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Italy shows how it is done right...people who spread islamism get instant deportation

A joke? Islamists running into churches shouting terrorist slogans and crashing 300 year old art are a joke?

This is italy. We are a catholic nation. Our nation. our rules. We kick teh terrorists out, show no tolerance towards this.

They are guests and they better behave like guests or face the consequences.
This is italy. We are a catholic nation. Our nation. our rules. .
Do you live your life according to Catholic scriptures?
Catholicism say that its wrong/sin to have sex before marriage? Do you practice it?

Please give me a favour you Islamophobic italain ..deport all Muslims and banned the entry of Muslim in italy and this will stop your constant moaning and bitching
Cant say I can fault Italy...if someone barged into a mosque in İstanbul shouting obsceneties and, on top of that, desecrated the place....god help you mate:agree:. Learn to respect, at bare minimum, other religions. And then learn that mocking/disrespecting the majority religion of a country you are not even a national of is a pretty dumb thing to do.
A joke? Islamists running into churches shouting terrorist slogans and crashing 300 year old art are a joke?

This is italy. We are a catholic nation. Our nation. our rules. We kick teh terrorists out, show no tolerance towards this.

They are guests and they better behave like guests or face the consequences.

Good job, and don't let them sit in comfort either. Use a plane that transports animal cargo, so they can sit in the animal waste.
Anyway, how dare they attack the country of my 80's teenage sweetheart Sabrina Salerno. :smitten::bunny:

Italy deported two morrocoans who went into a church and shouted "Allahu Akbar"


over all 102 islamsist got deported since 2015. Imams who named their children "Jihad" as well as islamsts who shouted "Allahu Akbar" on public places and scared people.

Another 549 suspects are imprisoned while all otehr islamists are under 24/4 suerveillance.

There are not many countries in western europe with that strict laws. The zero tolerance policy kept italy save so far. Not one terrorist attack was sucessfull in italy. Even smallest islamist activity leads to instant deportation

All hail to freedom of expression and clearly west is world leader. We are also learning from you guys. Keep the all good work going:enjoy:
Italy wishes to deport Muslims; fine let them even if they are their legally but at least Italy should be honest about this. In my opinion those who have power in NATO: the Judeo-Christian Zionist alliance, who wish to ban the Quran and deem it a book of terrorism.

Yup, agreed, be open you extremist hypocrites, dont hide behind the curtain of liberalism and democracy.
I'm not inferring anything, I'm just stating a fact. Vast majority of Muslims are turned into minorities in their own countries through coups and election dramas.
Vast majority dont give a flying fck about jihadis & mullah brigades they are done with u lot !
Why do you keep calling it a joke? Do you seriously think shouting Allah Hu Akbar is a joke? Please try to understand the context. There have been a series of attacks accross Europe - The paris bombings, the Brussels Bombing, Turkey Bombings, Nice Truck Attack, Stabbings etc. etc.The common factor is extremists who shout Allah Hu Akbar before carrying out the attack.

the govt is extra sensitive. They dont want the people to get hurt.

You cant make "Jokes" like this.

It is like shouting "Fire" in a crowded theater or "Hijack" in an airplane. You may have said it as a joke but it has real security implications.

You want to shout Allah hu Akbar shout it in your lands where no one will notice it or care about it. Do not shout it in other countries

I called it a bad joke. What do you do to a person who shouts hijack in a plane? You punish him, you do not throw him out of the country. It is pure hypocrisy and it is easy to see.

Islamic Laws are then in conflict with basic human rights as defined in the UN charter.
Countries which are members of the UN need to follow the rules of the organisation or leave.
Blocking marriage between two people due to religion is disciminatory and a violation of human right.

Right of religious freedom does not include the right to physically attack members of other religions
or their property. It does not include the right to invade temples of other religions.

Invading a nation illegally and killing millions of people, Turkish coup attempt, declaring a sovereign land as your own country and then killing the natives and then continuing to expand it are both illegal in UN.
What has UN done about it?
It has been revealed that the WMD story was a lie and Iraq invasion was illegal, so when is UN going to punish Britain/US?
When is UN going to get the Palestinian lands from israel the illegal state and returning it to Palestinians?
Dont give me the UN bs.

Crying out Allah hu Akbar in a Church by someone with a history of offensive behaviour
is not a joke.

What proof is there that he had a history of offensive behavior ?

The reason there were "no problems" was that most of the place was the Ottoman empire,
and the proof there were no problems was the Arab revolt...
The millions repressed and sometimes killed by the dictatorial governments in the Middle East
after WWII is of no concern to islamofascists of course.

Who brought down the Ottoman empire? Brits and french.
The Arab revolts were US/Nato backed, it is not hidden anymore.
Dictatorial governments were US/Nato backed.
The killing of millions of people in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan is of no concern to psychopathic Islamophobic extremists off course.

You are not getting my point here. Please go back to my older post and see that I have clearly said that apart from 1-2 and their I was thinking about Malaysia and Indonesia only. Your post itself is contradicting to what you mean. On one hand you say that other religions have equal rights and on another you say that they can't do things because Muslim law does not permit them. And if the same rule is followed by some non Muslim countries then people start blaming them. Wow! what a logic.

I will again say that it is not USA but the head of these counties who are responsible for the mess. USA us used it for its gain.

Mere Bhai, I never blamed you for any attack on my religion. I just wanted to say that your example is wrong. 1-2 incidents does not make Indians extremists. And this is India, here if a Hindu can bully a Muslim then a Muslim can also do the same to a Hindu and so can a Sikh do to Hindu or a Muslim. Here minorities do not have to live in fear and they are treated equally. People who spread this BS are the ones who are doing it for their vote bank. At least this is one thing I do not have to tell you that how our political parties uses us for their profits.
I am a Hindu and my best fiend is a Muslim and he is treated with more respect than me in my family and I am favorite in his family.

Okay agreed they are not Wahhabis. then what kind of Islam does the likes of ISIS, Taliban and Al Qaida follows which allows them to kill innocent people?

Buddy what I am saying is that we are restricted by Islamic laws in some cases, we are not intentionally against them. Besides those are the minor things, being thrown out of the country for making a (bad) joke is down right hatred and hypocrisy. Had they punished him, my reaction would have been different.

How come USA used Saddam hussain for its gain? USA killed him. How come USA used Mullah Omar for his gain? USA invaded Afghanistan.
I am not saying that Indians or Hindus are extremists I am saying that there are people of your religion that also go extremists and make a mess. People do not understand the sentiments of Muslims, if they are killing Muslim people in some other country then I am going to hate them.
When USA left Iraq there was no government or institution that could have ensured the national security or law and order. USA purposely destroyed all of them. You know what happens in a war torn land with no one to rule or ensure law and order? ISIS! tada!
Think about it, why do you think USA is not willing to leave Afghanistan, because they know that shit will hit the fan.
They know that Taliban would take over and they knew it long before ISIS came into being.
It was done purposely to create a civil war in Iraq, off course the radicals took it over and what happens when radicals have taken over a country and they see that the people responsible for the destruction of there country are living in peace? Bomb blasts in those countries!.
So the snake that is today biting europe (and other Muslim countries in the vicinity of ISIS) is created by the Europeans themselves. Karma is bitch and it will come to bite them.
It is now also revealed that Iraq was invaded illegally there were no weapons of mass destruction there, it was based on personal hatred. So its USA not the Muslims that are responsible for this mess.

ISIS, TTP, Al Qaida and their likes are NOT MUSLIMS according to the Quranic Law and Ahadees. The moment you kill a non-Muslim and consider it "right", you turn into a nun Muslim.

A joke? Islamists running into churches shouting terrorist slogans and crashing 300 year old art are a joke?

Our nation. our rules. We kick teh terrorists out, show no tolerance towards this.

They are guests and they better behave like guests or face the consequences.

Terrorist slogans? It is your ignorance and Islamophobia if you cant differentiate b/w terrorist slogans and something that has been part of our faith since thousands of years.
What proof is there that they crashed a 300 year old art?

This is italy. We are a catholic nation.

This my friend is the "correct" reasoning.
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Good job, and don't let them sit in comfort either. Use a plane that transports animal cargo, so they can sit in the animal waste.
Anyway, how dare they attack the country of my 80's teenage sweetheart Sabrina Salerno. :smitten::bunny:

Sir, this is quite haram and quite offensive. Remove the video so it doesn't offend the members, please.
Personally, I say let the person throw the Holy Book to the ground and hurl abuses as it is Allah who has taken the responsibility of defense of the Holy Quran.

Good to know you are not a garden variety bigot .
some of our own so called liberals trying hard to appease our western members by appreciating their Islamophobic posts
some of our own so called liberals trying hard to appease our western members by appreciating their Islamophobic posts

True, they will be running for us, when these so called peaceful liberals are bombing their punny a$$, apparently, Palestine, Libya, Egypt and Turkey aren't enough for them.
I called it a bad joke. What do you do to a person who shouts hijack in a plane? You punish him, you do not throw him out of the country. It is pure hypocrisy and it is easy to see.

Invading a nation illegally and killing millions of people, Turkish coup attempt, declaring a sovereign land as your own country and then killing the natives and then continuing to expand it are both illegal in UN.
What has UN done about it?
It has been revealed that the WMD story was a lie and Iraq invasion was illegal, so when is UN going to punish Britain/US?
When is UN going to get the Palestinian lands from israel the illegal state and returning it to Palestinians?
Dont give me the UN bs.

What proof is there that he had a history of offensive behavior ?

Who brought down the Ottoman empire? Brits and french.
The Arab revolts were US/Nato backed, it is not hidden anymore.
Dictatorial governments were US/Nato backed.
The killing of millions of people in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan is of no concern to psychopathic Islamophobic extremists off course.

Buddy what I am saying is that we are restricted by Islamic laws in some cases, we are not intentionally against them. Besides those are the minor things, being thrown out of the country for making a (bad) joke is down right hatred and hypocrisy. Had they punished him, my reaction would have been different.

How come USA used Saddam hussain for its gain? USA killed him. How come USA used Mullah Omar for his gain? USA invaded Afghanistan.
I am not saying that Indians or Hindus are extremists I am saying that there are people of your religion that also go extremists and make a mess. People do not understand the sentiments of Muslims, if they are killing Muslim people in some other country then I am going to hate them.
When USA left Iraq there was no government or institution that could have ensured the national security or law and order. USA purposely destroyed all of them. You know what happens in a war torn land with no one to rule or ensure law and order? ISIS! tada!
Think about it, why do you think USA is not willing to leave Afghanistan, because they know that shit will hit the fan.
They know that Taliban would take over and they knew it long before ISIS came into being.
It was done purposely to create a civil war in Iraq, off course the radicals took it over and what happens when radicals have taken over a country and they see that the people responsible for the destruction of there country are living in peace? Bomb blasts in those countries!.
So the snake that is today biting europe (and other Muslim countries in the vicinity of ISIS) is created by the Europeans themselves. Karma is bitch and it will come to bite them.
It is now also revealed that Iraq was invaded illegally there were no weapons of mass destruction there, it was based on personal hatred. So its USA not the Muslims that are responsible for this mess.

ISIS, TTP, Al Qaida and their likes are NOT MUSLIMS according to the Quranic Law and Ahadees. The moment you kill a non-Muslim and consider it "right", you turn into a nun Muslim.

Terrorist slogans? It is your ignorance and Islamophobia if you cant differentiate b/w terrorist slogans and something that has been part of our faith since thousands of years.
What proof is there that they crashed a 300 year old art?

This my friend is the "correct" reasoning.

The poof is in the article. They have already been arrested for harrassing christians.

The Casus Belli of the Iraq Invasion was
* Assassination attempt on George H.W. Bush.
* Not fully cooperating with Inspectors.
* Not fulfilling their part of the cease fire agreement, including firing on coalition aircraft.
WMD merely a selling point.
The REAL reason was pressure from leftist to remove sanctions without any requirements on Iraq.

You as anyone else knows that Veto powers are not limited by International Law.
Only by internal and external political pressure.
UN has not punished Russia for the Invasion of Crimea.

UN *voted* for the creation of Israel, and the UNSC is not going to accept the one sided resolutions
that Muslim countries propose time after time due to vetos.
The position is that it should be decided between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
As long as significant political fractions like Hamas, which have a goal to destroy Israel,
have power, it is likely that the Israelis will continue to elect Nethanyahu.
His party does not believe real peace is possible, and takes action accordingly.
Calling the State of Israel illegal is contributing to the plight of the Palestinians.
Muslims have caused the killing of many Palestinians due to this.

The Arab Revolts vs the Ottomans occured during WW1 and were not NATO backed.
They were backed by Great Britain, but their existence showed that people were not
happy under Ottoman rule.

The killing of millions of people in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan Is mainly done by other Muslims...
The US is estimated to have killed 50,000 Iraqis during the Gulf War and aftermath,
of which 35,000 were Army/Republican Guards/Insurgents.
I called it a bad joke. What do you do to a person who shouts hijack in a plane? You punish him, you do not throw him out of the country. It is pure hypocrisy and it is easy to see.

Invading a nation illegally and killing millions of people, Turkish coup attempt, declaring a sovereign land as your own country and then killing the natives and then continuing to expand it are both illegal in UN.
What has UN done about it?
It has been revealed that the WMD story was a lie and Iraq invasion was illegal, so when is UN going to punish Britain/US?
When is UN going to get the Palestinian lands from israel the illegal state and returning it to Palestinians?
Dont give me the UN bs.

What proof is there that he had a history of offensive behavior ?

Who brought down the Ottoman empire? Brits and french.
The Arab revolts were US/Nato backed, it is not hidden anymore.
Dictatorial governments were US/Nato backed.
The killing of millions of people in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan is of no concern to psychopathic Islamophobic extremists off course.

Buddy what I am saying is that we are restricted by Islamic laws in some cases, we are not intentionally against them. Besides those are the minor things, being thrown out of the country for making a (bad) joke is down right hatred and hypocrisy. Had they punished him, my reaction would have been different.

How come USA used Saddam hussain for its gain? USA killed him. How come USA used Mullah Omar for his gain? USA invaded Afghanistan.
I am not saying that Indians or Hindus are extremists I am saying that there are people of your religion that also go extremists and make a mess. People do not understand the sentiments of Muslims, if they are killing Muslim people in some other country then I am going to hate them.
When USA left Iraq there was no government or institution that could have ensured the national security or law and order. USA purposely destroyed all of them. You know what happens in a war torn land with no one to rule or ensure law and order? ISIS! tada!
Think about it, why do you think USA is not willing to leave Afghanistan, because they know that shit will hit the fan.
They know that Taliban would take over and they knew it long before ISIS came into being.
It was done purposely to create a civil war in Iraq, off course the radicals took it over and what happens when radicals have taken over a country and they see that the people responsible for the destruction of there country are living in peace? Bomb blasts in those countries!.
So the snake that is today biting europe (and other Muslim countries in the vicinity of ISIS) is created by the Europeans themselves. Karma is bitch and it will come to bite them.
It is now also revealed that Iraq was invaded illegally there were no weapons of mass destruction there, it was based on personal hatred. So its USA not the Muslims that are responsible for this mess.

ISIS, TTP, Al Qaida and their likes are NOT MUSLIMS according to the Quranic Law and Ahadees. The moment you kill a non-Muslim and consider it "right", you turn into a nun Muslim.

Terrorist slogans? It is your ignorance and Islamophobia if you cant differentiate b/w terrorist slogans and something that has been part of our faith since thousands of years.
What proof is there that they crashed a 300 year old art?

This my friend is the "correct" reasoning.

when you go into a catholic nation like italy, go into a church. scream terroris slogan, take a 300 year old crucifix from the wall and smash it on the ground you made very clear that you dont want to be in italy any longer. This day it was a crucifix, next day he could crash a truck into people.

Italy applies a zero tolerance politics here. They either adapt 100% or get kicked out. Better save than sorry. One named his kid jihad...and with this showed he doesnt want be part of italy. He and his family were placed in a plane back home. Italy so far had not one islamist terror attack. I thank god and our security forces for that.

It is our country. We dont wish this in oir country. You want visit italy? You are welcome. If you behave like a friend you are treated like one. If you dont behave like a friend you get kicked out. Its an easy rule evryone understands.

Most of the terror attacks in france were done from islamists already known by security. Our country will not risk the life of its citizens for some leftist lineral pipe dream.

Back in Morocco he can shout his slogans as loud as he wishs.
The poof is in the article. They have already been arrested for harrassing christians.

The Casus Belli of the Iraq Invasion was
* Assassination attempt on George H.W. Bush.
* Not fully cooperating with Inspectors.
* Not fulfilling their part of the cease fire agreement, including firing on coalition aircraft.
WMD merely a selling point.

Bullshit Story, assassination attempt? seriously? by that definition, US has admitted that they killed Pakistan's first prime minister, I would want to see what UN does about it, oh wait... nothing.

The REAL reason was pressure from leftist to remove sanctions without any requirements on Iraq.

See, you admitted it, lets see what UN does about it.

You as anyone else knows that Veto powers are not limited by International Law.
Only by internal and external political pressure.
UN has not punished Russia for the Invasion of Crimea.

Thats the exact reason UN is a pathetic and joke of an organization.

UN *voted* for the creation of Israel, and the UNSC is not going to accept the one sided resolutions
that Muslim countries propose time after time due to vetos.
The position is that it should be decided between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
As long as significant political fractions like Hamas, which have a goal to destroy Israel,
have power, it is likely that the Israelis will continue to elect Nethanyahu.
His party does not believe real peace is possible, and takes action accordingly.

The purpose of UN is to ensure peace and territorial integrity of sovereign lands. The need to vote should not have arisen in the first place, israel - the illegal state, stole the land of Palestinians, they should have been forcefully removed.

Calling the State of Israel illegal is contributing to the plight of the Palestinians.
Muslims have caused the killing of many Palestinians due to this.

It is called speaking truth.
Palestinians are killed by terrorist forces of israel - the illegal state, they will reap what they sow, sooner or later.

The Arab Revolts vs the Ottomans occured during WW1 and were not NATO backed.

I thought you are talking about Arab spring.

They were backed by Great Britain, but their existence showed that people were not
happy under Ottoman rule.

I thought you are talking about Arab spring. Whatever, that problem could have been solved internally, they just had to change the rulers, the problem happened because the Britain invaded it, give credit where it is due.

The killing of millions of people in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan Is mainly done by other Muslims...
The US is estimated to have killed 50,000 Iraqis during the Gulf War and aftermath,
of which 35,000 were Army/Republican Guards/Insurgents.

The death toll is 1mn plus, there is a difference b/w estimated and truth, it isn't like people there were counting how many has USA killed. This problem did not exist before USA invaded it, it was US who caused it, you cant deny this.

when you go into a catholic nation like italy, go into a church. scream terroris slogan, take a 300 year old crucifix from the wall and smash it on the ground you made very clear that you dont want to be in italy any longer. This day it was a crucifix, next day he could crash a truck into people.

It is your ignorance if you cant differentiate b/w terrorist slogans and religious slogans that is part of our faith for more than a thousand years.

What prove is there that he broke a 300 year old art earlier?

Italy applies a zero tolerance politics here. They either adapt 100% or get kicked out. Better save than sorry. One named his kid jihad...and with this showed he doesnt want be part of italy. He and his family were placed in a plane back home. Italy so far had not one islamist terror attack. I thank god and our security forces for that.

If you are so much of Islamophobic that you will ban people for naming their kids, then it shows your hatred, it paints you in a bad light. Its funny, Jihad means struggle, you kicked people out because they named their kid "struggle" in Arabic?

It is our country. We dont wish this in oir country. You want visit italy? You are welcome. If you behave like a friend you are treated like one. If you dont behave like a friend you get kicked out. Its an easy rule evryone understands.

I wish Americans did same to you.

Most of the terror attacks in france were done from islamists already known by security. Our country will not risk the life of its citizens for some leftist lineral pipe dream.

Back in Morocco he can shout his slogans as loud as he wishs.

You mean the terrorist who lost his body, got his clothes burned but his passport were still intact? You want us to blv that he took his passport to the terrorist site? seriously?
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