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It's time to admit Chinese culture is superior to Indian culture

Pakistanis do not consider themselves culturally anything near to the culture of India.

Correct, Siddhartha Gautama was born in Lumbini Nepal.

The Buddha was NOT AN INDIAN. Buddha was a NEPALESE MAN.
Buddha was born in Lumbini which is in present day Nepal in a small kingdom. He moved to Bodh gaya which is in present day Bihar to seek enlightenment. He started Buddhism as a sect there and died in present day UP in India. So essentially Buddhism started in India.
Buddha was born in Lumbini which is in present day Nepal in a small kingdom. He moved to Bodh gaya which is in present day Bihar to seek enlightenment. He started Buddhism as a sect there and died in present day UP in India.
So essentially Buddhism started in India.
We are not talking about the development of Buddhism here, you Indiot.

We are saying Buddha was a Nepalese man and not an Indian.
We are not talking about the development of Buddhism here, you Indiot.

We are saying Buddha was a Nepalese man and not an Indian.
The comment which you quoted was stating the opposite. "Buddhism originated in Nepal"
Also your birth state hardly matters when you move to another state, start a new life and sect there and then die there. It was propounded by various Indian kings to various other nations.
The comment which you quoted was stating the opposite. "Buddhism originated in Nepal"
Also your birth state hardly matters when you move to another state, start a new life and sect there and then die there. It was propounded by various Indian kings to various other nations.
Sorry, but do not obfuscate here.

Siddhartha Gautama was NOT AN INDIAN, he was a NEPALESE man.
idk how i feel about this, so i won't say anything
f indians in general and sino chauvinists in particular
The West bought bowls from China in large quantities in ancient times, but they didn’t buy chopsticks. Why?
Sorry, but do not obfuscate here.

Siddhartha Gautama was NOT AN INDIAN, he was a NEPALESE man.
Same way Jinnah was a British "Indian" by your logic? Or traced back to his genealogy a Hindu?
Does the past matter or does your home state matter?
Hmm traced back to their roots all things don't have an "desired outcome"
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You don't know what you are talking about. So using folk and spoon is not a Western cultural thing, lol ? Of course, only everything your white daddys do are right to you people. Don't drag in Chinese eating practices as the same as Indian eating practices. If you don't know, there are Chinese spoons used for eating too, not just your Western spoons existed in the world.
I don't know what u on about.
Countries and regions that are heavily influenced by Chinese culture( or Confucianism): China mainland, Taiwan, Singapore, Hongkong, Japan, North and South Korea, Vietnam.

Similarities: 1,Use or used Chinese characters as basic writing systems. 2, Use chopsticks as eating utensils. 3, Majority people are atheists.

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View attachment 1027763

Countries and regions that heavily influenced by Indian culture: India, Pakistan, Bengal, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, China's Tibet.

Similarities: 1, Use Sanskrit or variants as writing systems. 2, Directly use hand as eating utensil. 3, Majority people are religious.

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View attachment 1027771

Obviously sino-sphere countries are much developed, clean, orderly. Countries influenced by Indian culture are backward, dirty and chaotic.

I believe sino-sphere will be more advanced in science and technologies than the Anglo-Saxon countries(5 eyes) in the near future.
Quality and in-depth research of the post shows which culture is superior. Anyway Chinese culture was so superior Mao cleansed it from China. What left is CCP culture with Xitler as godhead and little red book as his divine words.
do people from Sindh or Punjab really consider themselves to be culturally Indic?
150% yes, on X I have some people's profile with "indic nationalist"
But by indic what they mean is people, cultures of Kashmir, Punjab, Sindh and parts of KPK Ie Muslim majority indus people not nation state Indian nationalist, that's different

Indians are a**holes so I dont think its appropriate for me to headbutt in but to some extent I know yall (Chinese chauvinists) be making fun of south asians in general not just indians

also I think Vietnam is half Buddhist and the Japanese eat lots of curry these days
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Buddha was once said that his first choice to be born in this world was in East Asia.

Because East Asian people are peaceful people.

But it's too bad, because at the time, as well as the journey of the teaching will not be accepted by East Asian people, it will not become flourish as we know.

India is the right place at the time.

India location is also very good, it's also in the center of the big civilizations, between Middle East, East Asia, SE Asia, and Central Asia.

And thanks to Indian people, Buddhism can be flourishing worldwide despite in the end the teaching is extinct in India and being rejected by Indian.

Thru India, Buddhism reached East Asia.
Same way Jinnah was a British "Indian" by your logic? Or traced back to his genealogy a Hindu?
Does the past matter or does your home state matter?
Hmm traced back to their roots all things don't have an "desired outcome"
Sorry mate, Jinnah was a Pakistani. He was born in Sindh.

I fail to see your argument.
Interestingly. In Tang dynasty, Chinese people believed 天竺(ancient India or Nepal) is a heavenly place. Xuanzang monk travelled thousands of kms to get to there and studied in 天竺 as international student. This is original story of famous “Monkey king"(Journey to the west)

I will tell you all today the REAL story of the Monkey King so everyone listen up. What is referred to as India in the Monkey King lore is just a physical placecard for something deeply metaphysical. In ancient times, ppl weren't distracted by cell phones and the internet, so they looked at stars and pondered about enlightenment.

The original author of the Monkey King is a spiritualist and literary genius.

In gnosticism, they say that THREE DEMONS together form the lunar foundation of our psychology. Someone who defeats the THREE DEMONS transcends the material world and obtains enlightenment.

In gnosticism, the THREE DEMONS are said to be:

1. DEMON of DESIRE (Zhu Bajie aka Piggy)

2. DEMON of the MIND (Sun Wukong aka Monkey King)

3. DEMON of ILL-WILL (Sha Wujing)

Tripitaka making the journey to "India" together with his 3 disciples is actually the PERSONIFICATION of the average human being trying to obtain enlightenment by defeating the THREE DEMONS within himself/within his psyche. At the end of The Monkey King story, all 3 disciples became Saints/deities, meaning the spiritualist finally defeats lust, the mind, and ill-will within himself and attains spiritual bliss.

In the end, the story of the Monkey King has nothing to do with actually physically going to India to retrieve some scriptures. It's actually a metaphysical journey happening all within the psyche/internal worlds of someone.

Anyone who can actually see thru the original author's intent finally concludes that the man is a hard-core spiritualist and literary genius!

Monkey King, Piggy, and Sha Wujing aren't 3 separate ppl. Everyone has lust, a bad mind, and ill-will within themselves. Anyone who rids of them thru spiritual means or vanquishes them from their internal psyche develops a halo/ring of light around their head and becomes a Jesus-like figure... No I'm just joking!
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Actually the food they eat and traditionally the way they eat. The shape of items they eat. It was easy with chop sticks.
BTW, Chinese don't understand why Indians put their hands in every food to mix things? :)

I understand why u used it. I was wondering why not using Fork and spoon now. All your food can be eaten by fork and spoon , it's far easier to use.

For dough you have to use hands , for rest we use spoons to mix stuff.
In South its thier culture to use hands. I don't think in North or in East people use that much hands.
Please don't show me street food videos , I have absolutely no idea why some of them don't use spoons to mix stuff, maybe it's faster to use hands I don't know But its unhygienic.
But for eating certain indian foods, hands are far easier and faster.
I understand why u used it. I was wondering why not using Fork and spoon now. All your food can be eaten by fork and spoon , it's far easier to use.

For dough you have to use hands , for rest we use spoons to mix stuff.
In South its thier culture to use hands. I don't think in North or in East people use that much hands.
Please don't show me street food videos , I have absolutely no idea why some of them don't use spoons to mix stuff, maybe it's faster to use hands I don't know But its unhygienic.
But for eating certain indian foods, hands are far easier and faster.
I hate to use PDF on mobile.
Cants see the flaws.
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