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It’s time India stops blaming Pakistan for every terror attack on its soil

We are not trying to burn our neighbors house if you are linking it with Kashmir stance of Pakistan brother since dogra raj these unfortunate people struggling since that time and Kashmir was a very much part of partition agenda but unfortunately British succeeded in divide and rule policy once more, since then both nations suffering from this. It is India who take this issue to UN and should act on UN resolutions.
And if talking about Pathankot what we will get from this tell me our military is busy and in final stages of operations against TTP and others. Our projects just started, economy just in first phase of recovering why we want to derail all achievement tell me? These kind of braindead people easily available in Pakistan, India, Afghanistan everywhere (I mentioned India because as per recent reports many Indian Muslims want to join ISIS) may fell into the hands of those handlers who use them for money and these morons unknowingly gives their lives, they can attack anywhere on anything Masjid, Mandir or Gurudawara even Church. Look at third hands who don't want peace because it is not in their interests. I hope sane Indian knows this and they should raise voice for that, may one day we jointly act on these morons by sharing intelligence reports.

It was Pakistan who failed to comply with the UN resolution, and it was Pakistan who agreed to resolve all pending issues bilaterally without the UN involvement as per the Simla agreement. @Joe Shearer gave detailed contents of that.

Only if Pakistan is serious about peace, then we might compromise and let the Pakistan occupied part of the Kashmir go, if Bengal can be partitioned, Punjab can be partitioned, so can be Kashmir...people of Kashmir can choose their preferred part to live, just like the people of Bengal and Punjab did. That is the maximum compromise we might be able to do; converting the LoC to IB, that too if Pakistan is serious about it.
It was Pakistan who failed to comply with the UN resolution, and it was Pakistan who agreed to resolve all pending issues bilaterally without the UN involvement as per the Simla agreement. @Joe Shearer gave detailed contents of that.

Only if Pakistan is serious about peace, then we might compromise and let the Pakistan occupied part of the Kashmir go, if Bengal can be partitioned, Punjab can be partitioned, so can be Kashmir...people of Kashmir can choose their preferred part to live, just like the people of Bengal and Punjab did. That is the maximum compromise we might be able to do; converting the LoC to IB, that too if Pakistan is serious about it.
Agreed with you only partition issue let Muslim dominated areas to join Pakistan, Solve sir creek and siachin too.
Every other attack which indian wanted tomblame Pakistan goes over 4 days... to create enough hype and their big mouth media have enough time to gather international audiance..
They sud realize that US Is not on their side this time and Russia is way too busy ...
So cut the crap and go to international criminal court.
opposite of appeasement is not war. i have always held the view that this not the time for engagement, rather disengage, and stop interfering with each other. if there is any chance for peace, both sides need to shut up and engage with countries which actually want to engage.

Well you did say and I quote " Lets see if this government has any balls to do something" Rest assured there is no appeasement going on from Indian side. On the other hand Pakistan even though when blamed right on the spot, still went ahead and said we are willing to look into the matter and Nawaz has twice called Modi in an attempt to not de track the peace process. Now that is what i call appeasement.
Well you did say and I quote " Lets see if this government has any balls to do something" Rest assured there is no appeasement going on from Indian side. On the other hand Pakistan even though when blamed right on the spot, still went ahead and said we are willing to look into the matter and Nawaz has twice called Modi in an attempt to not de track the peace process. Now that is what i call appeasement.
This is the same old Indian Government neutered by ISI's hawala contacts in dubai, rest assure there are no Balls even to take a stand. You keep killing us we will keep sending dossiers, that is how it will remain.
Atleast your deep state has courage to stand up to your own government and India and do what it deems rights, mine on the other hand is spineless.
no according to me tolerance is in our genes. we have lived together(Hindus and Muslims) for thousand years. and most of those years we lived peacefully. most of subcontinent people are very tolerant and sane. if it wasn't then shia and other minorities wouldn't have survived in Sunni majority Pakistan. and Muslims and other minorities wouldn't have survived in Hindu majority India. apart from very few exceptions minorities in both countries is doing very fine.
extremism in sub- continent is not religion base. the only source of extremism is Kashmir issue. solve Kashmir issue and you will see both India and Pakistan will become best friends. According to me Pakistan supporting Kashmir is not because of Kashmiri Muslims, it is because Kashmir is strategically very important for Pakistan and for India also. Pakistan's whole water comes from Kashmir it gives land connectivity to your best friend and ally.
and both India and Pakistan can not let go Kashmir. as long as there is Kashmir issue extremism will flourish in sub-continent. For Pakistani it will be Indians oppressing Kashmiris. and for Indians it will be Pakistani illegally occupying our country. and as India and Pakistan are Hindu and Muslim majority respectively religious hatred is bound to emerge.

I may agree with you to some extent regarding extremism and tolerance in sub continent, but my point that sub continent people are too emotional and easy to manipulate and exploit remains valid, and once you control someone you can use him for any purpose.

Kashmir issue is not that complicated if we treat it fairly and justly, it should be people of Kashmir to decide their own faith, and both Pakistan and India should respect their wishes. However, suppose Kashmir becomes an independent state but after that I still feel Pakistan India enmity will remain, there are actors who would not want them to be friendly, it is not in their interests. India becomes friendly to Pakistan means friendly to China as well, a stabilised Afghanistan .................... just look at the world map and you will realise how threatening it is for them.
This is the same old Indian Government neutered by ISI's hawala contacts in dubai, rest assure there are no Balls even to take a stand. You keep killing us we will keep sending dossiers, that is how it will remain.
Atleast your deep state has courage to stand up to your own government and India and do what it deems rights, mine on the other hand is spineless.
There is no deep state within Pakistan contrary to popular Indian believe and neither doe any Pakistani wants to kill any Indian or take pride in it unlike you people who take great pride in separating east Pakistan.
If Pakistan has guts to accept the reality, Pakistan too can become a positive progressive nation. But duniya ' Bhens ke saamne been bja rhi hai'. I think Pakistan will not understand. They think they have best foreign policy that can beat and can make fool every nation. Keep it up Pakistan. Good

Yes Pakistan will not understand as we are on right, to avoid like these terror attack you should have to quit Kashmir, Pathan Kot operation which taken by Indian Army in three days which was a task of few hours, Actually you should have to play been in front of Your "Cow mata" is enough for you.
But blaming RAW for every attack in Pakistan is par for the course, right?
#Pakistan is not Blamming #India on any of the attacks, even in Peshawar Attacks, it's only established that indian backed TTP & BLA were behind of several deadly terror attacks in Pakistan and also Pakistan Recovered Indian /Russian made Weapons, currency notes etc.. It's not like they are finding Urdu Newspaper to establish this attack done by Muslims or Pak. Or Terrorists planned their attacks well, but forget their ID Cards, Traces or Mobile calls for indian government,..Well its not a Bollywood movie made by Rohit Shetty, Let un know what India is capable on grounds.. After 4 day's to rectifying just 6 terrorists, and 150 of Garud/ NSG required instead of 50,000 army men to rectifying them...lolzzz
It's open secret that pakistan support terrorist groups. So it's quite natural that they are blamed for terrorist attacks like that in pathankot.
Blaming Only 'Pakistani Army' for Deteriorating Ties is Wrong: Sandeep Dikshit

NEW DELHI: Congress leader Sandeep Dikshit on Thursday said it is not right to blame only the ‘Pakistan Army’ for deteriorating relations between New Delhi and Islamabad, adding that the Pakistan diplomats are constantly trying to portray India in bad light at the international forum.

Dikshit was reacting to former Pakistan Ambassador to India Ashraf Jehangir Qazi's remarks that their Army does not appreciate Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's attempts to decide on policy towards India.

“Pakistani Army almost works like an independent organisation with only its own selfish interests and that they do not want peace with India is a well-known fact. But it is wrong to say that rest of the Pakistani Government wants peace or has a very positive attitude towards Indo-Pak relations,” he told ANI.

“Whenever you go internationally, at international conferences, in the UN meetings or any forum in which Pakistan is represented by their officers, diplomats; they always make it a point to attack India, to show India in a bad light, to distort the facts about Kashmir. So, to say that only Pakistani Army does it is wrong. On the diplomatic front, they do what the Army does on the border. They all work in tandem,” he added.

Qazi in an op-ed published in Pakistan's Dawn newspaper has opined that the Pathankot attack could be the military establishment's way of telling the Prime Minister ‘who is the boss’.

The former Pakistan envoy has also reportedly said that India provided Pakistan 'actionable intelligence' regarding the attack on the Pathankot air base.

Blaming Only 'Pakistani Army' for Deteriorating Ties is Wrong: Sandeep Dikshit -The New Indian Express
The writer will soon be advised to move to Pakistan, in India logical thinking is not allowed
Did you read what was in there? :hitwall: Did you read the links?

Never mind. :)

Don't always blame Islamabad. (AP Photo/Channi Anand)

Narendra Modi’s visit to Lahore on Dec. 25 was heralded as a historic moment in India-Pakistan relations. But the deadly attacks on the Pathankot military base on Jan. 2, and the Indian consulate in Afghanistan’s Mazar-i-Sharif on Jan. 3, have emerged as major spoilers. The bonhomie achieved on Christmas Day is dissipating fast.

The developing consensus in the Indian media is that Pakistan-based jihadists—this time allegedly Jaish-e-Mohammad in Pathankot, and the Taliban in Mazar-i-Sharif—have acted to sabotage the Modi-Nawaz Sharif rapprochement. And the underlying assumption is that these attacks could not have been carried out without the support of Pakistan military’s intelligence network.

While one cannot deny the historical civil-military split in Pakistan, the wars, and perennial conflict, the blanket view that the country’s military is intent on spreading terror and destruction in India must be challenged.

Since 2009, 31 military installations, including airbases and intelligence headquarters, have been attacked by the militants affiliated with the Al Qaeda, the Pakistani Taliban, and its affiliate and the sectarian killer group, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ). The attacks on Pakistan’s naval and air bases have led to the destruction of expensive equipment and loss of military personnel. If terrorism is sponsored singularly by Pakistan’s intelligence networks, then it would be irrational to believe that the military attacks its own installations.

There seem to be few takers of Pakistan’s position as a “victim of terrorism.” The facts, however, cannot be brushed aside. More than 80,000 Pakistanis, including 6,300 or more security personnel, have been killed during the past decade.

The reality is that the militias since the Afghan jihad have fragmented, made further worse by the Al Qaeda’s operations for more than a decade. Pakistan is fighting this menace—mostly a result of continued regional conflict and its past security policies—and trying to eliminate these networks. Official statements from Pakistani prime minister Nawaz Sharif and the military leadership, led by Army chief General Raheel Sharif, have indicated that the erstwhile distinction between good and bad Taliban no longer stands. Skepticism has been aired about these pronouncements since much more needs to be done to undo the militant infrastructure. But Pakistan is moving in that direction. In recent months, the state has eliminated the LeJ leadership, and several groups that comprise the Pakistani Taliban.

On top of that, Sharif would not have fixed an informal meeting with Modi without taking the military into confidence. He has avoided direct confrontation with the military in his third tenure. Reuters, citing security sources, had reported in December that the military paved the way for reviving stalled India-Pakistan dialogue process. The appointment of a retired general as national security advisor (NSA) provides the military a direct stake in the dialogue with India.

The rogue elements within the security apparatus that aided terror groups in the past have not gone unnoticed. Attacks on Pakistan’s military, and even the former president Musharraf, have happened with collusion at lower levels. But it is too early to conclude in that direction. Also, things have changed since 2008 Mumbai attacks. The incentive to escalate conflict with India is perhaps at its lowest—not because there has been a fundamental shift in the way Pakistani state works or imagines its nationalism. The regional dynamics necessitate this change. Pakistan of 2015 is aspiring for economic integration with China’s “One Belt, One Road” programme; and aiming to become a transit hub of energy trade.

Perhaps more than the West, it is China’s leverage with the Pakistan military that is driving the effort to de-escalate. Both China and Russia—tackling Islamist insurgencies at home—want Pakistan to hasten its march into a post-jihad moment and ensure that the Islamic State does not find a base in Afghanistan or Pakistan.

This is why it is difficult to endorse the Sharif-sabotaging-the-other-Sharif theory.

Having said that, Pakistan’s civil and military leaders have to find a solution for the jihad industry that has grown—with state patronage—around the Kashmir issue. How elaborate it is, and how much of it is under the state control are questions that must be addressed now. Non-state actors must not be allowed to fuel conflict between nuclear nations. In South Asia 2060: Envisioning Regional Futures, Stephen Cohen had indicated one of the “plausible” future scenarios as one where non-state actors spur a nuclear conflict leading to a shattered region. Militant groups causing cross-border attacks have to be stopped by Pakistan and India through cooperation and dialogue. If the talks collapse, it would mean that terrorists achieved their objective. This is what Modi and Sharif need to deliberate in the days to come. At the very least, the NSAs should reopen communication channels and continue fromwhere they left in Bangkok a month ago.

Source: It’s time India stops blaming Pakistan for every terror attack on its soil - Quartz

The author is right. If we can't DO anything we should stop blaming Pakistan.

Even if Pakistan goes out on an all out invasion of India, India will do nothing in response other than position their armed forces on the frontiers and HOPE Pakistanis get tired of all the killing. If the war lasts more than a week India will sue for peace giving up anything that Pakistan asks for. If Pakistan nukes India, India will surrender.

It's open secret that pakistan support terrorist groups. So it's quite natural that they are blamed for terrorist attacks like that in pathankot.
So? What can India do in response? :azn:

Other than letting poor/middle class soldiers and officers, petty civilians die in silence - what is India capable of?

Not much, I think. :)

Agreed with you only partition issue let Muslim dominated areas to join Pakistan, Solve sir creek and siachin too.
All Pakistan has to do is give an ultimatum to India DEMANDING all the lands they want. I am 99.99% sure that the Indian leadership will melt before your eyes and the Green flag will fly over ... well, anywhere you want. :)
All Pakistan has to do is give an ultimatum to India DEMANDING all the lands they want. I am 99.99% sure that the Indian leadership will melt before your eyes and the Green flag will fly over ... well, anywhere you want. :)
Thank you for being so Gentle..
Let sarcasm aside without this kind of super Gentle behavior we will eventually get our land back and for sure we will raise our Green flag wherever we want on free independent lands.
Thank you for being so Gentle..
Let sarcasm aside without this kind of super Gentle behavior we will eventually get our land back and for sure we will raise our Green flag wherever we want on free independent lands.
You are a paper tiger. I expect real Pakistanis, the army and the mujaheddin to march in unison and take over India and laugh their rear off seeing no real organized resistance.
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