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Its Official: JXX is going to test fly in the next few days

That is so typical of your BS! :toast_sign:

Anticipation, discussion, agree or disagree before news and after news are what any open forum is all about. It's perfectly legitimate and normal.

In fact, as the thread shows, it was mainly Speeder 2 alone, a pure millitary amateur, who has been engaging in this side of the argument, with other Chinese members reacting with a great contraint and a high degree of objectivity and humbleness.

On the contrary, it is you, a so called PRO in this field, has been engaging recklessly in cheap stunts and snides against any Chinese member when every tiny "opportunity" presents itself.

If the fact turns out not as I expected, so what? It'll be the fact against Speeder 2's expectation, not other Chinese members.

Yet if the fact turns out to be closer to my side of the arguement, I 'll see in which dark corner you gonna hide your humiliated ugly "old" face, a "PRO" one on top? :lol:
In other words, they finally met someone who has relevant experience and can bring sources to support his arguments/criticisms so they have no choice but to shut up.
In other words, they finally met someone who has relevant experience and can bring sources to support his arguments/criticisms so they have no choice but to shut up.

Hmmm, mr, is it necesary to be so rude, no offence, but by reading
your post, correct me if i was wrong, you are not American origin,
Its good to be proud as American, but by misusing our country's flag to spread "Imperialism" is a shame.
Btw, "Fanboy"?, whats wrong with that, is that the reason for most of us to join a defence forum ? :usflag::cheers::china:
Hmmm, mr, is it necesary to be so rude, no offence, but by reading
your post, correct me if i was wrong, you are not American origin,
True...Am Martian and my name is Marvin.

Its good to be proud as American, but by misusing our country's flag to spread "Imperialism" is a shame.
No idea of what you are babbling about here.

Btw, "Fanboy"?, whats wrong with that, is that the reason for most of us to join a defence forum ? :usflag::cheers::china:
Nothing wrong with being a 'fanboy' at all. Am a 'fanboy' myself. Difference is that I can technically support my arguments/criticisms.
Nothing wrong with being a 'fanboy' at all. Am a 'fanboy' myself. Difference is that I can technically support my arguments/criticisms.

Exactly, fanboism is ok, But we all better keep it to ourselves cause this is not cartoon network. It is a defense forum and we are not here to present our perspective, but the correct perspective.

Defense is not for kids, so they better leave it to the experienced.
Hmmm, mr, is it necesary to be so rude, no offence, but by reading
your post, correct me if i was wrong, you are not American origin,
Its good to be proud as American, but by misusing our country's flag to spread "Imperialism" is a shame.
Btw, "Fanboy"?, whats wrong with that, is that the reason for most of us to join a defence forum ? :usflag::cheers::china:

Thank you, new wave!

I got the same feeling the first week I was in this forum. Although this gambit did present some millitary knowledge and had some relevent good posts on millitary matters from time to time (see? I give credit where its due), his English sounds wierdo and forced, particularly the sentiments he has been promoting, which resembles much more a Hindi 7-Eleven store "Proboy" next to highway 93 of Montana, or a VietCom International wannabe. :toast_sign:
Sorry I am not allowed to disclose when Mother China will publicly disclose JXX.

2010年04月27日 13:25:52  来源:环球时报




《香港商报》网站4月14日刊发题为“第四代战机快研成 可媲美F-22 军方早已训练机师”的文章,文中提到,中国第四代战机很快就要揭开神秘面纱,消息人士透露,经过多年的研制,“目前已进入收成阶段,中国会先行进行内部小范围试飞”。







Copy of the F-22.I would like to congratulate the chinese designers as no one can beat them in copying.
Gun powder was discovered accidentally correct? Was the first rocket that reached outerspace accidental? Was the first satelite accidental? Was the first space station accidental? Was a Mars probe accidental? And don't compare something as simple as gunpower to space exploration.


Whether gun powder was discovered accidently or not is still in debate. So, please hold on for a while for the conclusion.

While not denying the great achievements by Soviet Union in modern times, let me bring the fact to you that it is the Chinese who first invented rockets and using the rockets to send human being into the space, albeit seemingly failed in the attempt.

This is so far believed to be the first human attempt for space travel.


If I remember correctly, the Japanese, not the Chinese, have a copy of the original account for this piece of history. The picture above is perhaps more descriptive. as there are word descriptions like "Wan Hu invented a kite-like monoplane powered by 30 rockets, ..."

BTW, I believe NASA web page WAN HOO AND HIS SPACE VEHICLE perhaps doesn’t give an accurate account on how this becomes known to us.
Last edited:


Looky here...You have been proven wrong about gunpowder being an invention. Stop being silly. An invention imply foresight, deliberation, methodical processes and everything associated with a goal. A discovery is generally accidental and often is peripheral to the inventive and methodical processes. A discovery seldom has a specific goal in mind. There is no legitimate intellectual comparison between the discovery of 'gunpowder' and the deliberate and methodical processes of space exploration.

Really! :taz: The world becomes more and more amazing as we enter 2010.

Let’s all hail a joker for his newest, and the most conscious, foresighted, deliberated, methodical INVENTION of Chinese history. :lol:

Funny! What are all these to do with the topic?

Knife edge diffraction for high schooler physics? :lol:
It is about canards and how they are not very conducive in RCS reduction. Without explanations like mine, Chinese 'fanboys' like yourself would very likely get away with numerous violations, moving and non-moving, of the laws of physics. If you have problems following the discussion's progress, best to stay out of it...:lol:
I would not place too much value on those 'fan art' depictions. The majority of them focus on aerodynamics over RCS.

This is what an aircraft look like as far as radar detection goes...


I posted the above illustration here before.

Each dot represent a 'scattering point' and the ovals represent the radar reflectivity level of each scattering point. In radar detection, against a background, like the sky for example, those scattering points would stand out and would be in a cluster.

Subspace-based localization and inverse scattering of multiply scattering point targets

This is what 'knife edge diffraction' look like...


It does not matter if the signal source is a music radio transmission or a seeking radar. A canard's position would be dictated more by aerodynamic needs than for RCS contribution factor. This is evident by the many shapes and angles, or dihedral, of the canards in different designs...

Dihedral (aircraft) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The EF-2000's canards has a downward, or anhedral, as seen below...

File:Eurofighter Typhoon line drawing.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We cannot have the canards interfere with the air flow over the wings. But on a 'normal' tailed aircraft, it is the rear stabs that changes the aircraft's angle-of-attack so they can be inline with the wings with little or no negative effects. Even so, the F-15 still has its rear stabs on a lower horizontal plane than the wings. For the F-16, the rear stabs are on a relatively same horizontal plane but they have a downward cant, or anhedral. The Rafale's canards are quite horizontal but they are on a higher horizontal plane than the wings. So it is very possible that canards can create distinct radar returns based upon the 'knife edge diffraction' effect.

I can see what you're saying, but I don't see how it relates to stealth. Diffraction is not the same thing as reflection, and the diffracted signal, by definition of diffraction, cannot travel back toward the source. If anything, I'd think that diffraction can only help with regard to stealth for the very same reason.

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