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'It was a wrong decision of Arab states to shun talks with Israel': UAE FM

Kailash Kumar

Oct 8, 2018
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UAE FM: It was a “Wrong Decision” of Arab States to Shun Talks with Israel



The foreign minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) called the Arab world’s refusal to talk to Israel a “wrong decision” and predicted growing ties between those nations and the Jewish State in the coming years, Gulf News reported Wednesday.

“Many, many years ago, when there was an Arab decision not to have contact with Israel, I think it was a very wrong decision. Looking back, clearly, you have to [differentiate] between having a political issue and keeping your lines of communication open,” Dr. Anwar Gargash, UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, said at the Ideas Abu Dhabi Forum. “This has not resolved the issue but complicated it.

“We will see more contact with Israel by various Arab countries in the next few years, like a small cyber deal here or an agricultural deal there or a visit by the [Israeli] Prime Minister,” the minister predicted.

Additionally, Gargash called for there to progress “on the peace front” between Israel and the Palestinians.

In November of last year, Gargash slammed Hamas, the terrorist group that exercises complete political and military control over the Gaza Strip, for allying with Iran.

“Hamas’s solidarity with the Iranian government does not take into consideration the Gulf and Arab anxiety over Tehran’s regional interference,” Gargash wrote on Twitter at the time. “It is unnecessary. It pushes the Palestinian issue into a maze and confirms the opinion that the movement, in its orientation, is nothing more than an Iranian regional tool.”

A spokesman for Hamas, Sami Abu Zuhri, later attacked the UAE for their “abnormal” comments and criticized them for hosting Israeli officials in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Zuhri’s comment was a reference to the presence of an Israeli judo team in Abu Dhabi last October. While visiting for the competition, Israel’s culture and sports minister, Miri Regev, paid a historic visit to the UAE, along with the team. Additionally, in a moving ceremony, Israel’s national anthem – Hatikvah – was played for the first time in the UAE after the Israeli team took gold. The minister also toured the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi, where she signed the guest book in Hebrew.

Earlier this month, at Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union (APU), the UAE, along with Egypt and Saudi Arabia, rejected text opposing normalization with Israel in a statement issued by the group.

Day is not far we will offically recognize Israel. Inshallah..!

Saudi arabia is Also very close to it. Just few centimetres away for formal relationship.

"Pakistan Israel Bhai bhai "

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Pak should establish diplomatic relationship with is - - - - - - - :D to get leverage on many others
Pakistan has choice whether it wants to be the leader at the vanguard or the sheep in the herd that follows. Unfortuntely Pakistan is destined to be the sheep in the herd because way too many Pakistan mix religion with international politics or should I say selectively do. The fact is once Israel is recognized by UAE and Saudia Arabia which is only matter of time [they will do so because they can't afford not to] then Pakistan will follow in their wake. The head [KSA/UAE] will wagg the tail [Pakistan].

"Pakistan Israel Bhai bhai "
Don't say that. It would put the fear into Ganga India more then a Shaheen V nuclear tipped missile.
Pakistan has choice whether it wants to be the leader at the vanguard or the sheep in the herd that follows. Unfortuntely Pakistan is destined to be the sheep in the herd because way too many Pakistan mix religion with international politics or should I say selectively do. The fact is once Israel is recognized by UAE and Saudia Arabia which is only matter of time [they will do so because they can't afford not to] then Pakistan will follow in their wake. The head [KSA/UAE] will wagg the tail [Pakistan].

As much as I despise the ((Koshers)) and the irelevent Arab Balis who did nothing but use money from Muslims world to fill their pockets for priviate Jets and Coke bottling factories I still oppose any Pak-Israeli relations but I think we should tone down the heated rhetoric and make our countrymen understand we have other problems to deal with PAKISTAN FIRST

UAE and Saudia Arabia which is only matter of time [they will do so because they can't afford not to] then Pakistan will follow in their wake. The head [KSA/UAE] will wagg the tail [/QUOTE]

The Gulf Arabs are just sheep that will be milked thats what everyone is doing to them right now the days of Arab shiekhs using the "petro-Arab" lottery is over
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Day is not far we will offically recognize Israel. Inshallah..!

Saudi arabia is Also very close to it. Just few centimetres away for formal relationship.

"Pakistan Israel Bhai bhai "

View attachment 549978

After they tried hitting us with india last month????

Nah nah man...

We have got to get ready for some revenge, what they tried to do last month was intolerable
The Palestinian cause is lost.

But we should recognize Israel only after two state solution is done.

Heck even Trump accepts Golan Heights as part of Israel now.

Because of the Arab's stupidity they are in this mess.

It is too late, that is the penalty for losing wars.
The Palestinian cause is lost.

But we should recognize Israel only after two state solution is done.

Its only just beginning

There are more Palestinians today then at any point in the last 50 years and the population in and around israel will only rise

The only possible reason I would say a detente with Israel may be advantageous is that it could shackle israel through diplomacy what useless arabs couldn't do militarily

On a whole number of issues a diplomatic thaw would box israel in

Even recent actions in gaza have been limited as not to try and scupper growing alliances or turn arab public opinion

The Palestinian population will indeed keep rising and over time its their biggest weapon

Because they attacked us last month

We owe some payback

Dude I rather have good relations with Yankee that with ((Koshers)), any country is fine to have decent relations with but ((Koshers)) are nation wreckers tbh

Its only just beginning

There are more Palestinians today then at any point in the last 50 years and the population in and around israel will only rise

The only possible reason I would say a detente with Israel may be advantageous is that it could shackle israel through diplomacy what useless arabs couldn't do militarily

On a whole number of issues a diplomatic thaw would box israel in

Even recent actions in gaza have been limited as not to try and scupper growing alliances or turn arab public opinion

The Palestinian population will indeed keep rising and over time its their biggest weapon

Because they attacked us last month

We owe some payback

Nah its too late even is the "Balis" increase in population the ((Koshers)) will come with something new and try to enocourage the Mirzahi Jews to produce more and they are producing more than any other Jewish group in Israel
Dude I rather have good relations with Yankee that with ((Koshers)), any country is fine to have decent relations wit but ((Koshers)) are nation wreckers tbh

Jews have always been like that

Historically when nations/people caught on to the jew games

It resulted in the various pogroms and eventually the holocaust

When I was young I didnt understand why so many through history hated jews, only when you learn aa a adult do you really understand their ways
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