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Italy delivering surplus self-propelled howitzers to Pakistan Army



Under a contract dated 30 June 2015, Pakistan Army is receiving surplus M109L self propelled howitzers from Italy since last year. The data has been collected from pak.eximtradeinfo.com website, which maintains an import database. The exporter has been reported as Leonardo Defence Systems.

Deliveries reported:

10x M109L arrived on 13 May 2017

9x M109L arrived on 27 May 2017

20x M109L arrived on 6 November 2017

26x M109L arrived on 28 March 2018

41x M109A4+ SP howitzers have arrived in Karachi on 7 December 2017. Ex Canadian army pcs donated to Pakistan.

so it mean during the period from May-2017 till March-2018 we have added 106 M109 sph
Yes, they are deployed there, and the artillery calculator AFDCD is being used, but not for the 25 Pdr for that the calc is the old FX 880, you are confusing AFDCD and AFCS
Former is a computing device and the later a control system.
The later is what you mean and NO it has not been deployed yet.

Does that mean there is a dire need for more 105mm Guns because deploying 25 pounder guns is a little medievil by today's standard! Or is it because of the QF factor they are still faster to fire than anything else out there.
Does that mean there is a dire need for more 105mm Guns because deploying 25 pounder guns is a little medievil by today's standard! Or is it because of the QF factor they are still faster to fire than anything else out there.
You make due with what you have, something is better than nothing, heck even seen some post somewhere using the 3.7 inch How.
It's not the QF factor, it just that they are there and aval and ammo is aval in excess.
so it mean during the period from May-2017 till March-2018 we have added 106 M109 sph

If that is true then with this addition we now have 115+150+106= 371 SPAs. That is like 20 regiments or roughly six brigades.

That is one SPH for every 8 KM of indian border (apart from other pieces). But artillery concentration is key and PA just added nearly two brigades worth of it.
If that is true then with this addition we now have 115+150+106= 371 SPAs. That is like 20 regiments or roughly six brigades.

That is one SPH for every 8 KM of indian border (apart from other pieces). But artillery concentration is key and PA just added nearly two brigades worth of it.

152 M109A2
115 M109A5
65 M109L + 1 M109L (arrived on 4 April 2016)
41 M109A4+

So total 374.
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Agree on later count, but how are you so sure that upgrade will be cheaper?
I guess, guns would be requiring overhaul along upgrade and the cost totally depend on the current condition of the guns.
It's an old design, Italy is replacing them with new design. If upgrade was enough, Italy would have gone for it.
IMO, Unless it's an fighter jet, buying old frames of guns with a plan to refurbish them is waste of time, money & resources.
It's like buying an old car.... same model of car can have different mileage and condition from good to worst.
So concluding that the deal is cost wise a profitable deal or not is hard to say.


Every nation has its own period of utility---after that time has passed---it looks for new items---time to write off business expense---.

Immediate delivery means that you have the product now---which means that there is a multiplier effect to your strength---.

If you order new---it takes time and extra funds---. Now you get them at 10 cents on the dollar---but with the immediate fire power of the dollar---.
That's a large amount of firepower, which boosts Pakistan's already excellent mobile artillery.



Under a contract dated 30 June 2015, Pakistan Army is receiving surplus M109L self propelled howitzers from Italy since last year. The data has been collected from pak.eximtradeinfo.com website, which maintains an import database. The exporter has been reported as Leonardo Defence Systems.

Deliveries reported:

10x M109L arrived on 13 May 2017

9x M109L arrived on 27 May 2017

20x M109L arrived on 6 November 2017

26x M109L arrived on 28 March 2018

Bro do you know how to edit wiki and update the artillery page on the Pakistan army?


I tried and increased the number to 332? Or am I wrong here? I'm not sure how to do the rest i.e. they came from Italy and the reference.
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Being 39 Cal would mean Rg around 17-18 kms on Normal Charge, 24 with Charge Super and 30 with RAP.

Website vs on ground is different, please don't ask me how I know ON ground.
Edit: 25 Pdrs using them?

It is easy to bullshit on the internet.

Every nation has its own period of utility---after that time has passed---it looks for new items---time to write off business expense---.

Immediate delivery means that you have the product now---which means that there is a multiplier effect to your strength---.

If you order new---it takes time and extra funds---. Now you get them at 10 cents on the dollar---but with the immediate fire power of the dollar---.

This part i agree, but those machines will have refurbishment cost and than upgrade cost.
Imagine of 500 man hours are spent on each machine before bringing them to service and if we estimate on average $500 /hour cost = $250'000 is only the service cost.
Required hardware would cost extra... and again i estimate only one new engine would cost $50'000 /machine.
I wonder, if it would be more clever to buy from HIT or abroad.

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