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It looks like Iran is ready to start bombing its fake aircraft carrier again


Feb 9, 2019
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Russian Federation
I hope Iran will use Persian-Gulf anti-ship ballistic missile to sink this fake aircraft carrier in order to scare Americans....

It looks like Iran is ready to start bombing its fake aircraft carrier again


Iran has a fake aircraft carrier. The vessel sat damaged for years, but it appears to be back in action, meaning it's time for the country's armed forces to start trying to sink it again.

Satellite images provided to Insider by Planet Labs and first reported by Defense One show that Iran appears to have completed or be close to completing repairs on its mock flattop, a painted barge resembling a US Navy Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, after damaging it during target practice in 2015.

Iran first started constructing a mock-up of a US aircraft carrier in 2014, CNN reported at the time, citing satellite photos of the work being done at the port of Bandar Abbas. The purpose of the carrier construction project was not immediately clear.

Following the CNN report, Rear Adm. Ali Fadavi, who was then commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps naval forces, revealed the point of the replica carrier.

"We have been making and sinking replicas of US destroyers, frigates, and warships for long years," he told Iranian media. "We practice the same drills on replica aircraft carriers because sinking and destroying US warships has, is, and will be on our agenda."

In February the following year, Iran announced that it had destroyed a mock aircraft carrier during the Payambar-e Azam 9 (The Great Prophet 9) war games in the Persian Gulf, where US carriers have routinely sailed for years in shows of force.

Iranian media said that the ship was destroyed by rockets fired from "tens of IRGC speedboats." The fake flattop was also struck by IRGC cruise and ballistic missiles, the report said.

The mock carrier was not actually destroyed, but it was damaged. It remained in such a state for years until Iran began actively working to repair it last fall amid heightened tensions with the US, which had deployed the USS Abraham Lincoln and thousands of additional troops to the US Central Command area of responsibility to confront Iran.

In October, one month before construction began, Defense One reported Brig. Gen. Amirali Hajizadeh, the head of Iran's IRGC Aerospace Force, threatened US bases and carriers.

"Everybody should know that all American bases and their aircraft carriers in a distance of up to 2,000 kilometers around Iran are within the range of our missiles," he said.

Hajizadeh's forces were recently involved in a missile strike on US and coalition forces in Iraq in the wake of a US drone strike the killed Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani.

Bryan Clark, a defense expert and former US Navy officer, told Defense One that the mock-up could be used for major exercises in the spring, adding that Iran could use the fake flattop for cruise-missile strikes, small-boat attacks, and drone strikes.
The source is a bit iffy... but I wouldn't be surprised if the mullahs did another "sinking" show for internal consumption.
What did it cost make this fake carrier ?
The source is a bit iffy... but I wouldn't be surprised if the mullahs did another "sinking" show for internal consumption.

So every-time Iran is testing its weapons etc it must be for "internal consumption". If you don't have anything constructive to post, refrain from wasting thread space.
At least when this thing is sunken , it will house many Fishes and other sea creatures :)
I guess the biggest gift india gave to iran is bollywood. Now it seems all those videos of iranian drones over American ships were fake. I guess they already have a trove of videos of sinking American ships, all fake but good for brain dead fanboys.
If Iran is so super power why not take on Indian naval carrier.

Why did Iran build this fake carrier? Just out of curiousity.

Same reason any military builds mock ups, it is to test combat preparedness and accuracy of speed boat tactics.

US special forces are well known to train in fake towns/villages similar to ones they will run an operation in.

At least when this thing is sunken , it will house many Fishes and other sea creatures :)

It’s a barge. It is designed to not sink.
So the Iranian Navy has a carrier, a WWII carrier with the flat top of a modern carrier. 8-)

You could make some zeros for the deck and put the carrier into use. :enjoy:

Bomb Togo and Benin. :rofl:
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