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Italy, Egypt To Sign Mega Arms Deal Includes 24 Eurofighters, 24 M346 Trainers and 6 Frigates

Not being serious, but if Egyptian generals run businesses like Pakistani generals, then why don't Pakistani generals sign deals like this? Is it because FATF stops us from getting 3rd party banks to guarantee our deals?

It is because of the mindset at the top in my opinion... it was the same very military with not a very bright economic situation when we launched tender for G3 replacement, purchase pf Alcotan etc just to cite two main examples here... those same very funds were siphoned towards other places post 2016... and since then it has been a very lacklustre approach towards modernisation... it the bitter truth unfortunately...
It is because of the mindset at the top in my opinion... it was the same very military with not a very bright economic situation when we launched tender for G3 replacement, purchase pf Alcotan etc just to cite two main examples here... those same very funds were siphoned towards other places post 2016... and since then it has been a very lacklustre approach towards modernisation... it the bitter truth unfortunately...
What mindset are you talking about?
Ah come on, stop with the Gulf Money baloney. Where's the 'dislike' button? :D Just kidding.

That rumor is so old and I really think your anti-Egyptian sentiment clouds your sense of objectivity. The reason I say that is not to insult you, honestly, constructive criticism is always a good thing. The reason I said the part about the objectivity is that you're not looking deep enough (and you don't really need to spend a lot of time researching this stuff, even @The SC mentioned and linked several sources that all the contracts were financed through banking within the nations these deals have been made. Especially France & Russia approved huge amounts of financing terms which are loans from the main banks.

A lot of people who not necessarily despise Egypt but see all this incredible and super fast modernization automatically assume that the Gulf nations are paying for all this. Let me tell you, the UAE and especially Saudi Arabia would NEVER allow any money they offer to go towards weaponry purchasing like this. This has been established way back in 2013 because their primary outlook at Egypt is the Islamic way. This might be tough for some to understand, but for Muslims this is a very well known effort to help another Muslim in need and those funds were to shore up partial foreign :D reserves, to act as collateral for IMF loans and to also improve infrastructure. Those are the fields that any of the gulf money that was given is for, not purchasing weapons!

Waz, Egypt has not spent a penny on any true modernization for well over 35 years. We all know the common and weird hatred of Sisi, but he is a genius and he has modernized the entire armed forces from top and working his way to the bottom. What people are used to seeing is a "Mubarak" Egypt and so when they see this type of ultra modernization, it's automatic for them to think that they know better than these military men whom many of them actually have field experience and understand the things that ordinary people would never know anything about.

Sisi and Generals sat down in several meetings and planned out a major strategy for a "rapid" modernization. The plan was also to slowly move away from total US dependency and actually rebuild the entire military. Sisi is not some shmuck like many here label him. He was the former Director of Military Intelligence and former Minister of Defense and the General of the Egyptian armed forces.

There is so much background info that people need to understand about what is happening so it makes more sense. So when they spent quite some time planning this modernization and factoring all the counter-effects of each item, they had additional plans to cover. So plan A doesn't work, there is a plan B and I'm mentioning this to you because that factor has A LOT to do with this deal, here.
Does Egypt have Meteor on any of its platforms? AMRAAM Ds or c7s?

Also this pace of modernization is indicative of the Egyptian leaderships expectation to be in conflict with a major power in the coming years. Who does Egypt expect to fight after striking a peace deal with Israel?

Pakistan modernizes because we have India next door, Gulf countries do it because they have Iran, and so on..
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You are actully the one on something strong...

8 million tiny strip

The world doesn't function like a comicbook story.. I have also seen some other misplaced thoughts and super random mentioning of them
you're posting comic book stories here on this thread from your first post in this thread, i am sorry to say your all post makes no sense at all/illogical and haven't any commonsense
What mindset are you talking about?

the mindset or if i may rephrase it as the vision that the top leadership has for force modernisation or the goals for force development.... it has not been a priority in the last few years..
Does Egypt have Meteor on any of its platforms? AMRAAM Ds or c7s?

According to the information we have of the Rafale order, the Meteor missile was included in the weapons package but because the missile wasn't ready at the time, only the MICA IR and ER and the HAMMERs and SCALPs were delivered with the Meteor supposedly coming once the French have fully integrated it onto their aircraft first before any export. It also requires some certain upgrades in the aircraft avionics for it to perform properly.

I'm not totally convinced that India received a batch of Meteors ahead of the aircraft delivery itself. We'll need to see a valid pic of that to know for certain. The same applies to the Qatari Rafales. We're all on the waiting list.

Also this pace of modernization is indicative of the Egyptian leaderships expectation to be in conflict with a major power in the coming years. Who does Egypt expect to fight after striking a peace deal with Israel?

Not necessarily. I disagree with your assumption that the pace of the Egyptian modernization is indicative of an upcoming war. The only "battles" and "skirmishes" we've been dealing with are the terrorist cretins crossing in from Libya and the ones in norteasts Sinai, both of which have been spanked quite hard at a very high cost unfortunately and the only other thing is the possibility of doing something to the Ethiopian dam which I hope doesn't happen.

The pace is something that happened because just as I was telling @waz , there was a major plan drawn up by Sisi and the top generals of all the branches starting with the air force, the navy and personnel.

The only involvement that Israel has in all of this is that they've always had the best support from the US qualitatively and quantitatively and in order for us to reach some sort of parody, we had to go out on our own and do this. I mean, the US would never ever issue any AMRAAM to us (correction, they did give us the modernized AIM-7 Sparrow but it's not figured for fire and forget and must be constantly directed) because they know that would cut the legs off of the Israeli air force and it sucks because that only encourages the peace process to stay cold. If they made the advantage slightly in Israel's favor, that would make a much bigger difference but Israel keeps lobbying the US against any advanced weaponry to Egypt because they're afraid of us. Otherwise, if they're truly as powerful as they think they are, they wouldn't care. Neither country is interested in a 4th war and we are at peace. But that doesn't mean you don't have yourself a very capable armed forces.

Pakistan modernizes because we have India next door, Gulf countries do it because they have Iran, and so on..

Sure. We don't know someday we could have a threat develop really quickly and better to be prepared than not.
We also have a lot of valuable assets on land and particularly in sea that we need the best stuff we cab get our hands on to protect them. They make easy targets unless you have a counter weapon.
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you're posting comic book stories here on this thread from your first post in this thread, i am sorry to say your all post makes no sense at all/illogical and haven't any commonsense

I beg to differ. It is all about that large coalition looming over it as a major deterence but not something that is on the agenda accordingly or to worry about it will get fixed eventually down the line naturally. I think NATO is a formidble coalition and one must not underrate them at any cost . But despite that everyone is beatable with the right planning and approach. You need a well oiled major Coalition to confront that coalition. Not some junk coalition gathered from the streets or underequipped and it is key to avoid making unnecessary miscalculations. You need to be over-prepared and they can be undone. Everything that was said was textbook
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There is a method to this madness. As we all know this is financed by UAE and KSA, they want small numbers of different platforms for Egypt. The reason, first it would bankroll the western defence industries and secondly if Egypt falls back to the brotherhood, UAE and KSA will withhold funding and thus maintaining such diverse platforms will become unsustainable for a weak economy. The saudis and Emiratis know these platforms will be in air as long as they are paying for maintenance, and if they stop, most will be grounded. Even in a war, it will be unsustainable logistics and maintenance for so many different types of fighter jets.
There is a method to this madness. As we all know this is financed by UAE and KSA,

Lol. This post is so easy to debunk because it's written with nothing but assumptions and a huge amount of lack of knowledge. None of this is financed by either of those countries because they are not in the business of buying weapons for anyone, even their best friend Egypt. And if you actually made an effort and looked up these deals, you'll find out that they are financed by banks in France, Italy and Russia with long and very favorable terms. I hope my taking time to give you this information pays off and the silly gulf money goes to rest. Trying to help you understand a little bit.

Something else I hadn't mentioned in previous posts and @The SC can easily back this up is that for 30+ years, the Egyptian military was collecting money from so many resources and didn't spend a single penny on any significant military components and that money has accrued to a vast amount that is actually frightening!

If you make a bit of an effort and go back to my first post and answer to @waz , you'll realize that the money that was initially given by not only the UAE and Saudiya, but Bahrain and Kuwait was to help Egypt's ECONOMY, not to buy weapons. Post revolution and after Morsi lost his seat as president, Egypt was in a major financial difficulty and so the Muslim neighbors did the Muslim thing without asking for anything in return to help a long loved friend fall too deep into the whole. Rest of the explanation is in that post please take the time and read it. It's up to you to believe it or not.

they want small numbers of different platforms for Egypt.

Small number of platforms? You realize that Dassault only contract a maximum of 36 aircraft per order and that Egypt is currently negotiating for an option we have for 12 more PLUS another order of 36, possibly more if the French can agree to that?

You realize that we bought 46 possibly 50 MiG-29M/35 in one shot and when the MiG-35 is fully ready with the Zhuk-AE AESA radar, there will be another order of 50?

Su-35S once of the BEST aircraft currently flying in the world have ordered 30 for this go around and most certainly will not only increase that number, but the Su-57 is on the bools for when it's ready?

Small amounts? You saying that means you haven't even bothered to understand the strategy and just automatically think that other negativity stuff. You really should make a better effort to learn more before posting because this is way too easy to blast into the air.

The reason, first it would bankroll the western defence industries and secondly if Egypt falls back to the brotherhood, UAE and KSA will withhold funding and thus maintaining such diverse platforms will become unsustainable for a weak economy.

Weak economy? Where did you get that? Here, from the World Bank Website itself and amid the coronavirus epidemic:

According to the World Bank’s latest Macro Poverty Outlook, Egypt’s growth in Fiscal Year 2018-2019 increased to 5.6% (up from 5.3% the previous year), a rate that was sustained through the first quarter of Fiscal Year 2019-2020. Growth was driven by a macroeconomic stabilization program that was largely successful, generating a solid primary budget surplus, reducing the debt-to-GDP ratio, and replenishing reserves. Additionally, the wholesale, retail trade, agriculture, and manufacturing sectors contributed to the increase in growth.

Egypt's Economic Update — April 2020 (worldbank.org)

Too late and tired to find the IMF report which is more updated showing that the economy did much better than expected in the first quarter of 2021 and predicts and even higher growth percentage.

The saudis and Emiratis know these platforms will be in air as long as they are paying for maintenance, and if they stop, most will be grounded. Even in a war, it will be unsustainable logistics and maintenance for so many different types of fighter jets.

Always operated a slew of different jets and never had a problem with that and these more modern jets are actually easier to maintain because of how advanced they are and this regime is not only MUCH smarter than the past ones but are sharper in planning for the unexpected by having enormous amounts of stored munitions that would last a very long war and no, looool. the Gulf State (Allah ybarek fehum) don't pay for any maintenance LOL where do you come up with this stuff? Just snatch it out of the air? That hatred is really putrid, ma man.


These have been seen flying around a lot in the past few months good thing fuel price has gone down a bit otherwise the UAE will be getting a large bill LOL!


BTW, there is a recent report that 22 of the 30 of these we ordered are actually in Egypt already, Which Gulf state not only paid for this acquisition because we didn't read about the Russian bank financing this deal with long term favorable payments for Egypt, but with a 3,.600km range, which Gulf state do you suppose will foot the bill for all expenses and the massive amount of fuel each one of these planes carries because if you ever notice, the Su-35 never carries fuel tanks because of its massive fuel storage along with so many other great features? Saudiya or Kuwait? :D

We'll discuss the Navy and the billions of $ spent on all the new stealthy frigates and submarines tomorrow. Too tiered and it's getting late gotta go nappy nappy.

حلم يقترب من التحقق في سماء مصر ،، العاصفة رافال بجوار الإعصار يوروفايتر تايفون

Italian media confirmed the imminent signing of a huge arms deal between Italy and Egypt to supply Cairo with the finest weapons available to Rome, the most important of which is the Eurofighter Typhoon, which is classified as the 4 ++ generation.

According to the Italian media, the deal is in its final stage, and the two parties are preparing to sign it, and it includes in particular 24 Eurofighter Typhoon fighters for the Egyptian Air Force, which is a new and huge qualitative leap with which Egypt will enhance the capabilities of its air force.

After the fighter enters service, the Egyptian Air Force will have a terrifying air force formation that will make it a difficult number in the region and take its capabilities far after it has combined the American F-16, MiG-29 M/ M2, Su-35S Russian fighters, the French Rafale, the Mirage 2000, and the European Typhoon.

Hell awaits any hostile air force, a significant air force that will make many think more than once before confronting it.

Berghamini FREMM frigates which will dominate the Egyptian Navy for decades to come and frigates are not really useful in 2 or 3. If naval understanding is prevalent, one would realize that you need these in large numbers. Turkey has 12 Mekos IIRC I might be mistaken on that but why isn't any one biatching about them buying so many? lol. THAT, my friend, is the center of this anti Egyptian sentiment.

because of regional power Turkey needs even more stronger Navy against Russia in the Black Sea , against Greece-France-İsrael alliance in the Agean and Eastern Mediterranean

what about Egypt ? against tiny İsrael ? or against Turkey ?

now, Turkish Navy has 8 OHP and 8 MEKO-200 Frigates

Turkish Navy in near future

4 ISTIF class Frigates will replace 4 MEKO-200 Frigates between 2023 and 2026
4 MEKO-200 Frigates will be modernized ( 64x SAMs , 16x anti-ship missiles and 6x torpedos ) until 2025
7 TF-2000 class Destroyers between 2027 and 2033

8 Type-209 class Submarines
6 Type-214 class AIP Submarines between 2022 and 2027

also 4 ADA class stealth Corvettes and 22 FACs

TCG UFUK Electronic Warfare Ship in 2022
2+2 BAYRAKTAR class LST and TCG ANADOLU light Aircraft Carrier in 2022
also 1 Aircraft Carrier in 2030s

also unmanned armed Vessels and Submarines

Egyptian Navy will become the 2nd strongest Navy in the region after the Turkish Navy
( now Hellenic Navy is stronger than Egyptian Navy )
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حلم يقترب من التحقق في سماء مصر ،، العاصفة رافال بجوار الإعصار يوروفايتر تايفون

Italian media confirmed the imminent signing of a huge arms deal between Italy and Egypt to supply Cairo with the finest weapons available to Rome, the most important of which is the Eurofighter Typhoon, which is classified as the 4 ++ generation.

According to the Italian media, the deal is in its final stage, and the two parties are preparing to sign it, and it includes in particular 24 Eurofighter Typhoon fighters for the Egyptian Air Force, which is a new and huge qualitative leap with which Egypt will enhance the capabilities of its air force.

After the fighter enters service, the Egyptian Air Force will have a terrifying air force formation that will make it a difficult number in the region and take its capabilities far after it has combined the American F-16, MiG-29 M/ M2, Su-35S Russian fighters, the French Rafale, the Mirage 2000, and the European Typhoon.

Hell awaits any hostile air force, a significant air force that will make many think more than once before confronting it.

So finally we have m346
because of regional power Turkey needs even more stronger Navy against Russia in the Black Sea , against Greece-France-İsrael alliance in the Agean and Eastern Mediterranean
You forget to say combined
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