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J-10C A sole international market for China's J-10 fighter jets is taking shape

They wanted to keep the spec of J-10 a secret. Only J-10 are send to very close allies for exercise.
Nothing less than j31 36/44 for 2-3squadrons and for time being j10c 3 squadron
If it hasn't done so already, PAF should forget about the J-10 and work on planning for integrating the J-31 in to the PAF force structure.

The PAF should look at procuring 2-4 Mig-29s; a mix of single and twin seaters, on loan from an allied air force like Sudan (if not a sale; 4 Sudanese Mig-29s for 4-8 JF-17s a barter deal) to test out how operating a plane of similar size, engines, etc. would work in the PAF.

PAF's contribution to joint projects with China has always been "field testing". Sub-systems from the J-31 project can be tested on the Mig-29s in all conditions and scenarios. the PAF is fast developing a need to operate a long range reliable platform to support Naval forces, the Mig-29s would be great for identifying what the J-31 will need to be able to do, as well as train the navy against the very type the Indian Carrier Battle Groups will operate.

The J-31's planned engine is suppose to be the WS-19; max thrust rated at 24,000 lb in full afterburner. testing that engine on our own mig-29s could mean the difference between identifying a problem on a mig-29 testbed or losing an expensive J-31.

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PAF Air Chief came twice to PM during J-10 performance today with all eyes on performance while discussing...

Imran Khan in whole parade time looked impassive having tissue paper in his hand rubbing his eyes. He does not like such events. I mentioned in other thread, President too did mistakes in reading speech ...many times. He should have practiced ...this has become trade mark of PTI guys.
Imran Khan in whole parade time looked impassive having tissue paper in his hand rubbing his eyes. He does not like such events. I mentioned in other thread, President too did mistakes in reading speech ...many times. He should have practiced ...this has become trade mark of PTI guys.

yes you will see IK impatient on every occasion, but that is not what i am curious about.
Even if the loan is interest free, $75 million is high enough that we need to get near 5th generation capabilities out of a plane of that price. The JF-17 Block III will be or can be developed to nearly Gripen E/NG Levels. Therefore, IF we are to induct the J-10, we need to think bigger. We need the J-10 to give the PAF the qualitative edge. It needs to be the Best 4+++ Generation fighter out there, so that investing in this jet will allow it to hold its own against anything in the IAF inventory for decades to come. It needs to be a design that takes into account what upgrades can be made to any and all 4th generation jets the IAF fields and could field in the decades to come.

Also, The PAF's procurement budget for fighters for the next 10 years will have to be sunk into a project like this. The Kamra factory will have to be retooled to support it. Induction at 12 planes a year (@ ~$1 billion/year) will allow the PAF to field 7 full squadrons in 10 years time, so that the PAF could then look to induct 5th generation fighters in the following decade.

In the JF-17 Project, Avionics and the Air Frame were separated from the start, and now side by side the two projects all quick upgrades to happen even if the air frame stays relatively the same. The AESA upgrades are a prime example of this. In the Block III, we will see a new AESA radar, HMS, Modern Comms, Modern Missiles, and possibly an IRST. From the Avionics side we need to see Full Sensor Fusion integrating all of these sensors and Secure and fast datalinks to bring in and send out information gathered. We need a comprehensive EW suite. From the Air Frame and Engines we need as close to all the elements available in a 5th generation fighter; Super-Maneuverability, Super-Cruise, and Finally Stealth (or as close as we can get to it). The design needs to leave room for constant upgrades (hardware and software) and integrated features, and not pod based add-ons.

While the following is "Fan-Art", It should be seriously considered as an upgraded version of the J-10C Design. The PAF has to make every plane to the best of its design limit, so Leveraging Chengdu's experience with the J-20, and looking at other advanced design studied the PAF can as the Chinese to develop the J-10D. The Tail may also need to be changed to that of the "Pelican Tail" studied for the X-32 and the SAAB FS-2020 Designs. The Design MUST be optimized for Air to Air combat; Hence 4 small missile bays just large enough for 2 BVR missiles and 2 WVR missiles should be considered.

For more stealth carriage of munitions, enclosed pods can be carried on each wing.

The weapons bay could be similar to the following:

Stealth Pods:

Next the Tail:


And Finally; The J-10D Design









These are just fan art nothing else J-10D have a standard fuselage like J-10B/C but with confirmal tanks, main emphasis for J-10D will be avionics + Radar upgrades notfuselase modifications (stealth oriented)

If it hasn't done so already, PAF should forget about the J-10 and work on planning for integrating the J-31 in to the PAF force structure.

The PAF should look at procuring 2-4 Mig-29s; a mix of single and twin seaters, on loan from an allied air force like Sudan (if not a sale; 4 Sudanese Mig-29s for 4-8 JF-17s a barter deal) to test out how operating a plane of similar size, engines, etc. would work in the PAF.

PAF's contribution to joint projects with China has always been "field testing". Sub-systems from the J-31 project can be tested on the Mig-29s in all conditions and scenarios. the PAF is fast developing a need to operate a long range reliable platform to support Naval forces, the Mig-29s would be great for identifying what the J-31 will need to be able to do, as well as train the navy against the very type the Indian Carrier Battle Groups will operate.

The J-31's planned engine is suppose to be the WS-19; max thrust rated at 24,000 lb in full afterburner. testing that engine on our own mig-29s could mean the difference between identifying a problem on a mig-29 testbed or losing an expensive J-31.

we have two option either we could go MIG-35 or J-10C/D

He is not setting in the cockpit of J-10C.
Who told you that Chinese don’t want to sell it? Chinese offered J-10A /FC-20 with price tag of 65?million was offered to Pakistan back in 2013 or before. J-10C is probably close to 75 million.
I already knows that, and lot cheaper than RAFALE/EF-2000, so whats your point
These are just fan art nothing else J-10D have a standard fuselage like J-10B/C but with confirmal tanks, main emphasis for J-10D will be avionics + Radar upgrades notfuselase modifications (stealth oriented)

we have two option either we could go MIG-35 or J-10C/D

I already knows that, and lot cheaper than RAFALE/EF-2000, so whats your point

If the J-10C/D will just be an upgraded avionics and radar package, why not stick to more JF-17s with those same avionics and radar. The Mig-29 idea is to acquire a test-bed platform to test how the J-31 would be integrated in to the PAF structure, and test the subsystems in real work contexts.
J10 with AESA, CFT, Anti shipping capabilities would be very nice to Mirage Rose replacement. MRF can be convert into J10 assembly and overhauling too if numbers r 80+
just be patient with China's second type stealth fighter```````
If the J-10C/D will just be an upgraded avionics and radar package, why not stick to more JF-17s with those same avionics and radar. The Mig-29 idea is to acquire a test-bed platform to test how the J-31 would be integrated in to the PAF structure, and test the subsystems in real work contexts.
main limitation of JF-17 is range/payloads, we will see serious threat from Indian RAFALE, we should consider stop gap interim jet before J-31/AZM would be finalized, most EU/US jets is currently out of reach Pakistan ($$$$ wise/Political wise) so there will be to option left MIG-35/J-10C (SU-35 IS STILL OUT OF REACH OF PAKISTAN AND PAK/RUSSIA RELATIONS IS STILL IN INFANCY STAGE SO YOU DID'T EXPECT THAT SU-35/S-400 DEAL WILL HAPPEN SOON)
and remember bro you can't fit medium weight fighter avionics + radar to light weight jet because its specifically designed for J-10C/D , i think there would be no version of JF-17 after block-3 as some members thinks that there would be semi stealth version of JF-17 after Block-3 and i think after block-3 there would be numerous upgrade for JF-17 utilizing the tech from J-10C, just my 2cent bro @FuturePAF

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