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ISRO's new 'monster rocket'

....and we can't even make a gun for our army

This is more about the lack of long term-perspective and strategy and will rather than the lack of technology.

There is a solution to every existing problem, sometimes its expensive and time consuming,but ultimately we will get the answer.

In Indian case, the Rajiv gandu spoiled the party. And the other half due to the non-commitment by the forces.

IFG,Indian field gun fares really well in the mountainous terrain with a solid range of 17km given its just 105mm.It was optimised for air transport due to the use of high alloy content to lessen the weight which brings the whole thing down to 2,380 kg while in action.And the gun development ended with this mere 105mm, no more interest in Indian developed weapons due to lack of commissions.If its a foreign mall, the middle men will get benifited as is understood by Bofors saaga.

Development of an improved howitzer aint a big deal,since India has matured a lot in metallurgy.Arjun gun was developed from scratch for eg.

IF we buy weapons from indian vendors, it hurts the middle men and brokers.So they do their best to scuttle any project or program.

Anyways and some good new again from the cryogenic front :D

ISRO to test indigenous cryogenic engine today
Two more, including 1,000-second endurance, tests in coming months: ISRO chief

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) will put its cryogenic engine to an acceptance test on Saturday at a special facility at the Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre at Mahendragiri in Tamil Nadu, ISRO chief K. Radhakrishnan has said.

Mr. Radhakrishnan had said earlier that they were confident of using an indigenous cryogenic engine to propel a Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) by September.

The GSLV would undergo two more tests, including an endurance test of 1,000 seconds, at the same place in the next few months.

Mr. Radhakrishnan was speaking at the 40-year celebrations of the ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC), where former directors reminisced about the inception of the centre and its initial days, during which it functioned out of a modest shed in Peenya.

“Whenever someone in the country tunes into a television set, makes an STD call or withdraws money from an ATM, there is an element of ISAC behind it,” said T.K. Alex, director of ISAC.

Whether forewarning about cyclones, forecasting the monsoon or identifying natural resources, the 60-odd satellites produced in the last four decades had served the nation with distinction, Mr. Alex said.

Among the satellites slated for launch is a six-tonne satellite that would have between 48 and 60 transponders, said Mr. Alex. It could, however take them up to three years to complete the project.

The success of this is relevant to the success of C-25 for MKIII.
....and we can't even make a gun for our army
Thats a lame attempt at trolling.
Even US doesn't make 100% of the things it needs, infact on the contrary, it outsources all those things which they feel is not of much value addition. Just because they import a lot of toys form China, it doesn't mean they cannot do it themselves.
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