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ISRO's new 'monster rocket'

Can some knowledgable chap please take some time to explain to me how this is a monster rocket?
Especially when NASA had built a rocket 5 times as big as this 40 years ago.
:D This isn't...but you know the way our media reports everything.....
But it sure is a large step to a real monster rocket.....:azn:
:D This isn't...but you know the way our media reports everything.....
But it sure is a large step to a real monster rocket.....:azn:
That [moster] will still take about atleast 15 more years and we will then be a full 60 years behind NASA [in creating large rockets].
^^ on a serious note, remember that the enormous size of US budget and then consider our budget which is fraction of it and remember we are eons behind them when it comes to space and rocket tech
Only in stories:P

shub shub bolo yaar shub shub bolo!!:bunny:

^^ on a serious note, remember that the enormous size of US budget and then consider our budget which is fraction of it and remember we are eons behind them when it comes to space and rocket tech

perhaps the soviets can help us to fill in our lack of experience gap on this sector( i know that they already helping us with joint missions like chandrayaan-2,etc are but i want a bit more co-operation)...what say???
That [moster] will still take about atleast 15 more years and we will then be a full 60 years behind NASA [in creating large rockets].

Try to appreciate good things in life. ISRO is not competing with NASA. Its doing what is required to fullfill the future needs of this country. Its not a show off like the cold war.
That [moster] will still take about atleast 15 more years and we will then be a full 60 years behind NASA [in creating large rockets].

Please go through my previous posts once.

As per the rule of thumb, the initial step is the hardest and from there its easiest.

Good example of this theory is how DRDO achieved as many milestones with its missile developments.

Also, if you look at the time frame needed to develop PSLV to that of GSLV-MKIII, its a surprise....ain`t it? :D

I am under the strong belief that post 2012, the rocket development will be on high-speed track just like missile development of DRDO.

For ISRO till now, manpower crunch hit it the most.Now that the attrition rate went down soooooooo significantly, they can pledge as many PL for different projects.

Also we cant compare ourself to US/Russia. the situation at those times is different to today.We are not engaged ina cold war with any other nation.And India is still thriving to give much importance to science and technology,thereby spending that large chunks of money on S&T.

Agree we will be late by 60 years.But we go by our own needs and not in a cold war with any one :P

Even if we go by the conservative estimates, Saturn V Launch Price is $431.000 million in 1967($2.5billion if built today) compared to that of HLV by ISRO at ~9000 crore rupee(est cost once developed ) which is ~$180million(todays exchange rate).ITs a factor of 14.

And realise that ISRO is doing all this with a budget of 6715crore(2012-2013)~$1.3billion compared to that of NASA$20 billion(2011).

There is no comparison even at a minute scale between these two organizations and their expansionist views.
Can some knowledgable chap please take some time to explain to me how this is a monster rocket?
Especially when NASA had built a rocket 5 times as big as this 40 years ago.

:D This isn't...but you know the way our media reports everything.....
But it sure is a large step to a real monster rocket.....:azn:

Thats right... The media is overhyping the GSLV Mk3. At best GSLV Mk3 can considered a medium lift space rocket and not in the heavy lift category. Saturn V rocket which put man on the moon in the NASA Apollo moon mission weighed over 3000tons and could carry 120Tons to LEO. In comparison GSLV Mk3 is around 650Tons and can lift about 10Tons to LEO. The Americans, Russians, Europeans and Chinese have much heavier rockets.
Still GSLV Mk3 will be a great technological achievement which very few countries in the world have mastered. A rocket of this size is extremely complicated and technologically advanced machine and making it a success will require making a thousands of different parts and components to work with 100% reliability. Its a great achievement all Indians can be proud of, but we should not over estimate ourselves.
Way to go ISRO. :tup:

But we have to spend millions buying bullets for the guns too now.

Just like American outsource phone calls to India. lol

But we build ICBM, BMD, aircraft carrier, nuclear submarine. Did you forget hem really? lol
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