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'It is a historic day': Pakistan becomes full member of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation at Astana

lets use this platform to solve our disputes with neighbors and work together to fight poverty .
I doubt our neighbours share the same views ... they are more inclined to achieve reginal supermacy by bullying other smaller nations like they are bullying nepal, sirilanka and bangladesh
Ah, my Pak Brothers,

Pak was always part of SCO... it is just now official.

Good place to be...when it is official.

What Pak must now focus is to raise gold reserves... more than enough yellow metal sleeping under the soil of Lands of Pak... just don't let it looted!

Dig it up...and store it wisely...

SCO is all about Gold Resrves Landscape... part of new economic model.

Anyhow, now it is time to open CPEC offices in Russia and all the Stans... let them come with investments and factories.

The Rise of Pak is unstoppable!
@Sinopakfriend do Modi had the power to stop Pakistan from becoming full member of SCO??

No, my friend.

Such fantasies only exist in the indian public's, indian posters' and indian media's mind...

Mr. Modi is the Great Leader indians have been waiting for.... but he is only Great Leader in india... rest is selfies.

We should not burden ourselves with our indian friends or their claims.

Our focus must be CPEC and moving Westwards... the natural place for Pak.. historically, culturally and economically.

It is bad manners to wake up someone while having sweet dreams... so, kindly, let our indian friends dream sweet dreams.
No, my friend.

Such fantasies only exist in the indian public's, indian posters' and indian media's mind...

Mr. Modi is the Great Leader indians have been waiting for.... but he is only Great Leader in india... rest is selfies.

We should not burden ourselves with our indian friends or their claims.

Our focus must be CPEC and moving Westwards... the natural place for Pak.. historically, culturally and economically.

It is bad manners to wake up someone while having sweet dreams... so, kindly, let our indian friends dream sweet dreams.
thanks for making it clear for everyone
Now we should utilize this membership and work with top Russian and Chinese industries to construct Industrial Zones near CPEC routes. Pakistan cannot take anything from routes and roads without giving jobs to its jobless skilled labor and learned graduates.

These decisions should be taken in few months with the leadership of country putting their fingers on the throats of bureaucrats. Bring the drilling equipment, use own oil, gas and coal for power production. Pakistanis are sending billions of dollars from abroad every year. I don't know why we are not importing machinery to exploit our natual resources. We cannot get anything from thousands of CPECs if we are not going to work on our own potentials. Chinese can give us a strong say in the world, they can pay us the fees for using the route but in the end we have to give a direction to the people of Pakistan for hardwork and build the country.
What is the purpose of this organization ? benefits ? anything ? or just HO HA HEE ?
This is the future as per many analysts sir. Look at the member states, all are economic powers or countries mentioned as the ones with potential of being economic powers in next decade or two. Focus is shifting from Europe,
The only misfits is India in this circle, what the freak need to join this? Not playing cricket running away chaddi in kabbadi coz so called " terrorism spencer state " sitting with same in other table. Hypocrites and cowards.

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