Sorry, you were right!
Just discover that PA SP Medium Regiments have 12x SP 155mm & 6x towed 130mm
That justifies the extra Regiments in IABG
But I dont like the idea of mixing SP and towed guns.
When I started in the Portuguese Army, my Brigade had 18x towed M101A1 105mm & 6x SP M109A2 155mm. It was a sh**t.
The M109 were allways stressed and the M101 were allways too late. The time required to install and move towed guns is no good for mobile warfare. Its a bad idea.
If you are or were part of artillery, you would know about rapid deployment of towed guns.
The amount of calculations done in mapping and firing is the main task; keeping in view movement of earth along its axis, gases in chamber and gases in different layers of the earth's atmosphere, the wind direction and speed at different heights from the ground, the temperature of the atmosphere and the gun (breech) etc.
and the role of FOO/FAO is even complex.
Artillery officers are a different breed of officers, they make pin point calculations and get into details of all affairs they encounter. You are very lucky if you have a junior artillery officer in your staff, as he will take care of all details for you however you will have a tough time if you have a senior artillery officer as he will want details of everything from you.
This is why the word of even a 2nd-Lt from Artillery Corps carries more weightage than that of an infantry officer, because the 2nd Lt will be speaking from calculations , his word will be based on logic from the book. He doesn't have ammunition to expend freely, every round counts and time is always of the essence.
Musharraf was an artillery officer, when handling civilian affairs like railways, irrigation etc, he would get into details of everything and then plan out a structure for solving an issue. He would start by generating history report and move on from that date wise. I am not his fan, I am just stating how an artillery officer tackles things.
The way i see your posts
@JPMM , you like going in details just like an artillery man should