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" It's India's right to have Permanent seat at UN Security Council " -PM Modi

Inda should not get pushy about this.
Its not like as if after we get a permanant seat all our problems will vanish. Those problems will still stay and its for us to solve them.

So let the seat come when it wants to come, till then we must just work sincerely to stentghen out nation.
1/6th of wolds population, biggest democratic secular country, 3rd largest economy in PPP, 4th largest armed forces,7th largest nation, largest supplier of forces to un,neutral nation like India is the genuine candidate for Permanent member in UNSC with veto power.
USA is our side only blockade is China let's see if modi can melt the ice during its China visit.

Not really.

Both don't want us to be in the P5.

It's not.. Actually no one should have, WF special done by UN uptill now?? They cant even provide Woman's rights in their so called developed countries. (#HeforShe)
They declared Israel a legible state, the state that invaded tens of other states and is still legible.
They cant even provide a single act that was in favor of other countries

I'd agree with you mate.

Either it should be all equal votes for UN or none.
Start thinking beyond zero..so far your campaign to become permenant member have encountered with zero concrete response...that zero is coming back to haunt you time n again.

Ok. thank you for your Good will and concern ...
Rightfully so. Brazil is a major independent economy and represents Latin America.

That's what the BRICS and AIIB are created for; to give people alternates for funding.

India 5,821.5 2.44%, this should be increased to 4.00% in the next 5-7 years as our economy overtakes UK
Why should india care to give a damn about security council. Security council is good only for bullying weaker countries.
Security council represents the power structure of 1960's, now its drastically changed. Sanctions have no effect on india. UN security council can pass dumb useless resolutions that even sri-lanka is not afraid.

We should simply ignore them like USA does, that is a sign of true power. Remember even NSG was created by US to keep out india, now they are falling over to get us a exclusion. Any resolution passed simply should be :close_tema:.

If India will have a very bad relation with many major countries, then i think a permanent seat is very important as no body can dictate India through UN

Start thinking beyond zero..so far your campaign to become permenant member have encountered with zero concrete response...that zero is coming back to haunt you time n again.

For every big achievement to get, it takes it's own time.
First India should invest in sports and try to win more medals at the Olympics and in time even hold the games which would put India on the world stage and be a big PR coup. We still have a long way to go to deserve a seat at the table, we should concentrate on reducing poverty and improving health and education levels first.

Perhaps by 2025 we will be in a strong position for the UN seat.
First India should invest in sports and try to win more medals at the Olympics and in time even hold the games which would put India on the world stage and be a big PR coup. We still have a long way to go to deserve a seat at the table, we should concentrate on reducing poverty and improving health and education levels first.

Perhaps by 2025 we will be in a strong position for the UN seat.
First India should invest in sports and try to win more medals at the Olympics and in time even hold the games which would put India on the world stage and be a big PR coup. We still have a long way to go to deserve a seat at the table, we should concentrate on reducing poverty and improving health and education levels first.

Perhaps by 2025 we will be in a strong position for the UN seat.

I believe that UN postion in world stage will become stronger as US power diminishing as sole super power.So we can expect a Multi polar world.US,EU on one hand Russia,China on another and India will remain neutral.
Yes, they are all racists. They do what is in their own favor. In a well balanced no one should have VETO power

what has racism got to do with this?? jeez....:tsk: this is geo politocs/power games. you do know that several countries in south america like Argentina, chile etc are white right?? loool funny to see people always brandishing the race card even when they are farrrr more racists than us.
As third biggest economy as per GDP PPP,second biggest population,4th most powerful military,biggest contributor for UN peace keeping force,one of the biggest soft power in the world,India have all rights to elegible for permanent seat.

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