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Italy shows how it is done right...people who spread islamism get instant deportation

Bullshit Story, assassination attempt? seriously? by that definition, US has admitted that they killed Pakistan's first prime minister, I would want to see what UN does about it, oh wait... nothing.

See, you admitted it, lets see what UN does about it.

Thats the exact reason UN is a pathetic and joke of an organization.

The purpose of UN is to ensure peace and territorial integrity of sovereign lands. The need to vote should not have arisen in the first place, israel - the illegal state, stole the land of Palestinians, they should have been forcefully removed.

It is called speaking truth.
Palestinians are killed by terrorist forces of israel - the illegal state, they will reap what they sow, sooner or later.

I thought you are talking about Arab spring. Whatever, that problem could have been solved internally, they just had to change the rulers, the problem happened because the Britain invaded it, give credit where it is due.

The death toll is 1mn plus, there is a difference b/w estimated and truth, it isn't like people there were counting how many has USA killed. This problem did not exist before USA invaded it, it was US who caused it, you cant deny this.

What the real reason is, does not matter when Casus Belli exists.
Nothing will be done about it in the UN.
If You are not happy about the UN, You are free to leave.

The Muslim world can continue to call Israel illegal, and the rest of the world will
react by continuing to give Israel a break.

It was the decision of the Ottoman Empire to join the WW1, by attacking Russia.
Their treatment if Arabs caused the Arab revolt. change of ruler would hardly improve the situation of Arabs.
The Ottomans had to pay the price, which resulted in the creation of a number of Arab states.
If You feel bad about it, You should ask KSA, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Syria,
to again become serfs under Erdogan.
Yet, the European governments support terrorism in Syria... :disagree:
Italy deported two morrocoans who went into a church and shouted "Allahu Akbar"

over all 102 islamsist got deported since 2015. Imams who named their children "Jihad" as well as islamsts who shouted "Allahu Akbar" on public places and scared people.

Another 549 suspects are imprisoned while all otehr islamists are under 24/4 suerveillance.

There are not many countries in western europe with that strict laws. The zero tolerance policy kept italy save so far. Not one terrorist attack was sucessfull in italy. Even smallest islamist activity leads to instant deportation
thats great, good to see not all euros are cucks. (well, you are our bros ;) )

show no mercy to these jihadis. gotta kill 'em all :lol:
Bullshit Story, assassination attempt? seriously? by that definition, US has admitted that they killed Pakistan's first prime minister, I would want to see what UN does about it, oh wait... nothing.

See, you admitted it, lets see what UN does about it.

Thats the exact reason UN is a pathetic and joke of an organization.

The purpose of UN is to ensure peace and territorial integrity of sovereign lands. The need to vote should not have arisen in the first place, israel - the illegal state, stole the land of Palestinians, they should have been forcefully removed.

It is called speaking truth.
Palestinians are killed by terrorist forces of israel - the illegal state, they will reap what they sow, sooner or later.

I thought you are talking about Arab spring.

I thought you are talking about Arab spring. Whatever, that problem could have been solved internally, they just had to change the rulers, the problem happened because the Britain invaded it, give credit where it is due.

The death toll is 1mn plus, there is a difference b/w estimated and truth, it isn't like people there were counting how many has USA killed. This problem did not exist before USA invaded it, it was US who caused it, you cant deny this.

It is your ignorance if you cant differentiate b/w terrorist slogans and religious slogans that is part of our faith for more than a thousand years.

What prove is there that he broke a 300 year old art earlier?

If you are so much of Islamophobic that you will ban people for naming their kids, then it shows your hatred, it paints you in a bad light. Its funny, Jihad means struggle, you kicked people out because they named their kid "struggle" in Arabic?

I wish Americans did same to you.

You mean the terrorist who lost his body, got his clothes burned but his passport were still intact? You want us to blv that he took his passport to the terrorist site? seriously?

Our country, our rules. You dont like it? too bad.

Of course we could also use the laws of your own country. When he came into the church and shouted Allahu Akbar, threatened people and destroyed art in there he did heretic behavior. In Pakistan people get burned alive for less things.

Look, we do them a favor. They want be islamists and we bring them back to the shithole they came from. We even pay the flight.
To be honest, hard to argue against the Italians. it is their country.
They might be a tad racism is over-the-top though.
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Our country, our rules. You dont like it? too bad.

Of course we could also use the laws of your own country. When he came into the church and shouted Allahu Akbar, threatened people and destroyed art in there he did heretic behavior. In Pakistan people get burned alive for less things.

Look, we do them a favor. They want be islamists and we bring them back to the shithole they came from. We even pay the flight.

What those people did was wrong
but isnt deportation a bit extreme?

I would have fined them and put them
under surveillance.
For your better understanding, the word infidel is used to define those who do not believe in God. I do not believe that Jews and Christians fall in the category of infidels as they believe in the same God as us Muslims.

Why would any place of worship be forbidden? I have heard that Hindu Temples are washed with Cow urine and so Muslims may not enter Hindu Temples barefoot as we consider urine to be impure but otherwise we wouldn't have any problems with Hindu Temples either. Infact, I visited many Churches in Europe as some of the older Churches are an absolute marvel. I would also highly recommend Austria for tourism over Switzerland, France, Italy and some other countries.

And anyone who should Allah-hu-Akbar in a church is doing an absolute sin in my opinion and is liable for punishment.

Personally, I say let the person throw the Holy Book to the ground and hurl abuses as it is Allah who has taken the responsibility of defense of the Holy Quran.

Very well said.

Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

Good job, and don't let them sit in comfort either. Use a plane that transports animal cargo, so they can sit in the animal waste.
Anyway, how dare they attack the country of my 80's teenage sweetheart Sabrina Salerno. :smitten::bunny:


@waz blow a horn or something, before putting up pictures like this. Not all of us are young or have strong hearts.
Read and then comment .
"He said the two expulsions to Morocco involved a 25-year-old man who threw a 300-year-old wooden crucifix to the ground earlier this month inside a Venice church and a 69-year-old man who burst into a church last year in Trentino, northern Italy, and shouted abusive statements about Catholicism."

Tomorrow if someone goes to a mosque in Pakistan and throws Quran to the ground or hurl abuses towards Islam after barging into a mosque do recommend a 100 rupee fine .
peaceful indeed !!
What those people did was wrong
but isnt deportation a bit extreme?

I would have fined them and put them
under surveillance.

Why spend money and resources on surveillance? Besides you can't track someone 24 hours a day. Many terrorists that committed acts of terrorism were on either on a no flight list or at one point watched.

Besides if someone is insane enough to go into a church, threaten people and smash a cross then they are capable of anything.
What those people did was wrong
but isnt deportation a bit extreme?

I would have fined them and put them
under surveillance.


deporting them sends the risk to zero.

The two who beheaded the priest in france were under surveillance....

We have evry single islamist in italy under surveillance. Its a clear system. When your wife tries to wear Burka. When you grow a beared and start teach islamic stuff...you get a visit from two officers. fom the on you have cars infront your house and strange cracks in your phone line.

We have not many muslims in italy so its not that expensive.

The moment a muslim does extremist things like shouting "Allahu Akbar" in a church or naming his child "Jihad" he and his family are send to where they came from. They had their chance and throw it away. They clearly showed they dislike italy, its culture and pose a security risk for italy and its people.

Never forget...they are guests no more and no less. Nobody invited them.
Congratulations to Italy.

I'm sry for muslims but due to intense terrorist action shouting Allah Akbar in public has created a Pavlovian reaction of fear throughout the general public.If I'm sitting somewhere having a beer and I hear it next to me,my first reaction would be to smash the bottle into the skull of the one shouting it or duck for cover.

And what's with the butthurt of the deportation being to extreme? You're a guest in that country and you go around desecrating Churches ? They'l behead you for that in Saudi Arabia.
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