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It is confirmed big oil reserved near the delta of Sindh probably bigger than Kuwait's reserves.

I'm 99.9998% certain this is untrue or heavily misconstrued and misrepresented by the Pak Gov't.

However ... if by combining what oil, gas and coal reserves we have we can substitute 99% of our imports, I would be very, very pleased. This would be a huge savings to our foreign/hard-currency and at least provide us with some energy independence.
@Ishq Dewana

Thank God it’s not near Iran border. Or else those pesky Indians over in Chabahar would’ve stole our oil.

No problems, it is in Sindh, close to Gujarat border, we will insert a small pipe from Gujarat to oil fields and suck out all the oil. As Kaptaan sahib (@Indus Pakistan) himself says this is all Hindu/Indra/Indus oil and belongs to us anyways.

I think since May 29 exxon started, dug 80 holes and had 40% success rate of discovering oil or gas.

Exxon signed Contract on May 28, 2018 and started drilling the very next day.

In two and a half months they drilled 80 wells and had 40% success rate.

This is where I stopped. Not possible.

Exxon mobil has been awarded 25% working interest in an offshore block. Drilling is expected to start next year.
Exxon signed Contract on May 28, 2018 and started drilling the very next day.

In two and a half months they drilled 80 wells and had 40% success rate.

This is where I stopped. Not possible.

Exxon mobil has been awarded 25% working interest in an offshore block. Drilling is expected to start next year.

You are correct must have added ENI has dug the holes. Which is already working in Pakistan Exxon is now partner in that company.
I'm 99.9998% certain this is untrue or heavily misconstrued and misrepresented by the Pak Gov't.

However ... if by combining what oil, gas and coal reserves we have we can substitute 99% of our imports, I would be very, very pleased. This would be a huge savings to our foreign/hard-currency and at least provide us with some energy independence.

India is doing real progress on ground, pakistan doing every year announcements like biggest coal reserve,oil etc
when india itself world's 2nd biggest coal producer..Better pakistan conc about reality, than announcements...

@Reichsmarschall @somebozo @Path-Finder @Proudpakistaniguy @Indus Pakistan @Indus Priest King @Maarkhoor @niaz @Jaanbaz @Areesh @DANCING GIRL @Kami leone @Path-Finder
Pakistan worried about Indian port in Iran every now and then, as it can compete pakistani ports in the region.
As india world's 3rd largest oil consuming country, while pakistan one of the bottom in the ranking has no worries ?


Pakistan can co-operate with India in oil sector, since....

India Will Lead Global Oil Demand By 2035

Oil market participants and analysts have been closely watching the record level of supply coming out of the United States that is threatening to undo OPEC’s production cuts. But in the latter part of 2017 and early in 2018, robust oil demand growth — both in emerging markets and OECD economies — has supported oil prices as much as the cartel’s production restraint and the weakening U.S. dollar.

Traditionally, all eyes have been fixated on China and the pace of its oil demand and imports growth, but lately India has grabbed global attention after its oil imports rose to record highs amid strong economic growth and fuel demand. Projections of India’s long-term energy and oil consumption are also optimistic, and India is already a major oil demand growth driver.

In China, January crude oil imports jumped to a new record of 9.57 million bpd, but forecasts of slower GDP growth are making analysts wary of overly optimistic projections. China’s crude oil demand growth could slow down this year to 4.2 percent from 5.5 percent last year, according to S&P Platts analysts.

In India, high refinery runs and expanding refining capacity amid a strong recovery in demand pushed crude oil imports to a record 4.93 million bpd in January 2018, up by double digits compared to both December 2017 and January 2017, according to data compiled by Thomson Reuters Oil Research & Forecasts.

India’s energy consumption is expected to grow the fastest among all major economies by 2035, according to the BP Energy Outlook from 2017. Energy consumption in transportation is seen rising by 5.8 percent per year and oil will still be the dominant fuel source with a 93-percent market share in 2035, BP said. By 2030, India will overtake China as the largest growth market for energy in volume terms, according to the UK oil supermajor.

Economic growth in India is also expected to be strong over the next few years, supporting fuel consumption as a growing number of the huge population enter a higher-income slot and buy their first cars.

According to Fitch Ratings, demographic factors and investment rates will place India’s GDP growth over the next five years at the top among the ten largest emerging markets covered in the rating agency’s forecasts. India’s projected potential economic growth is 6.7 percent annually, with China and Indonesia following with projected potential growth of 5.5 percent per year each.


Take action against this guy.

This delusional bharati scum is posting irrelevant and off topic sh!t about his shithole on this thread

@waz @WAJsal @The Eagle @Oscar
India is doing real progress on ground, pakistan doing every year announcements like biggest coal reserve,oil etc
when india itself world's 2nd biggest coal producer..Better pakistan conc about reality, than announcements...

@Reichsmarschall @somebozo @Path-Finder @Proudpakistaniguy @Indus Pakistan @Indus Priest King @Maarkhoor @niaz @Jaanbaz @Areesh @DANCING GIRL @Kami leone @Path-Finder
@Horus @WebMaster @Slav Defence @waz
I told this guy many times don't tag me but this guy is trolling me and others continuously Kindly I request you do warn him.
If oil is discovered in large enough to rival an Opec nation, Pakistan can not afford to think of it as anything other than a bailout from Allah SWT. We must use the money to stabilize our economy, our currency, and our governance. We should continue with the reforms to the civil service, our state owned enterprises, and our tax collection plans. we should push for lowering subsidies and focus on making our production, be it agricultural or industrial efficient and competitive in the global marketplace. we should not just go on a massive building spree, at least for a decade, so we can kiss the IMF goodbye, and Pay off our $65 Billion external debt by using the oil as collateral to refinance to a lower rate and paying over 10% interest instead of under 4%.

We are like a drug-addict in serious need of rehab.
If oil is discovered in large enough to rival an Opec nation, Pakistan can not afford to think of it as anything other than a bailout from Allah SWT. We must use the money to stabilize our economy, our currency, and our governance. We should continue with the reforms to the civil service, our state owned enterprises, and our tax collection plans. we should push for lowering subsidies and focus on making our production, be it agricultural or industrial efficient and competitive in the global marketplace. we should not just go on a massive building spree, at least for a decade, so we can kiss the IMF goodbye, and Pay off our $65 Billion external debt by using the oil as collateral to refinance to a lower rate and paying over 10% interest instead of under 4%.

We are like a drug-addict in serious need of rehab.


In case you Have doubts , look for any profit earning government entity and see where the profits go and How it is spent.
We also have/had this kind of News. Best of Luck!:enjoy:

Lets see how the news develops. I have been reading up on your off shore oil and gas discoveries in recent days to gain an insight in how it has been done in the region. Particularly the geology surrounding the Krishna Godavari field off of Andhra Pradesh. Interesting scientific papers on how hydrocarbons are actually discovered. Any insight into how the resources were preliminary surveyed. Did the Indian government survey their seabed in general and direct foreign or their own Oil and gas companies to drill exploratory wells in specific areas or leave it all up to the companies?
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