 02:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:26 PM ----------

We use same technology that DEVELOPED WORLD and superpower uses....

The developed world does not take 28 years to develop a 3.5 generation fighter that has zero indigenous parts except for the airframe. And if they did, they certainly wouldn't name it the "Radiance".
Chinese weapons are most cheapest low quality junk.... Many jetfighters of china crash but no one knows until pilot dies.... Than china can't hide it anymore. And if crash happens over populated area then people claims they shot F-22 or alien ship crashed.... Chinese weapons are junk but china can't do much about it as no country would give china weapons so they have to use what the created and hype it that its superior.... Everything bad about china is hidden and if anyone try to bring it up looses life.... I have seen the way chinese here dancing around when china been asked to bailout europe. Everyone demanded give weapon technology and then they would help.... This shows chinese views on europian military technology. Heck even india uses europian, american technology.... We use same technology that DEVELOPED WORLD and superpower uses....

Show me what you got? Anything other than spite?
Right! Copied from blueprints stolen from the Russians and Americans! :azn:

dont want to go into discusion but i have seen nothing similar to jf-17 model or actuall ( mig 33 is far different!). j-10 is no where near in dimension to the lavi (see antibody bhai pictures on aircraft designs..) and i guess america isnt good enough to give info to china on j-20...

in ned if soemone says jf-17 j-10 are copies then by that defination every aircraft is a copy of the other ..as gripen,mirage3,5,mirage2000 and tejas are similar too.
It seems stealth AAM.. But guys missile is not looking copied in comarision to J11b..:victory:
looks PSed to me, the missile stands out way too much as compared to the background, fishy.
Enlarge the picture and you should be able to see it attached with a pylon.
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