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Italy shows how it is done right...people who spread islamism get instant deportation

this is called....get out terrorist

Shouting a religious slogan as a joke is the definition of terrorism :D

Hypocrisy in 2016, more open than ever before.

Then Muslim can quarantine themselves with in the geography of ummah..... Precaution is better than cure, setting good precedent....

They had the visa, the ticket and legal permission to live there. This is called pure hypocrisy. You have a large population of Muslims, you are asking that they should move to Ummah land?

This is called justice..All terrorist, radical minds should not be welcome and should be confined to islamic lands only.

Making a joke is called terrorism? You mean modi should be living in an Islamic land?

I think that will be a good thing to do. Already most of the Muslim counties are doing the same. Minorities have no rights and they live like second hand citizens.

Who told you that? your media?

I think evrything is wrong on it. What is the need to put so much effort in spreading any religion.

Everybody must follow his/her on religion and let others see how good it is and now if people want to convert to any of than then their choiCe.

It will spread by default if it's a religion of peace and harmony.

That is not how world works, buddy.
Italy deported two morrocoans who went into a church and shouted "Allahu Akbar"


over all 102 islamsist got deported since 2015. Imams who named their children "Jihad" as well as islamsts who shouted "Allahu Akbar" on public places and scared people.

Another 549 suspects are imprisoned while all otehr islamists are under 24/4 suerveillance.

There are not many countries in western europe with that strict laws. The zero tolerance policy kept italy save so far. Not one terrorist attack was sucessfull in italy. Even smallest islamist activity leads to instant deportation

Thats the way indeed.

Wannna do Allah Akbar, do it in your own country in your own people.

No need to go to other people's house and do this.
Who told you that? your media?

That is not how world works, buddy.
An old saying bro "action speaks louder than words". I do not have to rely on my media to see what's going on around us. Apart from 1-2 Muslim countries all are burning. No prize to guess why it is happening.

And my friend because the world does not work that way, this is the reason why we see so much of violence in this world and I am sorry but I do not have to tell you that which religion has become a mess because of this attitude.
Yeah right! - Do not go to Italy, Do not live in Italy - do yourself's a favor and quit blaming them for having a clean approach to a trivial matter. In fact i cant help but praise the Italians about this. I only hope this spread's worldwide. its not racism its not a race they talking about, its an ideology - get your fact's straight! Islam is a religion :crazy:

Throwing someone out for making a bad joke, is called oppression, I listed three options, you could just take your pick.
Their is no such policy listed in their law/passport or legal papers. So it is upto them to educate the people to not do it.

no, its common sense. They are guests. Our government has the duty to protect its citizen. That stands above evrything. They dont belong here and made that clear that they dont want be here. Our government acts and sends them bavk where they came from.

We are at war. Time for kindness is over.

War with whom? Jokers? You throw people out of your land because they make bad jokes?

An old saying bro "action speaks louder than words". I do not have to rely on my media to see what's going on around us. Apart from 1-2 Muslim countries all are burning. No prize to guess why it is happening.

And my friend because the world does not work that way, this is the reason why we see so much of violence in this world and I am sorry but I do not have to tell you that which religion has become a mess because of this attitude.

Ever been to UAE? Malaysia? Singapore? Oman? etc.
Heres something new, Middle east became a mess because israel - the illegal state entered the scene out of nowhere and USA is hell bent on keeping them there.
Afghanistan became destabilized because USA invaded it.
Iraq and Syria destabilized because USA invaded Iraq.
Spreading a religion does not make a mess.
There are problems in India because of radical Hindu extremists (cast system?).
What if an arab Christian goes to church and says Allah Hu Akbar? Remembering Arab Christians also call God Allah?!


BTW, Italy has every right to ban any kind of religious type of people from their country. It is their country. Their laws.
You dont have to go to such lenghts to jusify ISIS.

End of the day,the guys where deported becuase they dont deserve to live in an open society..why would someone go to others place of worship and do that if his intention was not to create trouble or religion has got into his head so much that he can be a threat to the society.

I am not justifying ISIS. But "your country your rules" (if they are extreme and biased) sounds pathetic.
This is strange as your prophet drank camel urine and recommended it for medicinal purpose.


This is Sahih hadith.
Sorry to burst you bubble, but urine is explicitly impure in Islam. Every 5 year old knows that. Quran trumps any hadith. There are incorrect hadith but the quran is infallible. Fyi.

I think I found the video of the Arabs who shouted Allahuakbar in the church!!!!!

Ever been to UAE? Malaysia? Singapore? Oman? etc.
Heres something new, Middle east became a mess because israel - the illegal state entered the scene out of nowhere and USA is hell bent on keeping them there.
Afghanistan became destabilized because USA invaded it.
Iraq and Syria destabilized because USA invaded Iraq.
Spreading a religion does not make a mess.
There are problems in India because of radical Hindu extremists (cast system?).

Nope never been to Any of these places but which one is good for those who are non Muslims apart from Malaysia and Singapore (Singapore is not even a Muslim majority country)?

Sorry but none of the Muslim majority country gives equal rights to non Muslims. The are not treated equal. They get jailed for marrying a Muslim girl or having food in open in the month of Ramadan. Do you call it equality? Still people follow their rules because they want to live and work in these country.

You may win an argument by saying that others are responsible for the mess in ME but the truth is that these countres and their law is what is responsible for all the mess there.
If we blame Mughal or British for the mess in India then its us who are fools. Fault was ours that we were busy fighting each other and they took the advantage.

And my friend I do not understand why people bring India into every thing? Have I talked about Pakistan?
I am sure I know more about my country then anyone else just like you know more about yours. We do not have anything called Hindu extremists and even if they exists then also they are much better than the Wahhabis because these Hindu extremists do not explode them self in public places killing the innocent women and kids. They just bark for a while. Even there own families does not give a shit on them.
Nope never been to Any of these places but which one is good for those who are non Muslims apart from Malaysia and Singapore (Singapore is not even a Muslim majority country)?

Sorry but none of the Muslim majority country gives equal rights to non Muslims. The are not treated equal. They get jailed for marrying a Muslim girl or having food in open in the month of Ramadan. Do you call it equality? Still people follow their rules because they want to live and work in these country.

You may win an argument by saying that others are responsible for the mess in ME but the truth is that these countres and their law is what is responsible for all the mess there.
If we blame Mughal or British for the mess in India then its us who are fools. Fault was ours that we were busy fighting each other and they took the advantage.

And my friend I do not understand why people bring India into every thing? Have I talked about Pakistan?
I am sure I know more about my country then anyone else just like you know more about yours. We do not have anything called Hindu extremists and even if they exists then also they are much better than the Wahhabis because these Hindu extremists do not explode them self in public places killing the innocent women and kids. They just bark for a while. Even there own families does not give a shit on them.

Singapore's state religion is Islam, so technically it is a Muslim country. You have to live in Singapore/Malaysia/Indonesia to find out of their treatment of Minorities. I am pretty sure your perspective will be changed. A Muslim girl's marriage with a non Muslim is illegal in Islamic Laws, we cant do anything about it other than follow it. People are allowed to eat food in Ramadan, just not in front of the people fasting, they have their places for them.

If you read about the history or Middle east, you will find there weren't any big problems over there before israel - the illegal state entered the picture. Then USA invaded Iraq and then left and shit hit the fan after that. So the biggest party responsible for the mess is USA, not middle east.

I brought Hinduism, because that is your religion -- to put things in perspective and obviously the only Hindu country I know is India. It wasn't an attack on Hinduism.

And what the heck are you talking about, they are killing people for eating beef and you are saying they are not extremists?

There is no such thing as wahabis, that is made up bs by west.
Although this is a rather extreme measure. it is worth noting that the men were trying to be rude & start shit.
thus they did deserve some form of punishment under law (that said i would have fined them 500 euros & gave them a public caning).
they have the right to practice the Islamic faith, however they must also respect the other religious communities within Italy.
Exactly we should also follow this kind of law and process.
Where in the world is it written that Prophet ever drank anything as impure as urine? You must be out of your mind to even think that from the story above.

And the general consensus on the matter is that the story about Prophet advising use of Camel urine is made up and not from Sahih Hadith.

LOL!! Read your own hadits. If you have problem, take it up with your own religion.

And that is a Shahih Hadith proven by scholars. You could not change a tenant of your religion just because you feel embarrassed by it.

Sorry to burst you bubble, but urine is explicitly impure in Islam. Every 5 year old knows that. Quran trumps any hadith. There are incorrect hadith but the quran is infallible. Fyi.

Only person living in a bubble is you and your compatriots. Muhammad drinking and recommending Camel urine as medicine is stated in Hadiths which have been proven to be true.

Saudis ,who today are alpha Muslims, do not shy away from this inconvenient fact and are conducting research (King Abdul Aziz University) on using Camel urine as a treatment of cancer, and consume so much camel urine that WHO has to put out a advisory for cessation of drinking camel urine in wake of MERS crisis.


Singapore's state religion is Islam, so technically it is a Muslim country. You have to live in Singapore/Malaysia/Indonesia to find out of their treatment of Minorities. I am pretty sure your perspective will be changed. A Muslim girl's marriage with a non Muslim is illegal in Islamic Laws, we cant do anything about it other than follow it. People are allowed to eat food in Ramadan, just not in front of the people fasting, they have their places for them.

If you read about the history or Middle east, you will find there weren't any big problems over there before israel - the illegal state entered the picture. Then USA invaded Iraq and then left and shit hit the fan after that. So the biggest party responsible for the mess is USA, not middle east.

I brought Hinduism, because that is your religion -- to put things in perspective and obviously the only Hindu country I know is India. It wasn't an attack on Hinduism.

And what the heck are you talking about, they are killing people for eating beef and you are saying they are not extremists?

There is no such thing as wahabis, that is made up bs by west.
You are not getting my point here. Please go back to my older post and see that I have clearly said that apart from 1-2 and their I was thinking about Malaysia and Indonesia only. Your post itself is contradicting to what you mean. On one hand you say that other religions have equal rights and on another you say that they can't do things because Muslim law does not permit them. And if the same rule is followed by some non Muslim countries then people start blaming them. Wow! what a logic.

I will again say that it is not USA but the head of these counties who are responsible for the mess. USA us used it for its gain.

Mere Bhai, I never blamed you for any attack on my religion. I just wanted to say that your example is wrong. 1-2 incidents does not make Indians extremists. And this is India, here if a Hindu can bully a Muslim then a Muslim can also do the same to a Hindu and so can a Sikh do to Hindu or a Muslim. Here minorities do not have to live in fear and they are treated equally. People who spread this BS are the ones who are doing it for their vote bank. At least this is one thing I do not have to tell you that how our political parties uses us for their profits.
I am a Hindu and my best fiend is a Muslim and he is treated with more respect than me in my family and I am favorite in his family.

Okay agreed they are not Wahhabis. then what kind of Islam does the likes of ISIS, Taliban and Al Qaida follows which allows them to kill innocent people?
Singapore's state religion is Islam, so technically it is a Muslim country. You have to live in Singapore/Malaysia/Indonesia to find out of their treatment of Minorities. I am pretty sure your perspective will be changed. A Muslim girl's marriage with a non Muslim is illegal in Islamic Laws, we cant do anything about it other than follow it. People are allowed to eat food in Ramadan, just not in front of the people fasting, they have their places for them.

If you read about the history or Middle east, you will find there weren't any big problems over there before israel - the illegal state entered the picture. Then USA invaded Iraq and then left and shit hit the fan after that. So the biggest party responsible for the mess is USA, not middle east.

Islamic Laws are then in conflict with basic human rights as defined in the UN charter.
Countries which are members of the UN need to follow the rules of the organisation or leave.
Blocking marriage between two people due to religion is disciminatory and a violation of human right.

Right of religious freedom does not include the right to physically attack members of other religions
or their property. It does not include the right to invade temples of other religions.
Crying out Allah hu Akbar in a Church by someone with a history of offensive behaviour
is not a joke.

The reason there were "no problems" was that most of the place was the Ottoman empire,
and the proof there were no problems was the Arab revolt...
The millions repressed and sometimes killed by the dictatorial governments in the Middle East
after WWII is of no concern to islamofascists of course.
Singapore's state religion is Islam, so technically it is a Muslim country. You have to live in Singapore/Malaysia/Indonesia to find out of their treatment of Minorities. I am pretty sure your perspective will be changed. A Muslim girl's marriage with a non Muslim is illegal in Islamic Laws, we cant do anything about it other than follow it. People are allowed to eat food in Ramadan, just not in front of the people fasting, they have their places for them.

If you read about the history or Middle east, you will find there weren't any big problems over there before israel - the illegal state entered the picture. Then USA invaded Iraq and then left and shit hit the fan after that. So the biggest party responsible for the mess is USA, not middle east.

I brought Hinduism, because that is your religion -- to put things in perspective and obviously the only Hindu country I know is India. It wasn't an attack on Hinduism.

And what the heck are you talking about, they are killing people for eating beef and you are saying they are not extremists?

There is no such thing as wahabis, that is made up bs by west.
Italy wishes to deport Muslims; fine let them even if they are their legally but at least Italy should be honest about this. In my opinion those who have power in NATO: the Judeo-Christian Zionist alliance, who wish to ban the Quran and deem it a book of terrorism.
They kicked them out for a joke, a bad joke, but still a joke.

Just thrown out of the country for making a joke.

Making a joke is called terrorism?

Throwing someone out for making a bad joke, is called oppression,

War with whom? Jokers? You throw people out of your land because they make bad jokes?

Why do you keep calling it a joke? Do you seriously think shouting Allah Hu Akbar is a joke? Please try to understand the context. There have been a series of attacks accross Europe - The paris bombings, the Brussels Bombing, Turkey Bombings, Nice Truck Attack, Stabbings etc. etc.The common factor is extremists who shout Allah Hu Akbar before carrying out the attack.

the govt is extra sensitive. They dont want the people to get hurt.

You cant make "Jokes" like this.

It is like shouting "Fire" in a crowded theater or "Hijack" in an airplane. You may have said it as a joke but it has real security implications.

You want to shout Allah hu Akbar shout it in your lands where no one will notice it or care about it. Do not shout it in other countries

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