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Italy must return marines or face consequences, says PM

This is a diplomatic strife between two soverign countries instead of contributing to the thread, your simply trolling and please stop using the term "white worship," its offensive seriously and stop blaming white people for everything geez, this is 'italian-indienne' problem. I am just saying this because trolling indienne members will not make them agree with your view point and the same applies to some chinois members scoring their chocolat points.

I hope this strife can be diplomatically settled and taking this to UN may be an option that inde government can adopt in protest and i wish good luck to both sides as also italiene argument is not that weak FYI as some members are exaggerating indienne position though I may have a slight bias.

Son, when you make a visit to the region, then come by and argue with me.
dude the chinese have a attitude problem in the real sense of the way....they seldoim realize that they are just a slave labour force for the west....the japs raped them in WW2 and they'll be raped again similarly..just by making some destroyers one doesnt just simply substitute jap experience....the pakistanis lol lets just not waste our precious time on them...time as they say is too dear and valuable

I just asked him to stopped trolling and I do agree with somewhat about your view with respect to some chinois not all members. Also pakistanaise all do not have the same view points and I think that statement may not be apopriate. While I agree Razpak kind of gets offtopic at times, he is a genuine nice person on the forums though he has to tone down the hatred. As for balance views, i personally think @Armstrong, @Hyperion, @muse present well balanced and articulated viewpoints so discussing an issue with pakistanise is not a waste of time and I think these type of forums will be able to diffuse the intense viewpoints that members of your country and pakistan share regularly. While I find the discussions get out of hand at times but through these experience a mutual respect for understanding each others view point will form eventually(may take a 100 years, Look at france and Britain or Quèbec and Upper Canada, i mean it took more than 400 years)

Son, when you make a visit to the region, then come by and argue with me.

If I get a chance, it will be a pleasure however my view point is that you should stop using terms like `white worship`as it is politically incorrect and inappropriate and may offend some of our forum members that may deem it racist.
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I just asked him to stopped trolling and I do agree with somewhat about your view with respect to some chinois not all members. Also pakistanaise all do not have the same view points and I think that statement may not be apopriate. While I agree Razpak kind of gets offtopic at times, he is a genuine nice person on the forums though he has to tone down the hatred. As for balance views, i personally think @Armstrong, @Hyperion, @muse present well balanced and articulated viewpoints so discussing an issue with pakistanise is not a waste of time and I think these type of forums will be able to diffuse the intense viewpoints that members of your country and pakistan share regularly. While I find the discussions get out of hand at times but through these experience a mutual respect for understanding each others view point will form eventually(may take a 100 years, Look at france and Britain or Quèbec and Upper Canada, i mean it took more than 400 years)

i completely agree with u ...all chinese and pakistanis are not bad at all...it is just that a few kids find trolling as a good habit......even the most rational members sometimes tend to lose balance...happens and i know
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i completely agree with u ...all chinese and pakistanis are not bad at all...it is just that a few kids find trolling as a good habit......even the most rational members sometimes tend to lose balance...happens and i know

Topic at hand, do you think the italienne are justified in their view point or do you agree with the hardliners view points that some indienne have presented against italy as retaliation.
There are two different issues here. Everyone agrees that what the Italian government has done is not acceptable but the original case itself is quite different. They were two men from the Italian military on official duty who mistakenly shot the two fishermen. In what may not even be in Indian jurisdiction. The issue blew up in Kerala because of politics. The only argument here could have been one of suitable compensation. Otherwise India risks its own troops abroad getting caught in U.N. duties or in other actions with this precedence being cited. After all, the Indian navy blew up a Thai boat which was being used as a mother ship by pirates & which might have resulted in loss of Thai lives. The GoI was caught in a bind because of the "Italian" connection with any leniency being perceived as being due to Sonia Gandhi. The GoI adopted a largely hands off policy allowing the matter to be decided in a court when it should have worked it out diplomatically.

If the SC had wrong intentions as you suggest, they could have just thrown out the case on jurisdictional matters, no point in doing something like this which makes them look bad. The Italian marines were treated differently, imo correctly because they were on official work when this incident happened & unlike other cases, would be the concern of the government that put them in that situation. This matter has now been allowed to get out of hand & now with the Italians behaving foolishly, will only go on a downward spiral from here. Pointless & unnecessarily damaging to both countries.

@Bang Galore, excellent points there, that surely makes a lot of sense, there can be an internal rift too between Kerala and the center over this.
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Topic at hand, do you think the italienne are justified in their view point or do you agree with the hardliners view points that some indienne have presented against italy as retaliation.[/QUOTE

ITALY has lied to the Supreme Court of India and that India should pursue diplomatic options as this is an international case...India should issue Red Corner notice for those two marines and declare the Italian ambassdor persona non grata .....snapping ties with Italy is naive and ignorant.....it comes out of a knee jerk reaction and not sound principles...justice equity and good conscience should prevail
I just asked him to stopped trolling and I do agree with somewhat about your view with respect to some chinois not all members. Also pakistanaise all do not have the same view points and I think that statement may not be apopriate. While I agree Razpak kind of gets offtopic at times, he is a genuine nice person on the forums though he has to tone down the hatred. As for balance views, i personally think @Armstrong, @Hyperion, @muse present well balanced and articulated viewpoints so discussing an issue with pakistanise is not a waste of time and I think these type of forums will be able to diffuse the intense viewpoints that members of your country and pakistan share regularly. While I find the discussions get out of hand at times but through these experience a mutual respect for understanding each others view point will form eventually(may take a 100 years, Look at france and Britain or Quèbec and Upper Canada, i mean it took more than 400 years)

If I get a chance, it will be a pleasure however my view point is that you should stop using terms like `white worship`as it is politically incorrect and inappropriate and may offend some of our forum members that may deem it racist.

Haha. Your ancestors were what?


Ask your g-pa about why he left UP, India.

You don't like the anti-white comments by me because you are part white.

Look at what the whites did to British India.

Looking through your own history with black and white lens will do you no good.

My people are Punjabis.

Look up what happened to us during partition, and then foolishly accuse me of blind hatred.

Son, you are disconnected from the region so much that you don't understand.

There is definitely white worship in India. You will only disagree if you have a certain bias or do not follow politics.
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Haha. Your ancestors were what?


Ask your g-pa about why he left UP, India.

You don't like the anti-white comments by me because you are part white.

Look at what the whites did to British India.

Looking through your own history with black and white lens will do you no good.

My people are Punjabis.

Look up what happened to us during partition, and then foolishly accuse me of blind hatred.

Son, you are disconnected from the region so much that you don't understand.

There is definitely white worship in India. You will only disagree if you have a certain bias or do not follow politics.

Agreed that white skin is appealing but not worshipped and agreed that Britishers ruined India and Pakistan alike and agreed we should jointly screw them and not shamelessly bicker amongst ourselves
personal attack......??????lol ....why do u guys bark against the japs ?????remember ww2

Chinese boycotted japanese products, our jets go across Japan's air dozens times every year, we stopped exporting mertieral like rare earth to them, our warships entered their water and target their ships using weapon rader, I can give dozens samples for you Indian guys to learn. If a foreigner murdered Chinese in china, he definitely will get executed. What about Indian? Your punishment of a murder caused by italian, is to let a Italian to rule your country??:omghaha: you are funny, really and I feel sorry that a country cannot and does not desire to protect her citizen, pity.

By the way, what did you do to UK? Still feel proud as a number of UK union to thank that they ruled you for 300 years? :omghaha: and this time it is Italian turn.
Haha. Your ancestors were what?


Ask your g-pa about why he left UP, India.

You don't like the anti-white comments by me because you are part white.

Look at what the whites did to British India.

Looking through your own history with black and white lens will do you no good.

My people are Punjabis.

Look up what happened to us during partition, and then foolishly accuse me of blind hatred.

Son, you are disconnected from the region so much that you don't understand.

There is definitely white worship in India. You will only disagree if you have a certain bias or do not follow politics.

This is a valid view point and I while following the international stories do not follow the stories closely and you are right that the pain of partition affected everyone deeply and I do apologize for bringing that sentiment. While White people or anglosaxon committed some horrific acts but you cannot simply do the same racism against them. I mean this an eye for an eye attitude will make world blind and this story caught my eye partially because it was a diplomatic strife though you were making it a racial based on. Raz once again, I did not intentionally want to bring the painful sentiments in the past and your right that I do have to visit to understand reality however this is a diplomatic strife between Italy and Inde, so pakistan involvement is minimum as far as government is concerned. As far as partition go, Raz I know past is hard to let go even Quèbec is still trying to keep itself in past but sometimes move ahead is a better option and in due time, the old wounds will slowly heal and trolling or insulting indienne members may not bring that satisfaction, which peace may bring to the region.
Chinese boycotted japanese products, our jets go across Japan's air dozens times every year, we stopped exporting mertieral like rare earth to them, our warships entered their water and target their ships using weapon rader, I can give dozens samples for you Indian guys to learn. If a foreigner murdered Chinese in china, he definitely will get executed. What about Indian? Your punishment of a murder caused by italian, is to let a Italian to rule your country??:omghaha: you are funny, really and I feel sorry that a country cannot and does not desire to protect her citizen, pity.

ur warships just took a tour of japanese waters like our warships took a tour of South China Sea.....what serious action did u take apart from barking ......oh im so sorry the chinese dont really have a habit of anything rather than barking
lol..really???I thought that members from any country are welcomed here to submit their opinion..
Welcome sure they r. But only civilized members rest must restrict themselves to indian forum.
ur warships just took a tour of japanese waters like our warships took a tour of South China Sea.....what serious action did u take apart from barking ......oh im so sorry the chinese dont really have a habit of anything rather than barking

At least we are doing actions unlike Indian, you guys still feel proud to be ruled by UK and be a UK union number. Now you are also number of Italian union.:omghaha:
White worshiP- A comparison


15 Feb 2012

A ship in deep waters chased by coast guard and 2 Italian marines arrested on charges of shooting local fishermen.


January 27, 2011

Raymond Davis , a CIA operative kills 2 ISI operatives in broad light in city of Lahore.


Tried under court, send to jail , subsequently in judicial custody since a year and still officially guilty under law.


Released after a month, flown out from the country, have nice flight , white master. He must be chilling with a glass of pinacolada in Hawaii now.


Paid blood money, families compensated. Life goes on.


Paid blood money, widow commits suicide,chaos.


Still exploring diplomatic, legal actions and will continue doing so.


Master shifuuuu bombing more...from above and below.

PS: In addition to the two men killed by Davis, a third Pakistani died after being struck by a vehicle carrying CIA personnel attempting to retrieve Davis after the shooting.

Nov 26, 2011

NATO comes back at border , kills 25 of PA soldiers and go back.

End of the storY.

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