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Its raining shoes Halelujah!

Well, one must appreciate his reflexes and his sense of humour.

Shameful act, however i do understand the emotions of the perpetrator. Yes, he showed remarkable calm but what has been done to him will serve as a reminder for future generation of leaders in the world. He is your favorite, isn't he, flint????? you idealize him and would have liked to see him as your leader after your 9/11, don't you?????
I wish both shoes hit Bush's Nose ... & some Blood was even more Nicer

I am sure there will be a public Holiday on all Muslim World :)
Thousands of Iraqis protest arrest of shoe-throwing journalist

Thousands of Iraqis protest arrest of shoe-throwing journalist

Monday, December 15, 2008 | 9:21 AM ET

Thousands of Iraqis protested the detention of an Iraqi journalist who was arrested after he threw his shoes at U.S. President George W. Bush during a news conference in Baghdad.

In Sadr City, thousands of supporters of radical Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr burned American flags to protest against Bush and called for the release of Muntadhar al-Zeidi.

"Bush, Bush, listen well: Two shoes on your head," the protesters chanted in unison.

In Najaf, a Shia holy city, some protesters threw their shoes at an American patrol as it passed by. Witnesses said the American troops did not respond and continued on their patrol.

Many others across the Middle East were hailing al-Zeidi as a hero for throwing his shoes, considered a sign of disrespect in some Arab nations. Newspapers across the Arab world on Monday printed front-page photos of the incident.

The station al-Zeidi works for, Al-Baghdadia, aired pleas to release the reporter.

"We have all been mobilized to work on releasing him, and all the organizations around the world are with us," said Abdel-Hameed al-Sayeh, the manager of Al-Baghdadia in Cairo, where the station is based.

Al-Zeidi is being held by Iraqi security. The Associated Press reported that he is being questioned as to whether he was paid by someone to throw his shoes and is being tested for drugs and alcohol. His shoes are being held as evidence.

During the news conference on Sunday, al-Zeidi, stood up and threw his shoes at Bush, who was able to dodge the flying footwear.

Security officials jumped on al-Zeid. As he was dragged away, he yelled, "This is your farewell kiss, you dog!"

Al-Zeidi, who is in his late 20s, was kidnapped by Shia militias on Nov. 16, 2007, and released three days later. His station said no ransom was paid and refused to discuss the case.
I'm surprised the journalist was not from Al Jazeera. Since the shoe was almost on-target, he must have received training from the US. Obviously, an Arab journalist could not have thrown a shoe that well without Western training.....
:rofl: Nicely said!
Some more fun.


:rofl::rofl: Thanks alot for the pictures.
My dad and I were laughing our ***** off, especially the one with the cricket ball..:rofl::rofl:
he saved hi money guys...warna KSA jaa ker shaitaan ko joota marna parhta.. :p:P:P
BREAKING NEWS - The Shoe Attacker on US President linked to Faridkot in Pakistan

APP Reports - The Journalist who attacked Bush with a pair of size ten shoes has confessed that he was trained in an LET camp in Pakistan. He ALSO belongs to Faridkot in Pakistan and has requested help from the Pakistan Embassy in Iraq for fighting his legal case. The Iraqi Authorities have also traced the shoes manufacturer to WANA near Pak Afghan Border. Upon further investigations, it has been revealed that the Shoe attacker may have links to the ISI rogue elements. Iraq has given the UN Security Council the names of Gen Hamid Gul and other potential terror masters in Pakistan who are suspected to have masterminded this heinous attack on the leader of the free world. Pakistan has launched a massive drive to detain and seal all unauthorized shoe outlets in Pakistan and have arrested many MOOCHI's from WANA and other areas in this regards. The Defense Minister has said that if we had not taken this step, we could have been declared a shoe-terror state.

President Zardari has said that in his next Press Conference he has asked his security staff to not to allow shoes on anyone. All should be barefoot!

PM Yousef Raza Gillan has condemned the shoe attack and has said that we are a peace loving country but if another shoe is thrown at us we will retaliate with a barrage of thousands of shoes, sandals, Peshawari Chappals and Army heavy boots.

Condi Rice, British PM Gordon Brown, Sentor John Kerry and John McCain are now saying, OH CRAP! WE GOTTA GO TO PAKISTAN AGAIN?

More NEWS Later....Stay Tuned!

I still Can't Stop my Laugh :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

BREAKING NEWS - The Shoe Attacker on US President linked to Faridkot in Pakistan

APP Reports - The Journalist who attacked Bush with a pair of size ten shoes has confessed that he was trained in an LET camp in Pakistan. He ALSO belongs to Faridkot in Pakistan and has requested help from the Pakistan Embassy in Iraq for fighting his legal case. The Iraqi Authorities have also traced the shoes manufacturer to WANA near Pak Afghan Border. Upon further investigations, it has been revealed that the Shoe attacker may have links to the ISI rogue elements. Iraq has given the UN Security Council the names of Gen Hamid Gul and other potential terror masters in Pakistan who are suspected to have masterminded this heinous attack on the leader of the free world. Pakistan has launched a massive drive to detain and seal all unauthorized shoe outlets in Pakistan and have arrested many MOOCHI's from WANA and other areas in this regards. The Defense Minister has said that if we had not taken this step, we could have been declared a shoe-terror state.

President Zardari has said that in his next Press Conference he has asked his security staff to not to allow shoes on anyone. All should be barefoot!

PM Yousef Raza Gillan has condemned the shoe attack and has said that we are a peace loving country but if another shoe is thrown at us we will retaliate with a barrage of thousands of shoes, sandals, Peshawari Chappals and Army heavy boots.

Condi Rice, British PM Gordon Brown, Sentor John Kerry and John McCain are now saying, OH CRAP! WE GOTTA GO TO PAKISTAN AGAIN?

More NEWS Later....Stay Tuned!
I totally missed this post!
One word: Brilliant! :rofl::rofl:
Good to see some sense of humor..:rofl:
well done by the Iraqi journalist.

Get ready Pakistani journalists ( Bata , English boot house have some nice collections ) ;)

Bush totally deserved it, and i think he should have spit on his face to.
Bush Ducks Shoes Thrown in Iraq, Continues to Afghanistan
President Defends War in Surprise Farewell Visit Before Ducking an Iraqi Journalist's Rejoinder

By Sudarsan Raghavan and Dan Eggen
Foreign Service

Monday, December 15, 2008
; Page A01

BAGHDAD, Dec. 15 -- Arriving here on Sunday for a surprise farewell visit, President Bush staunchly defended a war that has taken far more time, money and lives than anticipated, but he received a taste of local resentment toward his policies when an Iraqi journalist hurled two shoes at him at a news conference.

Hours later, Bush made another unannounced stop, landing before dawn Monday in Afghanistan for a meeting with President Hamid Karzai at his Kabul palace.

In Iraq, Bush said the conflict "has not been easy" but was necessary for U.S. security, Iraqi stability and "world peace." He hailed a recently signed but still controversial security pact as a sign of impending victory.

"There is still more work to be done. The war is not over," Bush said, with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki next to him. "But with the conclusion of this agreement . . . it is decidedly on its way to being won."

Just after Bush finished his remarks and said "Thank you" in Arabic, an Iraqi journalist took off his shoes and threw them at Bush, one after the other.

Throwing a shoe at someone is considered the worst possible insult in Iraq and is meant to show extreme disrespect and contempt. When U.S. forces helped topple a statue of Iraqi ruler Saddam Hussein after rolling into Baghdad in April 2003, jubilant Iraqis beat the statue's face with their shoes.

"This is a farewell kiss!" the man, identified as Muntadar al-Zaidi, a reporter with the Cairo-based al-Baghdadia television network, yelled in Arabic as he threw the first shoe. Bush, about 12 feet away, ducked and narrowly missed being hit. When Zaidi threw again, Maliki reached out his hand to shield the president.

Zaidi yelled "Dog, dog!" as he was surrounded by Iraqi security officers, who tackled him and began to beat him. Zaidi was later removed from the ornate room in the heavily fortified Green Zone where the news conference was taking place.

Bush was not injured and joked about the incident minutes later: "If you want the facts, it's a size 10 shoe that he threw. Thank you for your concern; do not worry about it."

Zaidi, colleagues said, was kidnapped by Shiite militiamen last year and was later released.

Bush's fourth and presumably final visit as president to Iraq was intended to highlight improving security conditions in the war-torn country. After spending about 7 1/2 hours here, he departed on Air Force One near midnight.

During the flight to Bagram Air Base, Bush joked about the "bizarre" shoe-throwing incident but also said he did not think the episode indicated broader resentment among Iraqis. "I don't think you can take one guy and say this represents a broad movement in Iraq," he said.

And Bush told reporters that the mission in Afghanistan was "the same" as the one in Iraq: "To have the young democracy develop the institutions so it can survive on its own, not to repeat the mistakes of the 1980s, which is to achieve an objective and leave." He added that the United States also aimed to "deny a safe haven for al-Qaeda."

Upon landing, Bush addressed U.S. soldiers and Marines on the tarmac before boarding a helicopter for a flight to Kabul, where he met with Karzai. The Afghan leader greeted him warmly, the Associated Press reported, but Karzai also emphasized that the visit, Bush's second to Afghanistan, came only after repeated requests. He said that he wished that Bush had more time and that the Afghan people could see Bush in person.

The veil of secrecy for the Afghanistan leg was even more opaque than that for Iraq, the trip coming as Afghanistan is being wracked by levels of violence unseen since the United States invaded in 2001.

That situation contrasts with declining violence across Iraq, which Bush referenced in describing that war as on the path to victory. Yet many areas in Iraq remain unstable, particularly in the north. Last week, at least 57 Iraqis were killed in a suicide attack at a popular restaurant outside the oil-rich city of Kirkuk.

More than 4,200 members of the U.S. military have died here since the 2003 invasion; the war has cost U.S. taxpayers $576 billion so far.

The improvement in security conditions in Iraq over the past year has had little discernible impact on the mood of the American public, which has said in polls that the invasion was a mistake. Bush said in a recent interview that faulty intelligence that preceded the war was his "biggest regret," although he declined to say whether he would have changed course if he had known Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction.

On Sunday, Bush met with a series of Iraqi leaders about the recently completed security agreement, which calls for the withdrawal of U.S. forces by the end of 2011.

After meeting with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani at Salam Palace, Bush hailed the security agreement as "a reminder of our friendship and as a way forward to help the Iraqi people realize the blessings of a free society."

Bush's praise for the pact is particularly notable given that the U.S. administration spent years dismissing proposals for withdrawal timelines as dangerous admissions of defeat. The agreement came after months of hard bargaining by Iraqi leaders, who insisted on a firm date for the removal of U.S. troops.

Although Bush and his aides characterize the agreement as a sign of improvement, it is still divisive and may not last. A national referendum on the pact is required in the summer; rejection by the Iraqi public could speed the withdrawal of U.S. troops. The country's top Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani, has expressed concerns about the agreement. Opponents are railing against it.

Bush previously traveled to Iraq in November 2003, June 2006 and September 2007.

Bush's farewell visits are part of a carefully orchestrated series of valedictory trips, speeches and interviews aimed at highlighting his administration's record on a variety of issues, including terrorism and the fight against AIDS. The effort has largely been overshadowed, however, by the ongoing economic crisis and by President-elect Barack Obama's preparations for his arrival at the White House.

Last week in a speech at the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, N.Y., Bush vigorously defended the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and argued that his administration had "laid a solid foundation" for Obama overseas. Bush also urged Obama to "stay on the offensive" against al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups.

Obama has urged shifting U.S. troops from Iraq to Afghanistan, calling the situation in the latter country an "urgent crisis." Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said Thursday in Kandahar, Afghanistan, that thousands of additional troops would head there by next summer.

Bush drew acclaim from leaders in both countries. Talabani, speaking in English, called Bush a "great friend" who had "helped to liberate" Iraq. "Thanks to him and his courageous leadership, we are here," he said.

Maliki thanked Bush for his support. "Today, Iraq is moving forward in every field," Maliki said before the shoe incident.

And Karzai said, "I and the Afghan people are very proud and honored to the profoundest depth of our hearts to have President Bush with us here today."

After the chaotic news conference, Bush went to Camp Victory, where hundreds of U.S. troops greeted him with cheers and whoops. "Thanks to you, the Iraq we're standing in today is dramatically freer, dramatically safer and dramatically better than the Iraq we found eight years ago," Bush said, positioned beneath an enormous American flag.

After Bush left Iraq, the al-Baghdadia network released a statement demanding Zaidi's release from Iraqi custody "to spare his life." It was unclear Sunday night what charges he might face for throwing the shoes.

"Any step taken against him will be a reminder of the dictatorial time and the violence and lack of freedom that Iraqis faced," the statement said.

Eggen reported from Washington. Special correspondent Qais Mizher in Baghdad contributed to this report.
Thousands of Iraqis protest arrest of shoe-throwing journalist
Updated at: 0800 PST, Tuesday, December 16, 2008

BAGHDAD: Thousands of Iraqis protested the detention of an Iraqi journalist who was arrested after he hurled his shoes at U.S. President George W. Bush during a news conference in Baghdad.

In Sadr City, thousands of supporters of radical Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr burned American flags to protest against Bush and called for the release of Muntadhar al-Zeidi.

"Bush, Bush, listen well: Two shoes on your head," the protesters chanted in unison.

In Najaf, a Shia holy city, some protesters threw their shoes at an American patrol as it passed by. Witnesses said the American troops did not respond and continued on their patrol.

Many others across the Middle East were hailing al-Zeidi as a hero for throwing his shoes, considered a sign of disrespect in some Arab nations. Newspapers across the Arab world on Monday printed front-page photos of the incident.

The station al-Zeidi works for, Al-Baghdadia, aired pleas to release the reporter.

"We have all been mobilized to work on releasing him, and all the organizations around the world are with us," said Abdel-Hameed al-Sayeh, the manager of Al-Baghdadia in Cairo, where the station is based.

Thousands of Iraqis protest arrest of shoe-throwing journalist
I was asked in a PM what I thought of the shoe tossing incident. My reaction was that it was very disrespectful to not just President Bush, but also to my country. The incident made me want more than ever for the US to leave Iraq and let the Iraqi's kill each other if that's what they want. But, with a cooler head, I realize that the US cannot simply pull out and allow that many more innocent Iraqi's to die in sectarian violence. So, even though the incident makes me feel angry at Iraqis for the moment, I can understand the anger that prompted the Iraqi man to throw his shoes in the first place. Let's face it, both the US and the Iraqis have massively screwed up the US intervention.
The US should either not have gone in, or should have gone in harder and left the Iraqi army in place. The Iraqis should have taken the opportunity to embrace a democratic system and enjoyed the huge amount of development aid that the US would have given them, instead of descending into wanton violence.
Another mistake the US made was that they isolated the Sunnis and promoted the Shias and Kurds. This gave wrong impression to the Sunnis and also the Shias and Kurds tried to force their policies rather than implement after proper dialogue with all parties concerned on important matters. The result is sectarian divide in the country.

The same mistake was repeated in Afghanistan where Pashtuns were isolated and northern alliance put in power.
Sectarian violence was such a foreseeable consequence if toppling Saddam was a major objective, I can't understand why the US couldn't plan accordingly. Seems like sectarian violence was also a major objective if you ask me but what do I know, right?

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